Originally Posted by Phixer
Lets adapt to taking care of Americans first. If you dont think we should pay for them then why let them enter illeagally? Try this experiment, let these folks into your home and then you pay for everything.
We have a system in place and it needs to be used in order to work. Im not willing to pay for someone who comes here, has a dozen children in the emergency rooms and expects me to pay for it while they stay on welfare and go to school for free.
We need to take care of Americans first not illeagal aliens who enter our country and drain the economy. We cannot take care of Americans if we have to continue to provide for illeagal aliens.
These people are doing nothing to stop the cycle of poverty and help themselves yet they expect the hard working people of the United States to assume the responsibility of their well being.
...Sorry, but no friggin way. If this makes me unsensitive I dont care, Americans take priority. Whats needed is some tough love, a hand up, not another hand out. They are creating exactly what they are fleeing from.
The general concept I agree with. But I don't think we should take care of Americans either. I have less sympathy for them then aliens. Come on these people have lived in this country for generations and are still living in slums and are on welfare! My family had lost everything, and were able to in one generation get out of the slums with out federal assistant. Simply put if someone is willing to risk everything to get here, then hopefully they will be smart enought to get out of the poverty. But the poor americans have a choice (for the most part) and simply choose (and it is always some one elses fault) to not do what it takes to get out of poverty. I guess I'm harsher than you Phixer.
Now health care is another problem all together.
Now I'm not quite advocating letting everyone in who wants to, we need to weed out criminals, lazy bums, drunks and such riff raff, but anyone who is clean let them in, make it legal, make them sign and enforce a policy where they will never be a burden to the state, then let them work. Assimilate them into our culture, and maybe we'll get another good holiday like 5 de mayo.