Zooanthid growth Race!!!!

tx reef

Active Member
I never use USPS to ship live stuff.
Someone on the boards shipped me some eagle eye zoos on a Monday and I didn't get them until Friday. After 2 weeks, they opened up.......


Active Member
Originally Posted by TX Reef
I never use USPS to ship live stuff.
Someone on the boards shipped me some eagle eye zoos on a Monday and I didn't get them until Friday. After 2 weeks, they opened up.......
I think the zoas will make it but the organ pipe/clove looks like toast. I give it 50/50. RFB, we have to set the ground rules. Once my zoas open up, I will be impossible to beat! If the others are scared, you can send the frags to me! Please do not use USPS!


Active Member
my clove polyps haven't opened yet, but i did take pics yesterday after a couple hours in the tank.
all of the zoos have opened today, so tomorrow i will frag them.
what are the rules, procedures, etc? photo journal on weekly basis maybe? how long will this go?


Active Member
SaltnOOB is on vacation so I had to wait on shipping His. We want them all to acclimate to their respective tanks so then we can all make small documented frags and begin.
I dont really have any scientific method for this so I am open to ideas.
I figure while its slow going, we will let them rest for a few days in thier tanks to make sure they arrived healthy. Then if possible, frag all three specimens to a single rock so we all just have to document with single pictures keeping the thread semi clean.
I know there will be much whining and crying for the contestants...."Hey RFB why cant I grow like you can, I suck" ......and all that sort of stuff but we will press on.
For time line, its really just untill we lose interest but lets try to update weekly on say,....every Sunday? or whatever day is convenient. Lets try to run this for at least 6-8 weeks if not longer depending on how our intrests hold.
With all three frags on a single rock lets try to limit to single pics per week with a clear shot and thats about it.
I dont know if we should post our water perameters or let that be our secret weapons? We are all using different lighting so its not a true apples to apples comparison. Scientific compasiron is out the window for truley keeping all tanks at any particular spec. I figure we would just do what we do best and keep everyone on the boards updated and take pics.
Did I miss anything?
Oh and I do still have two more sets of frags if two more want to join? I will have to up shipping to 30.00 but Hopefully everyone can vouch I am sending decent sized clumps, not 2 headed Zoo micro frags.
I let Maelv sneek in the back door and will be sending him a frag pack.
I also sent Michael the same three frags and he is welcome to join.
SO SaltN00b and Maelv will be joining and that leaves two more open. If you want to join please email me- its a first come first serve basis for the last two batches I have available.
Edit- I mispessed my OWN email
should be: reefnut@clearwire.net


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
my clove polyps haven't opened yet, but i did take pics yesterday after a couple hours in the tank.
all of the zoos have opened today, so tomorrow i will frag them.
what are the rules, procedures, etc? photo journal on weekly basis maybe? how long will this go?
My zoas have opened up almost all of the way! Nice frag RFB! Do you all give up yet? They must have grown during the baking process (trip here) and grown with the anticipation of coming to their new promised land? I just can't explain it?


Active Member
The toxic greens remember they were giving me a heck of a time so I just substituted Cloves in thier place.
I hope everyone is happy with the packs they recieved.
I hacked up a few monster colonies and while they were various sized I tried to balance the batches. The dang skeleton they were growing on was a nightmare, I literally used a mini sledge and a cold chisel to break the frags. I still have 4 batches to go out.
Two are spoken for but two more are open to someone to join us and show off thier growth skills. But please remember if your joining this race, please be ready and able to post pictures and you are a regular participant of this board. Shame for someone to take the frags and run.


RFB, I sent you an email. Id like to join in if theres a batch of frags left.


Active Member
PAS- sorry I mispelled my own email above, I went back and edited it, but I never recieved your mail.
Welcome aboard PAS, but thats it folks, the last batch I just gave to a newbie locally for his new reef. All frags are now acounted for.
PASPhotography, please re-send the email and I can ship them out so we can get everything going. Sorry I had to up shipping on ya but I got a bit hosed with the last batch.


Great, Thanks. I look forward to joining in and maybe get lucky and show up some of the pro's on here, if not Ill have some awesome photos to post.
and the email resent.


Active Member
Originally Posted by grumpygils
My zoas have opened up almost all of the way! Nice frag RFB! Do you all give up yet? They must have grown during the baking process (trip here) and grown with the anticipation of coming to their new promised land? I just can't explain it?
bah, that isn't one of the frags already you fibber :p hehe at least i hope not LOL.
but yes, RFB, the frags are beautiful and plentiful, i just think the clove isn't having a good time though :( shall we each start a different thread called "[Loginname]'s reef race" or would that be too hard to keep track of for comparison?


Active Member
I think having separate threads will make it confusing. This thread is going to get messy thats for sure but its OK. Its all part of the time line. we can come back to it and have easy comparison. We have Reno, Grumpy, Maelv, PAS, SaltN00b, and myself. Michael is welcome to join and that would make a crapload of threads for zoo racing. I would think it would just be to hard to keep up with all of them.
Mods- if we were to ask to have a thread cleaned , could I just say for instance post from the bottom #_, #_, and # _ please remove? When we kick off we might help from a good cleanup.


Im not sure how/where everyone else is going to keep track of their photos but, I have a separate page on my website that will have the date and the images beneath it. I was thinking of doing a fully open shot to see the sizes, and a closed shot after the lights go out so you can see any new heads/expansions forming.
Heres the link to my photos for future reference, and watch out Im may be the underdog here coming in late... but never underestimate the new guy.


Ill do it and send you money for shipping right away. i wish i saw this thread sooner. we need a VHO representative and thats me! Let me know if i can still do this because i would really like to. I have 295 watts of vho over a 55 gallon. been up since september.


Active Member
I have 4x96w pc on 40b If you still have a frag. I'll participate, I can PP shipping just give me the word.


Active Member
OK I unfortunaltey have to close the doors on new participants, I keep sneaking everyone in because I cant say no, but I have already sent so many that I really dont have much left. My clove colony was a show sized beast, still huge but I dont have enough to send more without hurting my display. (keep in mind I sent out 21 frags so far with only charging for shipping.)

I have some last minute packages to send, but everyone will have thier frags that I have contacted and should be able to have them in thier tank for a few days before we kick off.
Lets try to all frag them Sat night and all frag them to a single rock so we can keep the pics to a min but still show off our growth.
Photo Documenting should be Single pictures taken at least weekly and posted in this thread every Sunday.
start should be-
3 little buttons of blue.
3 little buttone of Brown.
3 stalks of clove polyp.
on everyone's honor, no cheating with excessive connective tissue but each person can choose thier own arraingment. Either separating them into 9 single heads on thier rock or in little clusters its up to them. This is where methods and tricks for growth play into it.. We all have different lighting and different water chem but lets just try to get some growth and doc the progress.
Any questions?


Active Member
question, what is the minnimum time every one is willing to commit to this endeavour? 8weeks? 16? just curious.


Active Member
i am home safe from an awesome vacation.
ready to receive my frag and get this race going.
not to frighten you other so called "reefers" but in the 9 days gone my existing zoas all have expanded at least one whole layer of polyps in circumference! bua hahahaa.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
question, what is the minnimum time every one is willing to commit to this endeavour? 8weeks? 16? just curious.
I will go a long time.... 16 weeks, after that my frags will be too big for my 100G frag tank. On another note, They haven't come out yet. One frag is totally dormant and the other has 3 micro orange polyps with the other 15 or so way shut. Clove seems to be toast. Dang USPS!