SaltnOOB is on vacation so I had to wait on shipping His. We want them all to acclimate to their respective tanks so then we can all make small documented frags and begin.
I dont really have any scientific method for this so I am open to ideas.
I figure while its slow going, we will let them rest for a few days in thier tanks to make sure they arrived healthy. Then if possible, frag all three specimens to a single rock so we all just have to document with single pictures keeping the thread semi clean.
I know there will be much whining and crying for the contestants...."
Hey RFB why cant I grow like you can, I suck" ......and all that sort of stuff but we will press on.
For time line, its really just untill we lose interest but lets try to update weekly on say,....every Sunday? or whatever day is convenient. Lets try to run this for at least 6-8 weeks if not longer depending on how our intrests hold.
With all three frags on a single rock lets try to limit to single pics per week with a clear shot and thats about it.
I dont know if we should post our water perameters or let that be our secret weapons? We are all using different lighting so its not a true apples to apples comparison. Scientific compasiron is out the window for truley keeping all tanks at any particular spec. I figure we would just do what we do best and keep everyone on the boards updated and take pics.
Did I miss anything?
Oh and I do still have two more sets of frags if two more want to join? I will have to up shipping to 30.00 but Hopefully everyone can vouch I am sending decent sized clumps, not 2 headed Zoo micro frags.
I let Maelv sneek in the back door and will be sending him a frag pack.
I also sent Michael the same three frags and he is welcome to join.
SO SaltN00b and Maelv will be joining and that leaves two more open. If you want to join please email me- its a first come first serve basis for the last two batches I have available.
Edit- I mispessed my OWN email
should be: