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  1. errattiq

    cheap lighting alternatives...

    Power compact = good for soft corals , bad for anemones. Anemones require far stronger lighting that power compacts... If you want to stay cheap and use this light, stick to soft corals and some LPS corals... If you go the anemone or SPS coral route you'll be wasting $$ and just gaining...
  2. errattiq

    Great Idea doesn't work, Suggestions ?

    I'm trying to visualize this supersystem LOL... is this a hang on back refugium? if so, why not plumb it with a small powerhead in the intake side and just have a pvc pipe or the equivalent just drain out back into the sump?? I wouldn't run the overflow drain or return pump through the fuge...
  3. errattiq

    Temp Issue

    not at all, your pretty much ideal in terms of temp.... the range of ocean temps can range from 70-90... maybe more. Don't touch anything.
  4. errattiq


    For future reference, mix your salt water out of the tank... that way you won't have to deal with undissolved salt settling on your sandbed and disturbing your salinity levels......
  5. errattiq

    Help!! All of my fish are dying

    Do a large water change (like 40-50%), just in case by some chance there was poison introduced by the exterminator...either way, it'll dilute whatever the issue is fast..
  6. errattiq

    help with lighting

    +1 If you want to stay cheap your going to have to ditch the anemone idea... You can still have a soft coral or 2 and have them under power compact lighting. E-bay sells them dirt cheap....try there
  7. errattiq

    LIVE ROCK HELP - Asterinia?

    sea stars aren't your problem my friend, you have something in there that's out competing your coralline algae for food....Do anything different to your tank lately? Having or recently had an algae bloom or outbreak? Either way, relax, the purple will return...Coralline is known to leach and...
  8. errattiq

    Coralife RO Unit

    The membrane is what controls the flow of water for the most part.... All you have to do to tell the gpd rating is take a one gallon jug and time how long it takes to fill and divide 24 by that number and bingo. For example my 50gpd system fills a 5 gallon bucket in about 2 and a half hours....
  9. errattiq

    My next step

    For powerheads I'd go with Hydor Koralias.. There definitely the best for the price unless you have an unlimited budget and can afford tunze pumps. If you want to create a reef your water turnover rate should be 20-30 times the volume of your tank. In my case I have a 55 gal and I have a...
  10. errattiq

    FS: 25lbs premium white fiji livesand

    I bought a ton of this stuff for my tank. The sand is aquacultured so no worries about wild caught parasites in this sand. I have about 25lbs left over so I'm getting rid of it. I'd like to let it go all in one shot but if you want smaller amounts I guess I can separate it out... I'm looking...
  11. errattiq

    Yellowtail Damsel?

    1.) The maroon will beat the crap out of your misbar's... They are VERY VERY aggressive toward other clowns (and other fish for that matter). 2.) those damsels should have horns sticking out of their head because they can also be very destructive to tankmates, they are agressive to fish no...
  12. errattiq

    Green Water

    Also, your lighting may be breaking into their correct spectrum. A lot of people experience an algae bloom when they change their bulbs to new ones....
  13. errattiq

    My 55 reef

    Be careful about your bioload, you already have plenty of fish in there, if you add more you will run into nutrient/algae issues from waste production...
  14. errattiq

    jawfish trouble

    He may get spooked but put your hand right into his burrow and place the food in it.
  15. errattiq

    ***** Real Ocean Water

    I used it for a while with no adverse effects. I got aggravated with how much I was spending so I got a RO/DI system. Me and my girlfriend like to keep track of how much we would've spent in that saltwater since we got our ro system and starting buying our salt... Oceanic 200gal salt mix -...
  16. errattiq

    maxi jet 1200's only 8.00 bucks

    WHERE WERE YOU 1 WEEK AGO?!?!?!? LOL I would have bout like 5...
  17. errattiq

    my sump

    sump does look small, what tank size is it supposed to be rated up to?
  18. errattiq

    What is my Bubble Anemone doing?

    How are your nitrates? They are really sensitive to even a tiny bit of them. I had a BTA literally do the same thing as you described, blossom round at night but shrivel during the day, and it died a week later....No clue why, just melted on me.....
  19. errattiq

    first cycle, do i need a light?

    your clean up crew doesn't require any lighting.... You can cycle without a light without any problems, go for it.