Why I'll never vote for a democrat

mr. guitar

Originally Posted by watson3
Then why come..Do not force your culture on us if you are not willing to take on ours..
I agree but then again The United States is just a huge "melting-pot". I'm all for people bringing their culture here. I like studying all sorts of different cultures...except for the Spanish culture...doesn't interest me anymore.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I guess I just don't buy it. I don't know a single immagrant and I know quite a few who don't tell me you know both languages. "That is sooo good I wish I could speak english because it would make me more valuable." I think that Mexicans, well Latin Americans have been holywoodised into hoodrats and gangmemeber, drunks and deadbeats. When alot of times they are dads separated from there families trying to feed them and get them out of poverty. I guess I'm just optimistic.
Then they should stop re-producing if they are unable to stop the cycle of poverty. It is morally irresponsible to bring a child into this world and subject them to a life of misery and suffering.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
True, but now there's a new urgency to it.
My point is that most anti immagration sentimate (spelling) is seeded in fear. I do think that your stance is seeded in the fact that we are at war. And I can respect and understand that and also agree. Others in this thread do not fall into the latter category. They are the ones I have problems with.
There are alarmists on both side of the isle (jimmy buffett taught me to spell) just about different things. I don't generally tend to buy into their fear. Alot of times I think public sentimate is just a knee jerk reaction to whatever is being fed to them by the powers that be.
But I'm getting to be more of a conspiracy theorist every day. When it comes to public policy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Phixer
Then they should stop re-producing if they are unable to stop the cycle of poverty. It is morally irresponsible to bring a child into this world and subject them to a life of misery and suffering.
Its a sunk cost. Once you have them what do you do you can't push them back in.
But I agree they shouldn't be making babies that you can't feed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr. Guitar
I agree but then again The United States is just a huge "melting-pot". I'm all for people bringing their culture here. I like studying all sorts of different cultures...except for the Spanish culture...doesn't interest me anymore.

they came to vote for there best buddy G W BUSH it looked to me in the last campain that he was looking to win the mexican vote I do recall watching campains with alot of little people around and a big redneck in the middle I agree on alot of answers hereand disagree too but can anyone tell me is he the best person for the job better yet is that all that american people have to offer for a president or how about the last 5 presidents and take alook at the next in line this country will always debate as long as there is republican and democratic opinons niether one is right for the job IMO and neither one is 100% for the american people or it would be a one sided vote I think honestly everyone in this room if compared would want the same issues addressed that is wrong with the economy


Originally Posted by Ibew
they came to vote for there best buddy G W BUSH it looked to me in the last campain that he was looking to win the mexican vote I do recall watching campains with alot of little people around and a big redneck in the middle I agree on alot of answers hereand disagree too but can anyone tell me is he the best person for the job better yet is that all that american people have to offer for a president or how about the last 5 presidents and take alook at the next in line this country will always debate as long as there is republican and democratic opinons niether one is right for the job IMO and neither one is 100% for the american people or it would be a one sided vote I think honestly everyone in this room if compared would want the same issues addressed that is wrong with the economy
Good point . . . as long as I can remember, in every election, be it local, state, or national, the candidates have said, "The economy's a mess, I can fix it" and "Health care is a mess, I can fix it" and "Education is mess, I can fix it." Yet, for some reason, for the nearly 40 years I've been able to watch the political process, it hasn't happened, at least for very long as another party makes political hay out of something and takes control.
Problem is, pragmatism has become a dirty word. Making the right decision for the country, if it goes against a persons political party or part of their platform, is political suicide.
Partisanship is killing political progress, and both sides are guilty. Most of the time, the solution falls somewhere in between the extremes of the political parties, yet few have the courage to take that approach . . . thus the quagmire continues.
BTW, just a friendly suggestion, but you may want to use a period once in a while, it makes reading your posts much easier.

bang guy

Originally Posted by f14peter
BTW, just a friendly suggestion, but you may want to use a period once in a while, it makes reading your posts much easier.
I disagree. I completely ignore posts without punctuation. Therefore; if a post has punctuation it's more difficult to read since I actually read it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Its a sunk cost. Once you have them what do you do you can't push them back in.
But I agree they shouldn't be making babies that you can't feed.
It is not a sunk cost if the cycle is broken and these people work themselves out of poverty which wont happen if they keep acting like rabbits.
If someone is on fire you dont pour gasoline on them. (well you shouldnt)
and when your in a hole you stop digging. Mexico has an extremely high rate of teen pregnancies and birthrates, yet nothing is being done to educate or stop this behavior so the cycle of poverty and
over-population continues, which leads to more economic strain, disease, etc..., which in turn causes people to search for opprutunities elsewhere, i.e flee.
Uncontrolled breeding is irresponsible and is not fair to the children who are thrust into poverty. What do you do with the people who are already exist. You educate them to stop making more. They will continue to suffer until the cycle is broken.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Phixer
Uncontrolled breeding is irresponsible and is not fair to the children who are thrust into poverty. What do you do with the people who are already exist. You educate them to stop making more. They will continue to suffer until the cycle is broken.
I believe at least these two things contribute to this..Forced prostitution, and their religion..It is not a knock on Catholocism, but having protected --- is not even an option for them..

mr. guitar

Originally Posted by Ibew
they came to vote for there best buddy G W BUSH it looked to me in the last campain that he was looking to win the mexican vote I do recall watching campains with alot of little people around and a big redneck in the middle I agree on alot of answers hereand disagree too but can anyone tell me is he the best person for the job better yet is that all that american people have to offer for a president or how about the last 5 presidents and take alook at the next in line this country will always debate as long as there is republican and democratic opinons niether one is right for the job IMO and neither one is 100% for the american people or it would be a one sided vote I think honestly everyone in this room if compared would want the same issues addressed that is wrong with the economy
Sorry bud but they didn't come here to vote for any President. They can't!!!! Especially if they are illegal. They come here because we are the BEST country in the world!!!! You don't see a big crowd going to Mexico do you? Who would?
What do you mean by you don't think neither a Republican or Democrat is fit for the job? In my opinion...The worst thing that could possibly go wrong with this country is if a Liberal or Independent person were President.
If that happens I'll be protesting like crazy and I'll be best friends with the Supreme Court.


