Who wants to help me chose the inhabitants of my shark tank???


Active Member
LOL, have you seen some of these crates for transport of 5-8 foot sharks? Have you received sharks from Australia or Pacific? These things are very impressive...not some wood and plastic thing like the term "crate" may indicate. Circulation, digital monitoring of water quality...these animals are worth many thousands of dollars so I assure you they are treated quite well in their "crate." They are a major major investment. "Requiem's" system I am sure is very nice, and is quite standard for transport of some types of sharks/fish where they can be easily driven...even cross country. It is desireable for sure, but I do not think we are discussing the same "crates."
Some of the sharks and fish mentioned will need to come from suppliers.


sorry were not talking about the same crates. i was thinking they put them in big bags a a wooden crate. But most sharks will be driven except the wobbies and things like that. again im sorry


as ofr QT im thinking of just putting another big plastic tank in the basement and just have the basics for it...prolly wont be more than a 2000 circular tank thingy...as for crates and stuff actually Sebae not all fo the sharks are going to be driven...some will be shipped here from australia etc because Manny has connections down there that can get them here and have the correct ceates etc...but since they are so expensive i wiil only buy lik 5 of them and then just do 5 sharks at a time and keep reusing the crate so i dont hvae to buy like 30 of them lol


btw if anyone wants to talk to me on AIM about this i am on almost everynight startin about about 10:30 or 11 mountain time cause that when i get all the kids asleep and usually come down to do some work so i can come home a little early the net day and get ahead on the project but dont worry about bothering me lol i would much rather talk about this... :) oops i almost forgot my sn is madman3333333333 (10 3's)


theres just going to be one side that is for viewing and it will be made out of acylic because glass would be wayyyyyy too heavey and more expensive actually. I dont rember how thick it is off the top of my head

clown boy

Active Member
WOW! :scared:
How are you going to get your shark from the main tank to the quarantine tank? An elevator? A channel? :notsure:


why wouldnt i just get some people to help me carry them up in a hammok kind of thing? im not buying full growen sharks you know just babies so they wont be super heavey.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Madman33
why wouldnt i just get some people to help me carry them up in a hammok kind of thing? im not buying full growen sharks you know just babies so they wont be super heavey.

The point is well taken though, because while you are buying babies, they will not stay that way for long. It is important to think about what you would do if you had to remove one to QT that was larger. A hand crank or electric crane is not uncommon, and there are specialized slings for moving them. Depending on the design of the tank/stair access, a small crane may be much safer and faster. Also consider an isolation area in the main tank as well, so that you can isolate animals but leave them in the main system. This is especially handy if there are sharks that are not eating well, or being picked on. Believe me, this is often used

These are things that I would expect a professional tank builder/designer to bring up, in addition to the QT, and high capacity water mixing/changes, etc. I am not trying to be mean, but seriously, get several aquarists with large tank/shark experience to review any plans/designs, but primarily focus on getting a life support specialist to review everything. There is a big difference there. At least you shouldn't make the same mistakes they may be working with.
Really, there is a lot to consider in this sort of endeavour.


lol yep i know this is a giant endeavour lol and that is true about the possibility of having to QT full grown sharks...hadnt quite thought that one through completely i guess lol and yes i know there are special slings for them i just had a brain fart and couldnt think of the word lol. A small crane/crank should also be easy to install as i could just go from the basement up through the garage and up into the room above the tank. Also i hvae run everything by Manny(the Mandalay Bay guy) and he ran it by some of the other people that he knows and has given me a thumbs up on all the pumps layout etc...Also as for the isolation part i thinking about putting in one corner of the tank where you cant really see much some sort of box like thing that i could isolate them in if needed but i havent really drawn up any sketchs or any for it or given much thought to how i would even get the shark into there. Ill have to think about that some more lol
thanks again everyoen for all the advice/help!!!!


