You Know You're Addicted When...


New Member
You know you're addicted when....
Your power is out for two weeks and the first thing you plug into the generator isn't the refridgerator but the fish tank.
Before the hurricane you go to the lfs a week ahead of time to make sure that you have enough food for your fish but wait until the last minute to go to the grocery store.

my way

Active Member
When you spend all day surfing these message boards, then go plumbing tank for someone and when you get home the first thing you do is surf the message boards again. Or maybe I just need a life!

my way

Active Member
ruaround call in sick to work because you ve got a shipment coming in [img said:[/img][/QUOTE
do the PoPo know about this?


You know your an addict when you stop cooking meals in the kitchen because your affraid your downdraft skimmer will lose it foam due to the sudden temp change in the air.
Or when you wake up every night and open your tank cabinet to make sure everything is ok.


Active Member
LOL resurection...
you know your addicted when there is more food in your freezer for your fish than for yourself/family...
when you have a detailed diagram of how to get your fish out in case of a fire and a "in case of fire" sign with a picture of a fish hanging in th window for the firemen to see...


When you throw out a micro-wave oven to make room for your 8th fish tank....
When you have a 1 foot narrow path as a walkway in your living room because you have fish gear and "stuff" all over the place.
When you move fish tanks around when you are only 7 weeks post-op from a hysterectomy. Yep, did it and my body told me about it the next day.
I drive my husband crazy....and myself too.


when your loved ones threaten to send you to the psych ward if you don't get help on your own...


ok here is mine-
You know you are addicted when you spend 2500us ona tank setup then decide it would be cheaper to date the LFS Owner and end up having 9 running tanks in your house with plans for more, and you marry the LFS guy.


darth, that was a good one... and i'm glad to see you finally caved!!!
how about this one: your nightmares consist of having high nitrates or ich, and you wake up in cold sweats and run to your fish tank to check everyone's ok.

darth tang

Active Member
You get mad each time your little snowflake eel switches rocks for it's home because you can't find him to hand feed him and ensure his growth and health.....daily occurance for me. The little guy just won't stay in one rock.......


when you only can see your loved one for 3 hours in a day, but you'd rather spend that time cleaning/feeding/staring at your tank...