Why I'll never vote for a democrat


Active Member
As I recall one of the amendments to the now useless immigration reform bill was a clause stating that they wouldn't be a burdon to the state. and some Dems blocked it.


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Originally Posted by stdreb27
The reason we don't have more nuclear facilities are the nutcase environmentalists.

they are also the same reason we cant touch all that oil just calling our name up in ANWAR


Active Member
I don't think oil is the answer. We need to convert to renewable sources of energy. Why spend more time and money investing in power sources that won't be around 50 years from now?
That's one of the flaws with politicians (and society). They think way to short sighted. Same with medicare, SS, National Security, Immigration, etc.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I don't think oil is the answer. We need to convert to renewable sources of energy. Why spend more time and money investing in power sources that won't be around 50 years from now?
That's one of the flaws with politicians (and society). They think way to short sighted. Same with medicare, SS, National Security, Immigration, etc.
I don't know if I really buy that we won't have any oil in 50 years. Remember there was some "scientific" study in the 60's (I think) that said we would be totally out of oil in the 70's. And now we are pumping out more than ever.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I don't know if I really buy that we won't have any oil in 50 years. Remember there was some "scientific" study in the 60's (I think) that said we would be totally out of oil in the 70's. And now we are pumping out more than ever.
Sorry. The 50 years was an arbitrary number. I have no idea when, but we will run out.


Active Member
Yeah I've actually heard that number thrown around a couple times as almost factual. Even if they came out again saying "scientifically" that they would in whatever year I'd doubt it. But yeah I know that you were using that as an arbritrary number.


I have a few points to discuss.
1st: If you really put yourself in the Iragies shoes, then could we be the terrorist? What we went in and stopped was these people's known way of life for the past 100 years. (or something like that) To them, democracy might sound just as crazy as a dictatorship does to us. (Yes i believe they are better off now, until we leave whether it's now or in 15 years) The terrorists hate us because of our freedoms and way of life and we liberated them from their way of life. Sounds Crazy huh?
2nd:Our current administration did give tax breaks and encouraged companies outsourcing to india and overseas. If you work in IT you know at least something about this. If you have been in a job for years, chances are it didn't affect you. If you were a contractor working contract to contract trying to get hired when this happened, it instantly sucked. Even if the company didn't outsource they are kinda waiting to see what happens with it. How bad is it when you are offered a job from a local company, but you have to move to India and make a ton less. I think companies should be encouraged to keep the money here one way or another. It just helps us all with the economy.
3rd: I truely believe that all we can do is pick the lesser of 2 evils in an election. There is no one party that has all of the answers for everone of course but there is no way you agree with everything that that person or party stands for. And i mean everything including the lies and hidden agendas. All we have is rich people running for office that could probably care less about the country until they get in there and realize that if they screw up it is going to be blamed on them. There is always other reasons not displayed to us. It's probably the money and the power. I think there should be other qualifications in place for someone running for prez ( i am not sure which ones, but at least should be able to speak in complete sentences) ( ohh come on i couldn't resist that one) With all of the lobyist and such it is about as good as organized crime at it's highest level. (for both parties)
I hope i didn't offend anyone, just throwing some thoughts out there to get the wheels turning in your noggins.
I do believe that either way you vote, you should agree that there are definately chagnes that should be made to keep this country the greatest country in the world.
Just my .02


