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  1. flameangel

    lazy shrimp

    I had two peppermint shrimp who went into hiding. One has been missing and presumed dead since day two. The other one hid out constantly. I only had it about 3 weeks, and it that time I NEVER saw it out. If you looked between some rocks, you could see him swaying around, hanging upside down...
  2. flameangel

    happy birthday mr salty

    Hope you have a wonderful birthday! Let us know if you need any help blowing out the candles! Just kidding.....Here's to many more! :D :D :D
  3. flameangel

    Whats ure fav fish?

    Firefish! <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />
  4. flameangel


    Well, I think my two long-hair dachshunds have an identity crisis....especially Widget, my little male. He will sit and stare at the fish, moving his head to keep up with them. He gets shooed away for jumping up on the stand at the fish. It scares them and gets wet nose prints on the glass...
  5. flameangel


    So, are they introduced to the tank with live rock? What fish eat them. Can they overpopulate your tank?
  6. flameangel


    Wamp, Lexington is NOT worth the stop. They only have a handful of saltwater fish tanks and 1 tank with corals. It is small and not really worth making any special effort to go to. It's called Pet Pavilion. If you want directions I'll be glad to give them to you, but like I said, don't...
  7. flameangel


    No, Bluto, no cig....but he was wearing a top hat and tails with no pants! LOL!
  8. flameangel


    I just came home and fed my fish. Out came the critters. One of them grabbed a flake and stood on an empty hermit crab shell...(yes, STOOD)...and appeared to be laughing at me while his little tentacle things were twitching on his little head. I'm not sure, but when he finally ran off, I...
  9. flameangel

    Naso is hiding, won't come and play....

    Have you noticed if the fish gets any white patches (usally due to stress) all over it's body?
  10. flameangel


    Hmmmmmmmmm........verrry interesting, Jim. I, too, just got over an ick epidemic that wiped out 3 of my 5 fish. I am around my 3-4 week post ick period. There are still two firefish in the tank though....of course they hide all the time and never bother anything. Did you ever decide what...
  11. flameangel


    <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> You guys are nuts! Hahah! Sammy, these critters are definitely not afraid to "come into the light" as far as I can tell. They seem to stay hidden until I feed my fish, then they come out and grab up the food. After that, they are...
  12. flameangel


    Thanks for the pics, Kelly. I think they may be amphipods. I'll do some more research to make sure! :)
  13. flameangel


    I have some unidentified fishy organisms! In the past few days I have noticed these tiny little creatures on my substrate and around my live rock. They go nuts when I feed my fish, scampering around scavenging for falling food. Quick little boogers. Hard to get a good look at them. They are...
  14. flameangel

    Shrimp Molting

    Mine hides constantly. I rarely ever see it come out. Does it come out and do it's thing at nighttime? I actually added 2 at a time 3 weeks ago. I haven't seen but one since the second day. No sign of the other one at all.
  15. flameangel

    Shrimp Molting

    How often do your peppermint shrimp molt? I've had mine 3 weeks and it has molted at least twice that I have noticed. Is this normal or is a stress thing or something?
  16. flameangel

    octopus coral

    Is it from the Euphyllia family? Such as frogspawn, torch and hammer corals?
  17. flameangel

    Help me RAISE my Calcium!!

    Originally posted by NM reef: <strong>I use sea chem reef builder and reef advantage(for calcium & alkalinity) plus kalkwasser to maintain established levels.</strong><hr></blockquote> Okay, so use the sea chem products to RAISE the calcium then kalkwasser later to maintain? Or use it to raise...
  18. flameangel

    Help me RAISE my Calcium!!

    We do water changes every 7-10 days. For a 38 gallon tank we change 5 gallons. Alkalinity has been around 3.2. All parameters have been normal except calcium which I can't seem to raise.
  19. flameangel

    Help me RAISE my Calcium!!

    My Calcium is at about 240 right now. I need some help on raising it. I have Kent Liquid Calcium and some C-Balance on hand. I've been adding this stuff, but no rise in levels. What do you guys use to raise your calcium levels?
  20. flameangel

    Are you male or female enough?

    Add another one for female!!! I bought the tank for my husband, but, I'm the one who is more nuts over it! <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />