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  1. billyv

    live rock and live sand

    It could be a sponge. I have a bright yellow sponge that popped up on my live rock. :)
  2. billyv

    What do you look for in Live Rock?

    I agree with the above. I mostly look for size, shape and price.
  3. billyv

    Feather Duster---Live rock or Substrate?

    Hey there. I would suggest puting it on or in your live rock. I've had good luck placing feather dusters in the holes of my live rock...they live to burrow in and attatch. Good luck.
  4. billyv

    do pepermint shrimp hide?

    I added two peppermint shrimp, didn't see either of them for a couple of days, but now I see one all the time. The 2nd shrimp I never see, and I assume that he got ate. Survival of the fittest. They do like to hide quite a bit, but you should be able to see them after the lights are off. Try...
  5. billyv

    How do ya remove two very bad Damsels.

    Before you try fishing them out, you might try this. don't feed your fish for a day or so. Then get your net out, and carfefully place some food in the net, preferbly something large enough so it won't float out or through the net. I like to use krill shrimp. The fish will come to the food...
  6. billyv

    Blue Starfish

    I've had two of these, and they both died. And my water peramiters are excellent. They are hard to keep, don't waste your money. Anyone else have problems with these guys dying?
  7. billyv

    Sea Horse in Refugium

    Okay, I find this topic interesting. I am planning to upgrade to baiiger tank in the next few months with a refugium, I have always wanted to try sea horses, but not at the expense of my reef and corals. Question? What is Caulerpa? And when your talking about the sea horses eating the little...
  8. billyv

    Keeping an Anenome put.

    I would suggest smashing your anemone with a rock. I accidentally did this with my anemone when I was changing my live rock around, and it split into 3 different anemones. The way I have it figuered is, if you have three, one will settle where you want it to. On a more serious note, I would...
  9. billyv

    Live Sand/Rock In Sump?

    Everything I have ever heard (or read) leans towards at least 4" of sand. Remember, your LFS has a unique set of circumstances, such as the number of employees tending to a single tank, overfeeding the fish....the have no vested interest in the health of their tanks....they don't work off...
  10. billyv

    Help! Frogspawn sick or dying.

    Thanks for the reply. I checked, and I don't have corals within reach of this frogspawn. Two of the four branches are dead, and of the two branches that are still alive, the "arms" only come out, maybe an eighth of an inch. The dying frogspawn is a really cool color too, and I'd like to save...
  11. billyv

    Help! Frogspawn sick or dying.

  12. billyv

    Having a big problem with things dyeing

    Are you sure you have a "Saltwater" tank? All kidding aside, what are yourwater parameters????
  13. billyv

    Help! Frogspawn sick or dying.

    I have 3 Frogspawns in my 55 Reef; a brown, a bright green and a light green. I've had the bright green Frogspawn the longest, but it appears to be dying back, with several branches that are completly dead. My other two Frogspawns are doing great, showing new growth, etc, so I don't think the...
  14. billyv

    Where to buy Southdown in WA State?

    Okay. I just checked with Home Depot. They do not carry Southdown and can't get it this far West. I also asked for Tropical Play-Sand by Southdown as "TheReefMan52" suggested, but that is also a no-go. Thanks to everyone who posted a reply here. BillyV
  15. billyv

    Kick ICK

    Kick Ich DIDN'T work for me either. I had a Clown Tang with Ich, and it ended up dying after the Kick Ich treatment. Don't waste your time or money.
  16. billyv

    Kick ICK

    Kick Ich DIDN'T work for me either. I had a Clown Tang with Ich, and it ended up dying after the Kick Ich treatment. Don't waste your time or money.
  17. billyv

    coral banded shrimp x2

    Hey there. I had two CBS in my tank for about 3 mounths with no problems. My buddy who uses the name "Mal" on this messege board also had 2 CBS in his tank for some time. Having two wasn't a problem for either one of our tanks. Yes, they did fight a little bit in the beginning, but not to...
  18. billyv

    Where to buy Southdown in WA State?

    Thanks "Got Krabs". I'll check it out today.
  19. billyv

    Where to buy Southdown in WA State?

    Anyone have info on where to buy Southdown in Washington/Oregon or Idaho? I'd appriciate the info!
  20. billyv

    shroom on the loose

    Yes, Cheese cloth does work for attatching mushrooms to rock. It can be purchased in any major grocery store. I tried this recently, and it work pretty well for the most part. The only problem I encountered was that the cheese cloth seemed to get torn apart after just a few days, either from...