Active Member
Originally Posted by watson3
I believe at least these two things contribute to this..Forced prostitution, and their religion..It is not a knock on Catholocism, but having protected --- is not even an option for them..
But abstenence is. A decision has to be made. Continue to break the laws and perpetuate the cycle of poverty or stop breeding. If they blame their situation on their religious beliefs they are using religion as a crutch for their own irresponsibility, religion is not keeping them out of poverty or jail so why use it to force them into it.
I understand that it is impractical to expect someone to adhere to that but it is irresponsible to continue the cycle of poverty when you know how to stop it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr. Guitar
Sorry bud but they didn't come here to vote for any President. They can't!!!! Especially if they are illegal. They come here because we are the BEST country in the world!!!! You don't see a big crowd going to Mexico do you? Who would?
What do you mean by you don't think neither a Republican or Democrat is fit for the job? In my opinion...The worst thing that could possibly go wrong with this country is if a Liberal or Independent person were President.
If that happens I'll be protesting like crazy and I'll be best friends with the Supreme Court.
never said a bunch of illegal mexicans came here to vote for Bush did I. They were here and have been here for quite some time. I was stating that Bush in his campain I do recall him trying to win there vote which in my eyes is a low point. Also never said anything about mexico being better than USA I love are country all I'm trying to say is could deffenitly be ran better and also for being a super power we don't really use what we have as far as military goes also I think if anything we have gone soft in the last 40 years. Also as far as a republican/democratic president I think it would be best to have a conservative in there with military exper without being mixed up in peoples thoughts but believe in his own and we agree. Untill that president comes along I think the economy will never change


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr. Guitar
Sorry bud but they didn't come here to vote for any President. They can't!!!! Especially if they are illegal. They come here because we are the BEST country in the world!!!! You don't see a big crowd going to Mexico do you? Who would?
What do you mean by you don't think neither a Republican or Democrat is fit for the job? In my opinion...The worst thing that could possibly go wrong with this country is if a Liberal or Independent person were President.
If that happens I'll be protesting like crazy and I'll be best friends with the Supreme Court.

also by putting in my .02 I new you would be
but being that you are a true republican will you every change your mined anyhow so whats the point to this tread you might as way split the names in half on this site and thats how many dem/repub there are just like the house and senate and if they can't get along we arnt either so I'm done talking on this subject


Active Member
Originally Posted by Phixer
But abstenence is. A decision has to be made. Continue to break the laws and perpetuate the cycle of poverty or stop breeding. If they blame their situation on their religious beliefs they are using religion as a crutch for their own irresponsibility, religion is not keeping them out of poverty or jail so why use it to force them into it.
I understand that it is impractical to expect someone to adhere to that but it is irresponsible to continue the cycle of poverty when you know how to stop it.
Not the A word. oh no.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sandi
The last election should speak volumes to the Rep. on how the American people feel.
Very expected turnover for those states though..Look at the ones that stayed Republican...

mr. guitar

Originally Posted by Ibew
never said a bunch of illegal mexicans came here to vote for Bush did I. They were here and have been here for quite some time. I was stating that Bush in his campain I do recall him trying to win there vote which in my eyes is a low point. Also never said anything about mexico being better than USA I love are country all I'm trying to say is could deffenitly be ran better and also for being a super power we don't really use what we have as far as military goes also I think if anything we have gone soft in the last 40 years. Also as far as a republican/democratic president I think it would be best to have a conservative in there with military exper without being mixed up in peoples thoughts but believe in his own and we agree. Untill that president comes along I think the economy will never change
Sorry bout that. I misunderstood about the Mexican thing. Also, I never said that You said Mexico was better than the United States. If you did say that I would be SHOCKED!!!!!! hahahahahaha.

mr. guitar

Originally Posted by Ibew
also by putting in my .02 I new you would be
but being that you are a true republican will you every change your mined anyhow so whats the point to this tread you might as way split the names in half on this site and thats how many dem/repub there are just like the house and senate and if they can't get along we arnt either so I'm done talking on this subject
What do you mean will I ever change my mind? By the way the House and Senate aren't split in the middle.
Sounds to me like someone needs to count to 10 and chill a little bit.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr. Guitar
What do you mean will I ever change my mind? By the way the House and Senate aren't split in the middle.
Sounds to me like someone needs to count to 10 and chill a little bit.
your right there not both split now my mistake. Im not mad sorry if I come across that way. I 'm just saying this is a topic that opinions really doesn't matter were all different which means the president effects us in different ways for instance how much money you make, what you do for a living, your health insurence provider ext...... so each president will have a different impact on you and your family because each president has different agendas when there in office. But I wish us as a whole would prosper and not have to complain. Besides they get payed to do that and are supposed to be the best for the job. Atleast that is who the american people vote for.