Why I'll never vote for a democrat


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The old man was critically ill. Feeling that death was near, he called his lawyer. "I want to become a Democrat. Get me a change of registration form." "You can do it", the lawyer said, "But why? You'll be dead soon, why do you want to become a Democrat?" "That's my business! Get me the form!"
Four days later, the old man got his registration changed. His lawyer was at his bedside making sure his bill would be paid. Suddenly the old man was racked with fits of coughing, and it was clear that this would be the end. Still curious, the lawyer leaned over and said, "Please, before it's too late, tell me why you wanted to become a Democrat so badly before you died?" In a faint whisper, as he breathed his last, the old man said: "One less Democrat".


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Then are you implying Frodo is a democrat as well?
Not possible.
As any fan of LoTR will tell you clearly Frodo was not a Democrat:
He never suggested the Hobbits negotiate with Sauron
He carried a sword and traveled with the strongest companions
He was generous to the other Hobbits of the Shire
And he didn't take a poll before he threw the Ring into Mt. Doom. :hilarious


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
And he didn't take a poll before he threw the Ring into Mt. Doom. :hilarious
Was there an approval rating ?


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Originally Posted by MoneyMan
What I am getting at is there are no rules carved in stone for being 'American'. American is like the Roman. We assimilate via immigration taking part of those cultures. Likewise, the new comer lost part of his/her 'roots' and gain a little 'American'.
I like banging head with you 1journeyman. You obviously have a hard stand and good information to back it up :)
See, that's what scares me. Diversity is fine, but there needs to be a line drawn. I lived in CC for years and went to school there (Selina's hometown). I had a lot of Hispanic friends and classmates. I respect their values, customs and ways of life. They all were, and considered themselves to be, Americans though.
That's what we're losing. We have imported a large population of people that do not consider themselves to be American. Somehow, someway, illegal immigrants (from all countries) have begun to convince us that they deserve equal rights while being decidely "Non- American". We've let them convince us of that as well. The Constitution protects American citizens.
Look to Europe. I've met and made friends with folks from Western and Eastern Europe on various trips I've made. Many have traveled here. They all comment on how "different" American is. That's a good thing. While some would say Europe is "progressive" I'd argue. I'd say, in many ways, Europe is dying. France often touts their cultural superiority, but look to the riots in

this summer. Look at the massive unemployment rates of Eastern European countries. Look at the failure of socialism, failures of socialized medicine (in fact, look to Canada for that).
Can I define what an "American" is? Nope. Can I tell you what it is not? Oh ya. Being an American is not waving a flag from another country in a parade. Being an American is not spitting in the face of a 18 year old soldier returning from combat. Being an American is not being anti-Capitalism. And being an American is not persecuting religious groups (Christianity included).
Thanks for the compliment. I always enjoy healthy debate, and I do believe we can learn and shape our opinions on forums such as this.


Active Member
Originally Posted by watson3
Was there an approval rating ?
Wishy Washy
I was thninking there were a few times Frodo was having trouble making up his mind if he was wishy or if he was washy, then just blamed the ring.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Wishy Washy
I was thninking there were a few times Frodo was having trouble making up his mind if he was wishy or washy, then just blamed the ring.

Did he vote to keep the ring, but when confronted about it denied it and wished he had never found it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Not possible.
As any fan of LoTR will tell you clearly Frodo was not a Democrat:
He never suggested the Hobbits negotiate with Sauron
He carried a sword and traveled with the strongest companions
He was generous to the other Hobbits of the Shire
And he didn't take a poll before he threw the Ring into Mt. Doom. :hilarious
Wait a minute, in the world of humans, dwarves and elves the hobbits are a minority (in population and power) so there is no way he could be a republican.
I think he might be a Libertarian...


Active Member
Originally Posted by watson3
Did he vote to keep the ring, but when confronted about it denied it and wished he had never found it?


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Not possible.
He was generous to the other Hobbits of the Shire
True . . . but only to pander to the Hobbit voting demographic.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
See, that's what scares me. Diversity is fine, but there needs to be a line drawn. I lived in CC for years and went to school there (Selina's hometown). I had a lot of Hispanic friends and classmates. I respect their values, customs and ways of life. They all were, and considered themselves to be, Americans though.
That's what we're losing. We have imported a large population of people that do not consider themselves to be American. Somehow, someway, illegal immigrants (from all countries) have begun to convince us that they deserve equal rights while being decidely "Non- American". We've let them convince us of that as well. The Constitution protects American citizens.
Look to Europe. I've met and made friends with folks from Western and Eastern Europe on various trips I've made. Many have traveled here. They all comment on how "different" American is. That's a good thing. While some would say Europe is "progressive" I'd argue. I'd say, in many ways, Europe is dying. France often touts their cultural superiority, but look to the riots in

this summer. Look at the massive unemployment rates of Eastern European countries. Look at the failure of socialism, failures of socialized medicine (in fact, look to Canada for that).
Can I define what an "American" is? Nope. Can I tell you what it is not? Oh ya. Being an American is not waving a flag from another country in a parade. Being an American is not spitting in the face of a 18 year old soldier returning from combat. Being an American is not being anti-Capitalism. And being an American is not persecuting religious groups (Christianity included).
Thanks for the compliment. I always enjoy healthy debate, and I do believe we can learn and shape our opinions on forums such as this.
Corpus is a political mess.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Corpus is a political mess.
Oh ya? Haven't followed it. Been a while since I've been there. It was an interesting place to live....


