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I'm not playing the race card, just stating facts of recent history. Take a look at all your comments... First, white women are the biggest benefators because of population. Women in general have not had rights and opportunity until more recently. Men thought they were only capable of being housewives, and when it came to establishing their place in the workplace, measures such as affirmative action was/is used to give them access and opportunity.
Next, you mention actors of our day, and they are all great, But why is it that only one has an oscar for Best Actor. Wait, I thing Whittaker got one this year..that makes 3 in all of history with the last 2 being within the last 5-6 years...Black actors in film have been portrayed only in certain roles that depected them in lower roles, often poor, crimminals, servants/maids and so on. Yes this has changed recently and there is more opportunity, but ask someone who is 40 years or older how film and television has changed.
And blacks have not benefited the most from slavery, do your history about the companies that have made billions off the backs of slaves such as the tobacco industry and other fortune 500 companies that have ties to slavery. If you'll do a little research you'll find that many of the companies that were started in the 17-1800's were successful because of their role in slavery. And many people that come from "old money" their ancestors were invloved in slavery.
You guys should stop making comments about how you feel about things or have heard, and do your own research, but I'd assume you won't because you have no intrest in learing about these topics
I grew up in the 1980s and know full well that they played black videos.
you say, "why have only 3 black actors won oscars?". instead of saying that, why don't you suggest which black actors should have won oscars and what year it was?
white women benefit more from affirmative action because they make up roughly 40% of the US population as opposed to 15% blacks, so what's your point?
you make a bunch of statements and have no evidence or statistics to back it up and use racist statements such as "white America".
slavery was a bad thing, but slavery was not limited to the US and is in fact still used in many countries throughout the world, so get over the suffering that you've never personally endured.