whats wrong w/ america?!


Active Member
well out of 62 people posted so far we have only a handful of issues, not bad for a country so whacked by world standards huh...tobin


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
well, popular topic eh?
Pay attention here. This should be taught to every 8yr old. Economics is misunderstood by WAAYYY too many voters. Our kids are left out when it comes to teaching "real world" issues that they will each face.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
Pay attention here. This should be taught to every 8yr old. Economics is misunderstood by WAAYYY too many voters. Our kids are left out when it comes to teaching "real world" issues that they will each face.
u claimin im 8?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
u claimin im 8?
Nope, just that you should have been taught basic world economics 5-6 yrs ago when you were 8. I graduated high school without a single economics class. Learned it on my own the hard way. I am taking steps to ensure that my kids are not left in the dark.
I was just letting you know that I care enough about our nation's youth to remind you to learn all you can and question everything.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
Nope, just that you should have been taught basic world economics 5-6 yrs ago when you were 8. I graduated high school without a single economics class. Learned it on my own the hard way. I am taking steps to ensure that my kids are not left in the dark.
I was just letting you know that I care enough about our nation's youth to remind you to learn all you can and question everything.
Im taking economics now in my senior year of highschool and I dont think I would have been able to handle it when I was 8. I think even middle school would be pushing it. Its a mandatory credit here in NY. Makes sense to me because we cant vote until we take it. (most turn 18 in their senior year if not later)


Active Member
I suppose that may have come across alittle strong, but my youngest daughter would understand an introduction to basics of how money works and cycles.
Ooh, ooh!!!
I have announcement!!
I can't beleive I didn't start a thread about this!
We just received a letter yesterday that our youngest daughter passed her RAVEN test and will be permitted to participate in the GATE program! (Gifted And Talented Education)
We let her choose the restaurant to celebrate. Chinese as usual.


Active Member
What's wrong with America? Maybe what is wrong is that people think that something needs to be wrong. I personally think everything is as it should be. I suppose things could be better and they could be worse but they aren't. If you don't like something change it. If you are not willing to do what is required to change it then accept it. If you will not change it or accept it than I imagine you will have an unhappy life.


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
reverse racism is another thing, let a white person try to start a television network called WITE to compete with BET or a whites only scholarship fund or have white history month, i am not racist but they want me to feel guilty about their history, not happening i did not do this, none of us have, i see it now as affirmative action, because of them attempting to force me to feel guilty for my great great great grandfathers life...tobin
there have been many racist and ignorant responses in this thread such the comments about the rainbow tribe and this one above. These things that exist that you mentioned above is not reverse racism. I am not calling you a racist but your views are not well thought out. Black and minorities have been exluded from all aspects of white america...these thing exist to have programming and opportunity for blacks and hispanics who rarely see themselves on network tv. NBC is WITE and pretty much all the channels on television have been targeted toward a white audiences. BET/Telemundo is not meant to exlude white people, it is meant for people of other races to see themselves and have programming that they want to see. Hollywood doesn't give black actors the same opportunities because the larger majority is not going to support it. This is the same for Black universities and scholarships. These were set up because colleges in the south did not accept blacks.
And with history, this was set up because blacks and their achievments were largely written out of the history books. I don't want you to feel guilty for what your great.....grandfather or whatever did... just realize that you and the generations after benefited from slavery.
Oh and white women are the greatest benefactors of affirmitive action.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
there have been many racist and ignorant responses in this thread such the comments about the rainbow tribe and this one above. These things that exist that you mentioned above is not reverse racism. I am not calling you a racist but your views are not well thought out. Black and minorities have been exluded from all aspects of white america...these thing exist to have programming and opportunity for blacks and hispanics who rarely see themselves on network tv. NBC is WITE and pretty much all the channels on television have been targeted toward a white audiences. BET/Telemundo is not meant to exlude white people, it is meant for people of other races to see themselves and have programming that they want to see. Hollywood doesn't give black actors the same opportunities because the larger majority is not going to support it. This is the same for Black universities and scholarships. These were set up because colleges in the south did not accept blacks.
And with history, this was set up because blacks and their achievments were largely written out of the history books. I don't want you to feel guilty for what your great.....grandfather or whatever did... just realize that you and the generations after benefited from slavery.
Oh and white women are the greatest benefactors of affirmitive action.
what seasalt101 said may not SOUND good, but it's a valid point. you say that blacks and minorities have been excluded from "white America". for one thing, that term is racist. but I would like to hear how blacks and minorities have been exluded????
BET is setup pretty much as a version of MTV for black people. only problem with that is that MTV almost exclusively plays hip hop music, so what is the need for BET? you also said that BET doesn't set out to exclude whites. explain? how many music videos by white artists has BET shown in their show's history?
secondly, you said "NBC is WITE". hmmmm, NBC had a show about a black family called "The Cosby Show" that was the number one show TWENTY YEARS AGO. so what proof to you have to explain your accusation? even before that, there was "Good Times", "The Jeffersons", "Sanford and Son" etc etc. I can easily name off 15 sit-coms who are primarily geared towards black people and at least that many drama where primary characters are black.
you said Hollywood exludes black actors. hmmm, I believe that's another statement you can't back up. there are many hit movies geared only toward black people. black people make up about 15% of the US population, right? I can guarantee that more than 15% of highly successful actors are black. I can even think of one Denzel Washington movie that was based on a true story, but the true person's race was changed to black so that Washington could play the part.
so instead of making a blanket statement about how you are excluded from "white America", I would like to hear you back your statement up. I do, however, agree with you for the most part on black colleges and scholarships.