Active Member
1. No, we can't be considered "terrorists". Victors, maybe. Occupiers even, but not terrorists. Don't forget Saddam started the war when he invaded Kuwait in 91. The current occupation was based on his refusal to comply with the peace terms of that defeat.
2. The jobmarket will change. If it didn't we wouldn't have such a great economy. I don't think you can blame any government for progress. I'm sure when Henry Ford made the Auto affordable for the masses some blacksmiths and ferriers lost jobs.
3. I agree with the fact that no political party represents 100% of what I hold important. I differ with the current Admin on some environmental issues and completely differ on immigration. I don't really buy into the complete negativity and pessimistic viewpoint and conspiracies of the rest of this point, however.
Thanks for your concern, but I can't imagine your post offended anyone.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ol'salty
How bad is it when you are offered a job from a local company, but you have to move to India and make a ton less.
Not sure what overseas jobs you have been offered, but the ones I get are quite the opposite of less money...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
And my family have taken in aliens, of both varieties. And have paid for them to stay at our house for a few weeks maybe a month. And found them a job, and these have been quite successful, starting business, and such. And as far as I know most of them are still here and paying taxes and have become part of our society.
As for creating exactly what they are fleeing from, I don't quite buy that they are the ones creating it.
I think it is the folks up in Washington that have created a society of dependancy. And it isn't just aliens, but alot of American's who are too lazy to get off there rears and get a job and work. Instead they rather have a few baby-daddys to bump up there wellfare check.
Heres how:
If they are here illeagally they wont have a *** so how would the IRS know they are paying taxes? Some are issued a tax identification numbers with temporary work visas. Illeagal aliens that fall under this catagory also qualify for the earned income tax credit because of their income level, so guess what... we are paying them.
They are creating here what they are fleeing from by not assimulating into our culture, many refuse to learn our language obey our laws and pay taxes. There are parks here in CA that look like Tijuanna, they have been taken over by people that would rather spray paint everything with the colors of other countries than erect a flag of the country they are living in. In CA Illeagal aliens from Mexico are having babies hourly in emergency rooms at the taxpayers expense. The prisons here are bursting with illeagal aliens.
Incarceration of criminal aliens cost an estimated $624 million to state prisons (1999) and $891 million to federal prisons (2002).
You are dead on right about the lazy Americans, these folks are draining our economy and need to contribute or leave. Id much rather hire someone who wants to work no matter where they come from but it has to be done without breaking the law.
The sense of dependancy in adults often comes from being lazy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Phixer
Heres how:
If they are here illeagally they wont have a *** so how would the IRS know they are paying taxes? Some are issued a tax identification numbers with temporary work visas. Illeagal aliens that fall under this catagory also qualify for the earned income tax credit because of their income level, so guess what... we are paying them.
They are creating here what they are fleeing from by not assimulating into our culture, many refuse to learn our language obey our laws and pay taxes. There are parks here in CA that look like Tijuanna, they have been taken over by people that would rather spray paint everything with the colors of other countries than erect a flag of the country they are living in. In CA Illeagal aliens from Mexico are having babies hourly in emergency rooms at the taxpayers expense. The prisons here are bursting with illeagal aliens.
Incarceration of criminal aliens cost an estimated $624 million to state prisons (1999) and $891 million to federal prisons (2002).
You are dead on right about the lazy Americans, these folks are draining our economy and need to contribute or leave. Id much rather hire someone who wants to work no matter where they come from but it has to be done without breaking the law.
The sense of dependancy in adults often comes from being lazy.
You know what is interesting is that gang's and all that are an American problem. (from talking to my cousins who are deeply involved in international law enforcement having spent time working on the street here and there) They say that most of the problems with gang's are a result of people bringing it back to mexico from stuff they have learned in the US.
But the problems of tax credits and such are purely a creation of washington. It isn't the immigrants fault. They are simply working a system, that I agree is faulty. The solution to our problem is symple but It will never happen.
Democrats and liberal Republicans will never let it happen. It is retarted.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
You know what is interesting is that gang's and all that are an American problem. (from talking to my cousins who are deeply involved in international law enforcement having spent time working on the street here and there) They say that most of the problems with gang's are a result of people bringing it back to mexico from stuff they have learned in the US.
But the problems of tax credits and such are purely a creation of washington. It isn't the immigrants fault. They are simply working a system, that I agree is faulty. The solution to our problem is symple but It will never happen.
Democrats and liberal Republicans will never let it happen. It is retarted.
It is the illeagal aliens fault. They are breaking our laws no matter what their intentions are. If someone robs a bank to support a homeless shelter, they are still robbing a bank. This makes them a criminal. If you break the law and dont get caught you are still breaking the law. It's not the US citizens responsibility to pay for illeagal aliens.
The problem is our politicians are cowards. Which is why we must keep the pressure on them.
Until the citizens of Mexico decide to take a stand they will continue to be victims of a corrupt government.


Active Member
I'm in no way making excuses to breaking the law. People who come over and get involved in the wrong stuff need to be held acountable for there actions.
Just a few weeks ago, a drunk illegal hit and killed one our our family friends while he was on the beat. People like that person don't need to be here. But people like my family need to be. The difficult question is, how do you choose.
Unfortunately Democrats want to create a new demographic that are dependant on them to keep them in power, and Republicans are to concerned with getting positive press to be effective.


Originally Posted by watson3
Not sure what overseas jobs you have been offered, but the ones I get are quite the opposite of less money...
The jobs are in India supporting computers here. And they pay in the 10.00 an hour range. If you don't believe me, just give dell support a call and see who you get to help you...


The other issue is now that we are "liberators" who gets to decide who we liberate and when. If we are going to start liberating non threats then why not liberate Mexico form there poverty and bomb them too? Like i stated in other threads, I know we can't just pull out of Iraq and i (like everyone else) don't have an answer. But it still just doesn't add up. I know it has also been stated that we don't have all of the details of this operation in Iraq that the govt. has.....they must be leaving out a lot cause to the normal citizen it just doesn't add up...

yeffre kix

Originally Posted by Darknes
Honestly, I don't know why we don't have more nuclear power plants. They are so much cleaner and more efficient than coal plants. I think the majority of the public is misinformed of the safety of nuclear power.
You tell me what should be done with nuclear waste. The radioactivity will last longer than we humans have currently been on the planet! There is no safe way to store the nuclear waste which is a bi-product of nuclear power. It's just a slower way to poison the earth.

yeffre kix

Why was raising the minnium wage a bad idea? Do you think it's fair that unedudated people don't have the ability to make a decent living?
They will never be able to improve their situation, stuck working dead end jobs just to survive on $5 an hour so big companies can have larger profit margins.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Yeffre Kix
Why was raising the minnium wage a bad idea?
Because now companies that paid good employees nine or so dollars an hour which was almost double will have to worry about how to pay that same person fourteen or so dollars an hour when business is still the same..


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1knight164
I'm all for that. I don't think people have forgotten 3-mile island and Chernobyl. No one wants one in there backyard. Here in SoCal, we have one in San Onofre, right outside of Camp Pendlton.
But the water at the beach there is so warm...


Originally Posted by Yeffre Kix
You tell me what should be done with nuclear waste. The radioactivity will last longer than we humans have currently been on the planet! There is no safe way to store the nuclear waste which is a bi-product of nuclear power. It's just a slower way to poison the earth.
One of my close friends is a nuclear engineer, so i know a little about the nuclear power thing. Yes it produces waste (everything porduces waste) but at least it can be contained. Nuclear waste can be properly disposed of where it won't leak into the air or ground. Most of the other wastes are released into the air where they do their harm. Maybe its a lesser of 2 evils but nuclear is the way to go imo...