Active Member
I've been reading thru this and havent said anything...just been reading.
I dont want to be the "negative person" here, but is anyone else kind of skeptical about this?
The Shedd Aquarium, in Chicago, just recently installed a 400,000gal. shark exhibit (Wild Reef) and I was privy to be apart of moving in the sharks, groupers, and other fish as well as regularly diving that tank for cleaning, feedings and moving animals. Have you ever seen people trying to move a 10' Sand Bar Shark or a 400lb Grouper? You're gonna have to have a vetrinatian almost on 24 hour call, for animals once you start talking about keeping large species sharks. How much do you think it's gonna cost to have a small team of vets come out and treat one your large sharks?
Someone asked about acrylic thickness and Ophiura pointed out 4" - 6". Have you priced 4" - 6" cast cell acrylic, in the size you're needing? I'd bet money you're not gonna find it for less than $75,000 - $100,000. Even if you know a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a guy...you may be lucky to find it for $50,000.
At even half of that tank size, you're looking at MILLIONS of dollars...not hundreds of thousands...not 3/4 of a million...but multiple millions of dollars. That's just for the tank building and the initial set up costs. On top of that, you're also going to be looking at hundreds of thousands of dollars, PER YEAR, just to maintain this system (if not more).
You and your family might have come into quite a substantial amount of money, but I dont think you're looking at/thinking about long term setup, of this system. Think of the thousands of dollars, per month, it's going to cost for maintainance...AND food. I'm not even going to get into the electric bill, etc.
Again...not trying to be rude or a downer, but I just think there's no possible way for this to ever get off the ground, once you start looking at complete costs.


Active Member
dude the guys got job as a airplane wing designer guy, he has alot of money, but that to struck me, how r u going to afford all this, plus fish, a black tip on average will cost 1.5-2k an how many of these do u want?? i hope uve won the powerball or something


Active Member
Guys in the Aviation field dont make that much money. I have a degree in Aviation Science and a long history in the Aviation field. At most, he makes a couple hundred thousand per year...AT MOST.
I thought I read where his wife's father or something had passed away and left them a substantial amount of money.
Let's just say they were left $20 million. After taxes, estate fees, etc. you're gonna lose at least 1/3 of that.
I'm not saying the guy doesnt have the money to do it...for all I know, he could've just bank rolled $100 million dollars. I'm just saying his idea isnt feasible, for a private use aquarium.


Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
dude the guys got job as a airplane wing designer guy, he has alot of money, but that to struck me, how r u going to afford all this, plus fish, a black tip on average will cost 1.5-2k an how many of these do u want?? i hope uve won the powerball or something

Ditto.. I agree.. Im working as an Aero Engineer... n i dont make anywhere near enough to even consider this kind of tank :hilarious
But nevertheless.. Madman33, this is definitely one of the coolest home tank projects yet :cheer: :cheer: Good luck with it...... and get me one of these great aero jobs, so i can get my own shart tank someday


Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
dude the guys got job as a airplane wing designer guy, he has alot of money, but that to struck me, how r u going to afford all this, plus fish, a black tip on average will cost 1.5-2k an how many of these do u want?? i hope uve won the powerball or something
You just have to know the right people to get things cheap, A blacktip is like 3-500$ for us.


Originally Posted by AW2x3
I've been reading thru this and havent said anything...just been reading.
I dont want to be the "negative person" here, but is anyone else kind of skeptical about this?
The Shedd Aquarium, in Chicago, just recently installed a 400,000gal. shark exhibit (Wild Reef) and I was privy to be apart of moving in the sharks, groupers, and other fish as well as regularly diving that tank for cleaning, feedings and moving animals. Have you ever seen people trying to move a 10' Sand Bar Shark or a 400lb Grouper? You're gonna have to have a vetrinatian almost on 24 hour call, for animals once you start talking about keeping large species sharks. How much do you think it's gonna cost to have a small team of vets come out and treat one your large sharks?
Someone asked about acrylic thickness and Ophiura pointed out 4" - 6". Have you priced 4" - 6" cast cell acrylic, in the size you're needing? I'd bet money you're not gonna find it for less than $75,000 - $100,000. Even if you know a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a guy...you may be lucky to find it for $50,000.
At even half of that tank size, you're looking at MILLIONS of dollars...not hundreds of thousands...not 3/4 of a million...but multiple millions of dollars. That's just for the tank building and the initial set up costs. On top of that, you're also going to be looking at hundreds of thousands of dollars, PER YEAR, just to maintain this system (if not more).
You and your family might have come into quite a substantial amount of money, but I dont think you're looking at/thinking about long term setup, of this system. Think of the thousands of dollars, per month, it's going to cost for maintainance...AND food. I'm not even going to get into the electric bill, etc.
Again...not trying to be rude or a downer, but I just think there's no possible way for this to ever get off the ground, once you start looking at complete costs.
Finally..a voice of reason in a sea of insanity!!!!