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Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Pontius, tomorrow when I get more time we can pick up where we left off....
well, before we do though, I'd like to say that as with all or most controversial issues, I think the truth probably generally lies somewhere in the middle. I certainly don't think all 20 million (or however many there are) are doing terrible damage to this country. but many are and the problem has got to be fixed. I also don't think that any border fence or any new law is going to be enforced unless our govt changes the way they think currently. all the politicians have ulterior motives for doing what they do.


Lately it seems like the word "racist" has become the fashionable statement to call somebody when you disagree with them. Does this make God a racist if you disagree with what happens to you? Where does personal responsibility come in?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
there have been many racist and ignorant responses in this thread such the comments about the rainbow tribe and this one above. These things that exist that you mentioned above is not reverse racism. I am not calling you a racist but your views are not well thought out. Black and minorities have been exluded from all aspects of white america...these thing exist to have programming and opportunity for blacks and hispanics who rarely see themselves on network tv. NBC is WITE and pretty much all the channels on television have been targeted toward a white audiences. BET/Telemundo is not meant to exlude white people, it is meant for people of other races to see themselves and have programming that they want to see. Hollywood doesn't give black actors the same opportunities because the larger majority is not going to support it. This is the same for Black universities and scholarships. These were set up because colleges in the south did not accept blacks.
And with history, this was set up because blacks and their achievments were largely written out of the history books. I don't want you to feel guilty for what your great.....grandfather or whatever did... just realize that you and the generations after benefited from slavery.
Oh and white women are the greatest benefactors of affirmitive action.
well let's start off in sports majority black, new entertainers over the last 20 year's about 75% black (rap, hip hop) let's see will smith not given the same opportunities hmmm samuel l jackson denzel washington, forrest whitaker, morgan freeman, all these people are freakin rich and given plenty of opportunity, and they(the black race) have benefitted the most from slavery by being in this country now we can't change the past, but we can drop the race card that is long overdue, and white women being the biggest benefactors well maybe, just maybe they applied themselves more, and the comment about the rainbow tribes was a label that cnn applied not jennyhebugg and her point was to adopt americans first not the rest of the world...tobin


Active Member
i just want to clarify that an african tribe sold out other african tribes to slavery so itsnot what my great great grandfather did to african americans its what african americans did to themselves. ant how at this point i still say we open up the border , throw a couple walmarts and mcdonals over there, get rid of the paso and let everone be an american.that way theu can all stay there or shoot ill move there mexico is beautiful

darthtang aw

Active Member
Pontius, I agree, the answer lies somewhere in the middle. I had more statistics for you regarding the economy and the strain, however I feel they are a moot point. We both agree on one fundamental thing, they broke the law by entering the country illegally in the first place. This new proposal will not change anything and just entice more to coome here illegally.With that said we aren't to far from the same point of view we are just looking at it from a different angle. Bottomline, they broke the law.
Now to the other side of the discussion this thread has take.
African Frenchman
African Englishman
African German
Latino German
Latino Frenchman
Latino Englishman
Spanish German
Spanish Englishman
Spanish Frenchman
Caucasian German
Caucasian Englishman
Caucasian Frenchman
These terms are NOT used in Europe when dicerning citizens. The europeans do not feel the need to apply a race label before their country nationality.
Yet, we do. Why? It signifies nothing. If you are an American, you are American. Why do we feel the need to incorporate race into our citizenship as if it furthers a difference in the fact a person is a black american or a mexican american or caucasian american. Is there a difference?

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
i just want to clarify that an african tribe sold out other african tribes to slavery so itsnot what my great great grandfather did to african americans its what african americans did to themselves. ant how at this point i still say we open up the border , throw a couple walmarts and mcdonals over there, get rid of the paso and let everone be an american.that way theu can all stay there or shoot ill move there mexico is beautiful

They already have Walmarts and Mcdonalds............


Active Member
You guys should do your research before you make such statements. I really don't know where to start.... MTV/BET thing... Did you know that in the 80's that MTV would not even play black artists? Michael Jackson was the first one, and MTV did not initially want to air any black music on the station..Its true look it up. There are many videos and artists on BET that are white. If they sing R&B or rap or whatever than they fit the format, of course they are not going to showcase heavy metal or country. They are not going show Lenny Kravitz videos, although he is black because its not the format. There are white artists like Robin Thicke & Justin Timberlake who are played all the time currently, and past artists such as Beastie Boys, Color Me Badd, Eminem, Jon B Gwen Stephani, Tenna Marie, and on and on and on. MTV has changed.. but know your history is all I'm saying. BET is not a new thing and is over 20 years old. It was established for black people to have programming they were interested in, and that could not be found on other stations, it was not established with racial motives contrary to what you may think...One show on network tv is not enough.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
i just want to clarify that an african tribe sold out other african tribes to slavery so itsnot what my great great grandfather did to african americans its what african americans did to themselves. ant how at this point i still say we open up the border , throw a couple walmarts and mcdonals over there, get rid of the paso and let everone be an american.that way theu can all stay there or shoot ill move there mexico is beautiful
Wow, african americans did nothing to themselves because at this point in history they are all africans... Did you know that Europeans enslaved people of Irish decent in the americas at one time? So I guess what you are saying here is that africans contacted the europeans and said we have some captured tribesman who we are in war with and we want you to take them? Are you serious??? Before you make statements, educate yourself on the facts first, and since they don't teach the real history in schools, you have to do it on your own. Europeans were the ones responsible for the slave trade, regardless of if they solicited other tribes by offering them gifts to help them capture tribes that they were at war with. I'm not saying your ancestors were directly involved, but its likely...and even if your point was valid about how they got here, how do you defend what happened to the 100 million who line the bottom of the Atlantic ocean and what happened to the africans once they arrived in America? Again, don't feel responsible for the actions of your ancestors, just know that this is a part of our history.