Why I'll never vote for a democrat

bang guy

Originally Posted by Yeffre Kix
You tell me what should be done with nuclear waste. The radioactivity will last longer than we humans have currently been on the planet! There is no safe way to store the nuclear waste which is a bi-product of nuclear power. It's just a slower way to poison the earth.
Didn't the Uranium come from the ground? Seems to me like it's cleaning up the earth.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Didn't the Uranium come from the ground? Seems to me like it's cleaning up the earth.

I believe that coal the other "enviroment killer" comes from the earth also..Funny how some things work.. :notsure:


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Didn't the Uranium come from the ground? Seems to me like it's cleaning up the earth.
And when they toss it out of the power plant the radioactivity of it is reduced, so yes we are cleaning up the environment to use nuclear power..YAY.Thats one problem solved...NEXT


Originally Posted by watson3
I believe that coal the other "enviroment killer" comes from the earth also..Funny how some things work.. :notsure:
The only problem with coal is that it isn't burned in mass quantities in nature on a daily basis. Nuclear is way better, but i don't think coal is half as bad as other polutants. I'll pose another question: I am into cars and hotrods. (i know i'm not entirely alone here) There really aren't too many options over fossil fuels for this. I know that there is propane, but it is not as stable and versatile in some applications(nitrous doesn't mix with propane). I agree that something needs to be done but does that mean take away my toys??? I hope not.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ol'salty
There really aren't too many options over fossil fuels for this.
I am not really into it myself at all, but most of these types of cars run on everything but plain old gasoline right? Dont get me wrong, I am all for moving some caribou out of the way so that I can take the Jeep out weekends...


Originally Posted by watson3
I am not really into it myself at all, but most of these types of cars run on everything but plain old gasoline right? Dont get me wrong, I am all for moving some caribou out of the way so that I can take the Jeep out weekends...

Most anything driven on the street runs on gas, the only exception being very radical engines that run on racing gas. Racing gas is just higher octane gas though, and actually burns cleaner because it has a more complete burn. I agree with taking the Jeep out except my Jeep is a 4X4 ranger. It would definately be crazy if we couldn't do that, but i can see "driving restrictions" in the future. Man that will suk...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I'm in no way making excuses to breaking the law. People who come over and get involved in the wrong stuff need to be held acountable for there actions.
Just a few weeks ago, a drunk illegal hit and killed one our our family friends while he was on the beat. People like that person don't need to be here. But people like my family need to be. The difficult question is, how do you choose.
Unfortunately Democrats want to create a new demographic that are dependant on them to keep them in power, and Republicans are to concerned with getting positive press to be effective.
Each person who desires to become a US citizen goes through the process of immigration and naturalization. The choice is made to grant citizenship during the backround check. Castro emptied his prisons in the 1980s and sent his criminals to the US, so he wouldnt have to deal with them (the movie scarface was based on this).
The democrat agenda is higher taxes and more free handouts which could give one a false sense of security I suppose. But only if you allow it. The same way modern technology has a way of making people lazy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ol'salty
The only problem with coal is that it isn't burned in mass quantities in nature on a daily basis. Nuclear is way better, but i don't think coal is half as bad as other polutants. I'll pose another question: I am into cars and hotrods. (i know i'm not entirely alone here) There really aren't too many options over fossil fuels for this. I know that there is propane, but it is not as stable and versatile in some applications(nitrous doesn't mix with propane). I agree that something needs to be done but does that mean take away my toys??? I hope not.
Not at all, you convert your car and register it as a flex vehicle. Lots written about this on the net. Ethanol burns cooler, cleaner and is cheaper to produce. It can be made from damn near anything, not just corn. The entire country of Brazil runs their autos on ethanol. HP losses can be recouped by raising the cyl press or compression ratio. Rubber O rings and fuel lines need to be replaced with teflon lines because alcohol will quickly cause them to turn brittle and leak. If your a gear head the conversion is easy and you already know that ethanol is the base for NHRA vehicles and sprint cars.
I converted an 88 Toyota 4X4 to a SBC 355 then converted that to ethanol.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ol'salty
The only problem with coal is that it isn't burned in mass quantities in nature on a daily basis. Nuclear is way better, but i don't think coal is half as bad as other polutants. I'll pose another question: I am into cars and hotrods. (i know i'm not entirely alone here) There really aren't too many options over fossil fuels for this. I know that there is propane, but it is not as stable and versatile in some applications(nitrous doesn't mix with propane). I agree that something needs to be done but does that mean take away my toys??? I hope not.
Not at all, you convert your car and register it as a flex vehicle. Lots written about this on the net. Ethanol burns cooler, cleaner and is cheaper to produce. It can be made from damn near anything, not just corn. The entire country of Brazil runs their autos on ethanol. Although ethanol engines run richer, the changes can be offset by raising cyl press or compression ratio. Rubber O rings and fuel lines will need to be replaced with teflon lines because alcohol will quickly cause anything rubber to turn brittle and leak. If your a gear head the conversion is easy and you already know that ethanol is the base for NHRA fuels and sprint cars.
I converted an 88 Toyota 4X4 to a SBC 355 then converted that to ethanol.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Yeffre Kix
Why was raising the minnium wage a bad idea? Do you think it's fair that unedudated people don't have the ability to make a decent living?
They will never be able to improve their situation, stuck working dead end jobs just to survive on $5 an hour so big companies can have larger profit margins.
When the minimum wage is raised, employers become more selective and hire fewer people. This causes the unemployment rate to rise because they cannot or will not hire more at that cost. Basic economics when the price goes up people buy less.
Yes I do think its fair. Stupid people should not reproduce. It dilutes the gene pool.
Wouldnt you agree.
Nuclear waste? maybe
it could be launched on a path into the largest fusion factory of them all. The sun.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Phixer
Nuclear waste? maybe it could be launched on a path into the largest fusion factory of them all. The sun.
I thought I was the only nut who thought that could be a viable option.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Yeffre Kix
Why was raising the minnium wage a bad idea? Do you think it's fair that unedudated people don't have the ability to make a decent living?
They will never be able to improve their situation, stuck working dead end jobs just to survive on $5 an hour so big companies can have larger profit margins.
I do think it is unfair that I have to support uneducated people through artifical price inflation.
Companies will protect there profit margin, the idea that raising wages will cut into the gross margin and will not be passes onto to the consumer is rediculous.
Besides your telling me that they CAN"T get their way out of a minimum wage job. I just don't buy it.
My family is living proof that you can.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Yeffre Kix
You tell me what should be done with nuclear waste. The radioactivity will last longer than we humans have currently been on the planet! There is no safe way to store the nuclear waste which is a bi-product of nuclear power. It's just a slower way to poison the earth.
Actually, nuclear waste from power plants can be recycled. I don't remember a whole lot about the article I read, but some European countries recycle their nuclear waste. The problem with the US is nobody willing to spend the money to invest in the program, and too many people that are uneducated in nuclear power are against it.
If you feel like reading:


