Who wants to help me chose the inhabitants of my shark tank???


no it wasnt a wobbegog(sp?) im not that retarded lol. I was saying the name sounded like an asian name and it looked like a nurse shark...


Active Member
take a pic and post it, remember theyre a lfs, they may be trying to pass it off as something else. my lfs tries to pass of false percs as regular percs all the time.


Sorry - Madman - didn't mean to insult your intelligence.
But as Sharkboy has said the LFS could be trying to pass it off as same else.
You said that it looks like a nurse shark that about 12" long.
The only fish I know of that looks like a nurse at that size - is well - a nurse. But here's an interesting side note - there are actually 3 different species of Nurse sharks.
The Common Nurse (G. cirratus) - grows to 14' - and is the most commonly seen in public aquariums and LFS.
The Tawny Nurse (N. ferrugineum) - grows to 11' - and almost never seen in the States.
The Short-tailed Nurse (G. brevicaudatum) - grows to about 3' - and never seen in the U.S. - But this shark is basically a dwarf Nurse shark.
Some of the Bamboo sharks do resemble the nurse when they get grown about 2.5'-3'
And if you use the Bamboos ad an example.
They are usually sold in LFS under different names -like the following.
Brownbanded Bamboos - AKA Banded Cat shark, Blackbanded cat shark, & Banded Bamboo
Whitespotted Bamboo - AKA Marbled Cat Shark (not to be confused with (A. macleayi) the real Marbled Catshark).
Hope this helps.


maybe the shark you saw was an epaulatte shark by the way you
could get one of those they max out at like 4ft


Active Member
hey mad whats up
IMO i would never want to deal with anythign over 1,000 gallons i mean evan that size is truly impressive but if ypu want big and bad$ss i still say 10,000 gallon tank is VERY practical in the home and VERY impressive as well. you would still be able to keep a number a diff. shark species in there and have some awesome larger schooling fish as well..
when it comes to my opinion anythign over 1,000 gallon tank is a full time job in itself, let alone anythign around 10,000 gallons. evan if you designed it to be the most practical in the sense that a flip of a switch would fill , mix, and bring to temp you water changes and another flip of a switch would drain X amount and then fill X amount its STILL alot of work!
i put about 2 hours give or take on certain days into my 420 gallon system and now i have a 75 gallon reef tank which adds alot more time as well! i cant evanb imagine the time one would have to put in EVERY day of their lives to just maintain their hobby, so much that i think you wouldnt be able to enjoy it cause you would always be maintaining it!
unless of course you hired a full time staff as mentiond which you would have no choice but to do!.
another funny thing i was thinkign about
: i only have one shark(very small compared to what you want to keep) 2 rays and two lions in which regularly feed alot of meat too. and i have a whole refrigerator/freezer JUST for my fish food that is in it!! i cant imagine on that scale the industrial walk-in freezer you would need for the food of the tank your talkign about! you would literally need thousands of pounds of fish, squidd, scallop, etc. etc. etc. and that would still only last about a month or so!
and once again IMO the best part about my tanks is taking care of them MYSELF , feeding, cleaning, maintaining etc. etc. etc all done by ME
anyway just my .02 cents
shoot me an im


Originally Posted by krj-1168
Sorry - Madman - didn't mean to insult your intelligence.
LOL i was just saying that i could i dentify a wobby when i see one...but yeah about 12in long had the nurse shark kind of tail...gray and the nurse shark head. Also very slinder and on the tips of its fins it was a lighter grey but its not a white tip or a nurse cause he was having me guess and i guessed both and he said no and then he told me what it was and i had never heard of it before.


Now I stumped - Madman
the fact that you said it's not a whitetip or a nurse, and it's grey. makes me wonder.
Well - the grey nurse - is basically the sand tiger - so that's not it.
there is the grey bamboo - but you've said nothing about grey & tan bands - which the grey bamboo would have at that size.
By the way - can you post a picture of it - the way maybe we can identify it.
But it sounds like you may have a rare shark on your hands(or at the store).
By the way - what was the price on it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
when it comes to my opinion anythign over 1,000 gallon tank is a full time job in itself, let alone anythign around 10,000 gallons. evan if you designed it to be the most practical in the sense that a flip of a switch would fill , mix, and bring to temp you water changes and another flip of a switch would drain X amount and then fill X amount its STILL alot of work!
i put about 2 hours give or take on certain days into my 420 gallon system and now i have a 75 gallon reef tank which adds alot more time as well! i cant evanb imagine the time one would have to put in EVERY day of their lives to just maintain their hobby, so much that i think you wouldnt be able to enjoy it cause you would always be maintaining it!

It may very well be a full time job, and certainly an "on call" job 24/7. You are absolutely right about the food, and remembering, several days out, to thaw what you need. Then there are the vitamins and such. And then there is the fun of treating a tank that size should you have an outbreak of disease. Some medications could not be used with sharks....and other medications - to treat tens of thousands of gallons LOL. A fortune! For any sizable tank I would also skip the general test kits and go at least with a good spectrophotometer and professional grade testing reagents, as well as a microscope for disease determinations. These would be a drop in the bucket when it comes to a tank this size, but plan on having a "lab" area as well for this.


Madman - I may have found your Shark.
LOL i was just saying that i could i dentify a wobby when i see one...but yeah about 12in long had the nurse shark kind of tail...gray and the nurse shark head. Also very slinder and on the tips of its fins it was a lighter grey but its not a white tip or a nurse cause he was having me guess and i guessed both and he said no and then he told me what it was and i had never heard of it before.
It's called a Colclough's Shark or a Bluegray Carpet Shark. There's a picture of one (juvenile) on page 83 of Scott Michael's book Aquarium Sharks & Rays
. The really cool thing about them is when they get full grown(about 30" long), they will look like a juvenile nurse, including in color(the gray fades away).


By the way - Madman.
Here's a photo of the Bluegray Carpet(Colclough's), that I found.

this is an 18-20" female.
Hope it helps



Originally Posted by krj-1168
Madman - I may have found your Shark.
It's called a Colclough's Shark or a Bluegray Carpet Shark. There's a picture of one (juvenile) on page 83 of Scott Michael's book Aquarium Sharks & Rays
. The really cool thing about them is when they get full grown(about 30" long), they will look like a juvenile nurse, including in color(the gray fades away).
Awesome...ill try to head back up htere this weekend and take a pic or write down the name lol but im not sure if i will be able to since i have out of town company coming for the long weekend. Ophiura what would you suggest as the largest managable size private tank? BTW i like the idea of the fuge with the bamboos etc.. in it. I would like to go reef but i just dont see how it would be possible with out taking out like 1/2 the 2nd story so that i could get natural sunlight in so i am sticking with the shark tank.


also sonce i thinking about doing a much smaller tank what about like a circular one that i could place in the middle of my living room?(its a big room)


that would be cool you could do one from the family room up to a bedroom or something would be neat


A 2-story circular tank would be awesome. Good thing you're thinking fish only, lighting something like that for corals would be intense. Granted, you'd probably do a sky-light. It would be so sweet to go scuba diving in the middle of my living room.


yeah im kinda curious why too???? anyways i decided to go with the circular tank cause the sharks would like it better(dontrember the diameter off hand but height is still 13 feet) and also and artificial decor simulating a reef...


Active Member
this is a really cool idea and its starting to seem a lot more doable! hope it works out for ya!


update/bump...final tank is 13 feet high arpund 30000 gallons with an artificial reef...also i am starting to think more seriously about the stock list...i want to keep it to smaller sharks and larger fish...any ideas?