Search results

  1. mjm889

    Bio Balls how often should they be cleaned????

    thanks how long does it take for nitrates to go down after water change and cleaning of bio balls
  2. mjm889

    Bio Balls how often should they be cleaned????

    I cleaned them for the 1st time today and they were nasty,long overdue i guess,hopefully this will help with my nitrate problem, i placed them into the a bucket and used tank water to break all the dirt, any other ideas on how to do this, also often should this be done i clean the filter pad...
  3. mjm889

    yellow tang vs blue hippo tang

    thanks for the info,hopefully it goes well when i get the hippo
  4. mjm889

    what clowns can i add with my false perculas

    i have a 135 gallon fish only tank with a yellow tang two false percs and 3 green chromis. i would like to add another clownfish but what kind and are the some clowns that cant be kept together, i was looking to add a tomato or cinn clown thanks - mike
  5. mjm889

    yellow tang vs blue hippo tang

    thanks, so a hippo tang bigger than my yellow would be better
  6. mjm889

    yellow tang vs blue hippo tang

    the tang is about 4 inches and he is in there with two clowns in a 135gallon, i added 3 green chormis 3 weeks ago and was fine with them, i would like to get a small blue hippo if possible, i like watching them grow,i am hoping the shape difference in the two tangs will help, any thoughts
  7. mjm889

    yellow tang vs blue hippo tang

    just worried that the yellow been there so long, hopefully it will go good
  8. mjm889

    yellow tang vs blue hippo tang

    i am looking to add a blue hippo tang to my 135 gallon tank. i have lots of rockwork for hiding places. the yellow tang has been in there for 3 years. do you see any problems with the two of them fighting
  9. mjm889

    stock list for my 135 gallon tank

    thanks for the help!!!!!!
  10. mjm889

    stock list for my 135 gallon tank

    so i would be better off with a dwarf angel instead of a large angel. I can live with that. what about a blue hippo tang still with a dwarf angel??? or is that pushing it.
  11. mjm889

    stock list for my 135 gallon tank

    so a hippo and a large angel would be to much in the tank??????
  12. mjm889

    stock list for my 135 gallon tank

    did you guys ever look on u-tube, how do those guys get away with two or more angels in a tank and stuffing it full of fish. i see 7 to 8 large fish in a 125 gallon plus 10 little ones
  13. mjm889

    stock list for my 135 gallon tank

    its actually 5 1/2 feet long its a custom acrylic tank 135 gallons flat back with 20 gallon sump.
  14. mjm889

    stock list for my 135 gallon tank

    thanks guys, no reef tank, fish only. So how does one blue hippo tang, a flame angel and then 5 chromis. i have blue leg hermit crabs in there now and would like to ge a cleaner shrimp or is there any other shrimp with a good personality like the cleaner shrimp.
  15. mjm889

    stock list for my 135 gallon tank

    hi i am looking for ideas on what kind of fish to add to my 135 gallon fish only tank. I have a yellow tang and two true percs in there now. i would like to add an angel, the ones i like are the flame, emperor, flagfin, blue angel, i was also like to add another tang, naso, hippo, convict also...
  16. mjm889

    Tankmates for my Yellow Tang and two clowns

    for info the jewell damsel was removed from the tank and i will never buy another one again!!!!
  17. mjm889

    Tankmates for my Yellow Tang and two clowns

    thanks guys, the fish that died before were over aggression and stress. i had three triggers in the tank that were fine for a year until one day they started to duke it out. add a jewell damsel that was a monster 4inches plus. there were some fights and i couldnt find a home for the triggers in...
  18. mjm889

    Tankmates for my Yellow Tang and two clowns

    I was wondering if you guys could help. I have a yellow tang and 2 clowns (percs) in a 135 gallon tank. I had them for three years in there with other fish that had died off over the last 3 years, my water conditions are good nitrates 20 nitrite 0 amo 0 1.021 for sal ph 8.4 and 300 for the...
  19. mjm889

    Pinktail Trigger looks stuffed. Please help

    thanks he has become really lazy and hides behinds the rocks now. He used to swim around and bully everyone now he is the exact oppsite. he skin looks good not breathing heavy but is a little pale than normal thanks for the help.
  20. mjm889

    Pinktail Trigger looks stuffed. Please help

    my pt has always been the most food aggresive fish, now he looks like he stuffed him self so full that he just hides and comes out once in a while, my problem is that i have clown trigger that i still need to feed in there, what should i do and has this ever happen to anyone. water par are good...