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  1. steelchromis

    Eye Candy Request...

    Nice pics of your tanks. That's all I'm going to say bout this thread.
  2. steelchromis

    Question about peppermint shrimp

    My pep-o is 50/50, some days I see him, some days I don't.
  3. steelchromis

    OT Tigers as pets?

    or X.:D
  4. steelchromis

    150 year old hitchhiker found on rocks!??!?!

    I don't even know what it is.:(
  5. steelchromis


    I think the waiting period before putting fish back in is 1 month. Just b/c the ick paracites have nothing to host off of and therefore, die.
  6. steelchromis

    green chromis

    I agree, give them a few days and should be shoaling in no time.
  7. steelchromis

    Reef Tank as of 10/16/03

    Tank looks very nice. Sorry about the clown.
  8. steelchromis

    six legged star

    Awesome, never seen a cc star with 6 legs.:eek:
  9. steelchromis

    Try this its fun!

    Yes, it's ok.
  10. steelchromis

    Crabs and Shrimp molting

    I keep it in b/c, as already stated, provides nutrition for my inverts.
  11. steelchromis

    New Shrooms!

    Very nice tim. I am hopefully going to purchase my first coral soon.
  12. steelchromis

    d-d-d-d- DRAGONETTES!!!!

    me 2, they are always trying to sound like they know what they are doing, when they usually don't.
  13. steelchromis

    Help me stock my tank!

    I agree with kreach, get some green chromis.
  14. steelchromis

    Slime on sand

    Tell you this, if it is cyano, it is one hell of a disaster waiting to happen and took me a few months in order to stop it.
  15. steelchromis

    tank pics

    Nice pics.
  16. steelchromis

    Types of LR and LS?

    I recommend getting fiji Live Rock because there is less of a chance that you will get nuicence hitchhikers. i.e. mantis shrimp. I am not saying that you will not get them, I am just saying that there is a smaller chance. Good luck with your choice.:)
  17. steelchromis

    tank bred falme angels

    I think that captive bred flame angels go for $70 to $80 dollars.
  18. steelchromis

    Lost my Lion Fish :(

    Sorry for your lion. What kind of lion was he?
  19. steelchromis

    RIP Lost Fish in Shipping

    Hopefully something will make it.
  20. steelchromis

    longnose hawk and shrimp

    I agree with jwtrofan.