Originally Posted by Phixer
Not at all, you convert your car and register it as a flex vehicle. Lots written about this on the net. Ethanol burns cooler, cleaner and is cheaper to produce. It can be made from damn near anything, not just corn. The entire country of Brazil runs their autos on ethanol. HP losses can be recouped by raising the cyl press or compression ratio. Rubber O rings and fuel lines need to be replaced with teflon lines because alcohol will quickly cause them to turn brittle and leak. If your a gear head the conversion is easy and you already know that ethanol is the base for NHRA vehicles and sprint cars.
I converted an 88 Toyota 4X4 to a SBC 355 then converted that to ethanol.
Ethonol and drag racing work with the blower cars pretty good, but with nitrous it gets really iffy. It's kinda like having a lot of compression with nitrous, you can do it and it runs good, but the smallest thing out of wack (timing, fuel pressure, ect) will put your carb through the hood. I agree it is doable but it would take a lot for my app because it is a nitrous car.


Active Member
If this is your daily driver and you use the laughing gas a lot then I wouldnt bother converting to ethanol. I would just keep it gasoline and drive it on the weekends. Too many variables to maintain reliability IMO. Besides speed is rarely fuel efficient.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Phixer
Besides speed is rarely fuel efficient.
Whatever I had an 11 second honda that was a daily driver. And it got 30 miles to a gallon. What happened to it? The engine blew.


Originally Posted by stdreb27
Whatever I had an 11 second honda that was a daily driver. And it got 30 miles to a gallon. What happened to it? The engine blew.

No offense but that is what happens when you take a car built for fuel effenciency and go 11's. There is always a trade off somewhere. No my car is not a daily driver, and it only gets driven maybe 10 miles a month in the winter time and double that in the summer. Not counting the drag strip of course. It gets inthe 14 mpg range because of the gearing.


Originally Posted by stdreb27
Whatever I had an 11 second honda that was a daily driver. And it got 30 miles to a gallon. What happened to it? The engine blew.

Also, i think what Phixer means is that realible speed isn't fuel efficient. To support the horsepower to make a car go fast without blowing up you have to add fuel (especially turbo'd imports). I still can't understand why peep spend all that money to go 11's in the imports. I guess just being different or just doing your thing. I am not knocking it, i just don't get it. The money you spent to go 11's inthe honda could have easily gone 10's or faster in a mustang for quite a while and could have gone 11's forever without giving out on you. Just my .02


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Whatever I had an 11 second honda that was a daily driver. And it got 30 miles to a gallon. What happened to it? The engine blew.

Really proved it there with the engine survival...

bang guy

Originally Posted by watson3
I believe that coal the other "enviroment killer" comes from the earth also..Funny how some things work.. :notsure:
I think the problem with coal is that the waste (CO2) is difficult to get back underground where it came from.
Nuclear fuel can be stored in deep vaults safely.
It would be interesting if a nuclear powered rocket could be built where the fuel is spent reactor fuel and it could propel itself out of here.