Active Member
I'm not saying that immagrants are right either. They should make an effort to learn our language understand our culture and incorporate them into our society. I'm just saying that whole learn my language because it is an inconvience to me to have to take a spanish class. That pisses me off. I have a unique view on immagration because my mom is hispanic and my dad is so white he glows in the dark. I have white trash and Mexicans all in the same family. And I hear oh the mexicans are taking over and it is there fault this place is the way it is from his side. and the other side says we just need to get there because we can make a life for ourselves. It just seems to me that the mexicans that I know that I'm related to believe more in the American Dream than we do. The problem with americans is that they don't like to be inconvinienced. Work is an inconvience, school, I hear country music about putting in a 9-5 on some jobsite then getting hammered and doing it again the next day. We have forgotten that work is a privilage. We take food on our table, a computer, a car, a tv, and all our junk for granted.
I think (for the most part) that Americans aren't motivated by what we can do. But out of fear of what they will take away.
And that is wrong. That attitude will cause our fall. We can't be so absorbed by hording what we have that we forget that we can get more. We have the ability, education and technology to do it. If only we had the attitude.


Active Member
Oh no Frodo is Bush. Believes in something but gets lost listening to other noises. Then realises that it doesn't work then gets on the path again. Then listens to other noises and puts that ring back on. Then takes it off again. I only hope he can put that ring where it belongs and not follow the dark path.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Oh ya? Haven't followed it. Been a while since I've been there. It was an interesting place to live....
I hear all about it from my grandmother. It is really interesting to hear her view of the subject.
It is just turning more democrat. And the taxes are getting raised to help the handouts that the politicians promised while infastructure is getting neglected while they are building sporting arenas and remodling the Bayfront. It is kind of intesting. The middle class that the Dumb Dem's claim to care so much about are being taxes more (on the city level) and ignored while they create more welfare programs.


Active Member

Originally Posted by stdreb27
I'm not saying that immagrants are right either. They should make an effort to learn our language understand our culture and incorporate them into our society.
I'm just saying that whole learn my language because it is an inconvience to me to have to take a spanish class. That pisses me off. I have a unique view on immagration because my mom is hispanic and my dad is so white he glows in the dark. I have white trash and Mexicans all in the same family. And I hear oh the mexicans are taking over and it is there fault this place is the way it is from his side. and the other side says we just need to get there because we can make a life for ourselves. It just seems to me that the mexicans that I know that I'm related to believe more in the American Dream than we do.
The problem with americans is that they don't like to be inconvinienced. Work is an inconvience, school, I hear country music about putting in a 9-5 on some jobsite then getting hammered and doing it again the next day. We have forgotten that work is a privilage. We take food on our table, a computer, a car, a tv, and all our junk for granted.
I think (for the most part) that Americans aren't motivated by what we can do. But out of fear of what they will take away.
And that is wrong. That attitude will cause our fall. We can't be so absorbed by hording what we have that we forget that we can get more. We have the ability, education and technology to do it. If only we had the attitude.
You make some very good points. I dont understand why some folks who come here legally and post Mexican colors on everything, fly the Mexican flag in their front yard and refuse to learn English. We are all Americans living under one flag and speak one language, the melting pot is what it used to be called. These folks dont want to assimulate they want to take over.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I hear all about it from my grandmother. It is really interesting to hear her view of the subject.
It is just turning more democrat. And the taxes are getting raised to help the handouts that the politicians promised while infastructure is getting neglected while they are building sporting arenas and remodling the Bayfront. It is kind of intesting. The middle class that the Dumb Dem's claim to care so much about are being taxes more (on the city level) and ignored while they create more welfare programs.
It was always strongly Democratic.... but what you say makes sense.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Phixer
You make some very good points. I dont understand why some folks who come here legally and post Mexican colors on everything, fly the Mexican flag in their front yard and refuse to learn English. We are all Americans living under one flag and speak one language, the melting pot is what it used to be called. These folks dont want to assimulate they want to take over.
I guess I just don't buy it. I don't know a single immagrant and I know quite a few who don't tell me you know both languages. "That is sooo good I wish I could speak english because it would make me more valuable." I think that Mexicans, well Latin Americans have been holywoodised into hoodrats and gangmemeber, drunks and deadbeats. When alot of times they are dads separated from there families trying to feed them and get them out of poverty. I guess I'm just optimistic.


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Originally Posted by stdreb27
I guess I just don't buy it. I don't know a single immagrant and I know quite a few who don't tell me you know both languages. "That is sooo good I wish I could speak english because it would make me more valuable." I think that Mexicans, well Latin Americans have been holywoodised into hoodrats and gangmemeber, drunks and deadbeats. When alot of times they are dads separated from there families trying to feed them and get them out of poverty. I guess I'm just optimistic.
And I respect that. Unfortunately, the reality is for all the good, hard working men that come across the borders there are others... We are at war. I don't care what the motives of the folks to the South are, we must secure the border.


Active Member
yeah but this argument has been going on for years at peace time or fighting a war. Since my great grandfather had to fake his death so his family could change there last name. From Chan so they could get into school.


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Originally Posted by stdreb27
yeah but this argument has been going on for years at peace time or fighting a war... .

True, but now there's a new urgency to it.