Who wants to help me chose the inhabitants of my shark tank???


Active Member
Originally Posted by Drewsta
I am not sure if you were serious about this part in which case you should reconsider there mixing tanks. If you have 2 2,000 gallong tanks for water changes in a 200,000 Gallon system that would be a 1% water change. IMO you will need a few (3) industrial vats for water changes close to the 10,000 (15%) Gallon mark. I would love to see this tank in action but would hate to have to pay for it.. lol you are a brave man
Good luck and best wishes

I definitely agree on that! Also, check into waste water discharge. Sometimes there are regulations on the discharge of huge volumes of saltwater.


my bad that was a typo on my part...i meant 2 20,000 gallon tanks....one will be filling up and mixing while the other is aging the water alittle bit and getting all the chemicals etc correct for the water change


I knew in the back of my head that you didn't have this monster idea without thinking that totally through. Well done.


lol thanx sometimes i just get ahead of myself when im typing and either leave words out or letters or the sentence doesnt even make sense at all sometimes.


Active Member
i was just making sure because if you got a couple 2,000G vats that would take some serious time to do a water change lol


Ha, read a little further back, the 2 20,000 tanks are for WATER CHANGES the tank itself is over 200,000 gallons.


Active Member
ya u should get a great white. heck it may cost like as much as the tank and die but heck u could name it jaws!
or get a great white whale! name it moby ---- or get a giant squid! or a whale shark


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
ya u should get a great white. heck it may cost like as much as the tank and die but heck u could name it jaws!
or get a great white whale! name it moby ---- or get a giant squid! or a whale shark
Unfortunatly none of those fish would fit in that tank but hey if they could that would be awesome! You could do a tiger shark :notsure:


Active Member
aw man, that would be cool, wait, what about a manta ray! or a manatee! or like a dolphin, name it flipper! or like one of those huge deep sea crabs! or go on an expedition and get a mermaid. or u could try and get the loch ness monster or champy!! get champy!!


lol that would be cool if i could get a great white but they arer super hard to keep...the motaray bay aquarium cant evn keep them for over a few months or at least they hadnt been able to when i went they had one that they had had for 2 months..dunno if its still alive or not cause that was a few years ago...also i thought about tiger sharks but decided they were too big and agressive.


Active Member
I think they kept it quite successfully, except that it started eating other things.
All in all, this is a huge private tank and a nice size, but in keeping things like large sharks, it is pretty small in the scope of things. A Sand Tiger shark is a nice shark for this size tank.
BTW, what are you setting up as a Quarantine facility, if anything? Would be customary for acclimating sharks that have been shipped quite a distance.


How well do sand tigers do as a community shark? As for shipping them most of them will be hand delivered by friends so they will not be in crates thats to crule.
Madman I havent thought about the QT have you?


Active Member
Crates are highly specialized for transport of sharks, and for aquariums getting sharks from the Pacific that are on flights, obviously, they need to be crated. They are often accompanied on the flight by an aquarist, or in transport, on specialized tractor trailors, with aquarists. The delivery of sharks for aquaria results in a very high price tag per individual, and rarely are they immediately put on display. I highly suggest you consider a QT system, of at least several thousand gallons, depending on the size shark you intent to import. But it needs to be a totally separate system.


Im sure sharks would rather be in requiems transportation system than in a crate. madmans not getting the sharks from suppliers hes getting them from friends that know how to transport them but i will not put one of my sharks in a crate they will be hand delivered.