Originally Posted by AW2x3
I've been reading thru this and havent said anything...just been reading.
I dont want to be the "negative person" here, but is anyone else kind of skeptical about this?
The Shedd Aquarium, in Chicago, just recently installed a 400,000gal. shark exhibit (Wild Reef) and I was privy to be apart of moving in the sharks, groupers, and other fish as well as regularly diving that tank for cleaning, feedings and moving animals. Have you ever seen people trying to move a 10' Sand Bar Shark or a 400lb Grouper? You're gonna have to have a vetrinatian almost on 24 hour call, for animals once you start talking about keeping large species sharks. How much do you think it's gonna cost to have a small team of vets come out and treat one your large sharks?
Someone asked about acrylic thickness and Ophiura pointed out 4" - 6". Have you priced 4" - 6" cast cell acrylic, in the size you're needing? I'd bet money you're not gonna find it for less than $75,000 - $100,000. Even if you know a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a guy...you may be lucky to find it for $50,000.
At even half of that tank size, you're looking at MILLIONS of dollars...not hundreds of thousands...not 3/4 of a million...but multiple millions of dollars. That's just for the tank building and the initial set up costs. On top of that, you're also going to be looking at hundreds of thousands of dollars, PER YEAR, just to maintain this system (if not more).
You and your family might have come into quite a substantial amount of money, but I dont think you're looking at/thinking about long term setup, of this system. Think of the thousands of dollars, per month, it's going to cost for maintainance...AND food. I'm not even going to get into the electric bill, etc.
Again...not trying to be rude or a downer, but I just think there's no possible way for this to ever get off the ground, once you start looking at complete costs.
yes i know have have thought about all of this many a time and have come to the conclusion that i can keep it going unless me or wife losses our job which is very very unlikely. IM not worried about the cost of the tank cause ive already paid for it and its due for delivery at our house Jan5 2007 ive ordered all the concrete structures that im going to cover in lr and have sent out a request for me to get lr straight out of the water and get it back to the house and in reality i wont need that much of it even though its a large tank. As for electricity the roof will be covered in solar panels and im trying to find a spot where i could possibly put a whole feild of them and have it go to the electric company and in return they would take money off the bill according to how much power i gave them that month or whatever but so far i cant find a field for sale that is in the middle of the desert where i could put them but then again i havent looked too hard just been to a few places and asked....Also when u buy in bulk they give u quite a good dicount and also im thinking of doing school tour or something to educate people about sharks and to make alittle $$$ but not much lol. If i did that too it they would give me a discount also but i need to check with the zoning laws etc to see if i can do that or not.
Good luck with it...... and get me one of these great aero jobs, so i can get my own shart tank someday
lol did you go into the comertial aircraft field or the military aircraft? If you went into the military work on getting the highest security clearence and then go shopping around for jobs and see who will pay you the most because after you get ur top security clearence there are alot more high paying jobs available and also i believe it costs something like $2000 for each level of clearence so if you get that at one company then the other doesnt have to pay for it except the, annual fee,and it makes them happy that they dont have to spend all that money to get you to where they want u to be. If you went into more of the comercial/freight airlines field then i cant really help you much lol.


Active Member
My point is...you havent thought this thru.
You say you already ordered the tank, but in the same paragraph you say you dont even know how you're going to power it.
You're going to take delivery of this tank and then realize that this could've never happened from the beginning and then you're gonna have a giant acrylic box sitting around in your yard, that you can use as a swimming pool when it fills with rain water.
Where did you order the tank from? Is this going into an existing house?