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  1. bdhough

    ID Anyone?

    that is a flatworm. they are not bad in the sense that they just eat lot of algae. BUT if they do spread they will be quite unsitely and they love to cover corals and choke the light out of them. you can pull them out or leave them be.
  2. bdhough

    help me name that fish & coral plz

    the coral is definitely a torch. the first shot was a bit confusing. its euphyllia glabrescens....
  3. bdhough

    Bi-Color Blenny...SpS Nippers???

    are you serious? wow..... as far as i know thats unheard of. i would have thought the coral beauty would do that. im at a loss. i remember one time a lady had to get rid of a peppermint shrimp because he was eating her lps corals. somethings in nature we just can't explain i guess. maybe...
  4. bdhough

    So I'm growing SPS's under pc's....

    its all about the airflow....
  5. bdhough


    the sump should have a space for the skimmer to operate with whatever water is dropped into the tank. the skimmer should then dump its water back into the sump so that it can be re skimmed or sucked up by the return water pump going back into your tank. your overflow is only going to pump as...
  6. bdhough

    New Addition: P. eydouxi

    how much did that set you back. looks expensive and rare. help me out its reddish/purplish/dark pink right? im unfortunately color blind :( btw does the p stand for pocillopora?
  7. bdhough

    help me name that fish & coral plz

    the coral... does it have tenticles or "bubbles" its either a frogspawn (tentacles) or a pearl/octobubble. my vote is for the second one though.
  8. bdhough

    Look Down Fish

    ill second the tank size. my store had one for months and we used to dazzle the customers with the amount of food this guy would eat and how quickly he'd do it. he was in a 90 in that store and kept bumping his head because he'd get so excited when he saw food. they need at least a six foot...
  9. bdhough

    Bi-Color Blenny...SpS Nippers???

    bicolors are algae eaters. how damaged was the sps when the coral beauty was banished? if any sort of algae sets in on the sps it can loose quite a bit of its skeleton.
  10. bdhough

    So I'm growing SPS's under pc's....

    ill second that. i am also growing sps under pcs. your acros will be dramatically better under halides. if you want sps under pcs try seriatopora and montipora capricornus. monti digitata does well too but as kip said if you want the color get the halides.
  11. bdhough

    pc's and clams

    i believe derasas are on of the type. buy him a nice shell so he can foot onto the shell then place the shell up near the lights. i think youll have no problems
  12. bdhough

    Yellow damsel

    geez multiple fish breeding in the same tank. lucky you. if you want to get serious breeding fish there are resources out there. you need to set up another tank dedicated to the fry. its quite time consuming to raise them. if you really want to get serious talk to bang guy. he breeds...
  13. bdhough

    whats good to grow coralline

    get salinity up to .024-.026 calcium 400+ and alk at 10 range. a decent amount of water flow also helps.
  14. bdhough

    fish color fading

    :) aside from veggies foxfaces eat plenty of meaty foods like krill and mysis shrimp. but the behavior you are describing is perfectly normal. foxface have their own camoflauge. what you are seeing are the night colors of the foxface as well as the sometimes daytime reflex if they get scared...
  15. bdhough

    Black spots on Tang

    id suggest frozen brine, mysis, or kirll, formula one, formula two and spirulina formula. to much dry food is not good for larger fish. maybe its the same disease as black ich but i think its called brooknellya? it is a deadly disease so try and treat him as soon as possible as per...
  16. bdhough

    Introducing my new friend........

    sorry you wasted your money, but aside from the niger trigger, who is semi docile, most will eat hermits and snails as well as shrimp and starfish. but i guess you found out the hard way....
  17. bdhough

    pc's and clams

    you can. which? i can't help you with. i would suggest you don't. as expensive as they are and as delicate as they are i would not even bother unless you can provide the best conditions for them. aside from that the ones you cn keep will get much to large for a 30 gallon.
  18. bdhough

    Extra!! “Mexican Turbos not for reef tanks”?

    that i didn't know fshhub, bout the gulf temp, nor do i know to your question..... im still of the mind that alot of these guys just plain starve. as the politically incorrect guy put it he mowed the lawn :) they will eat loads of algae if its available. the cooking method doesn't make much...
  19. bdhough

    Extra!! “Mexican Turbos not for reef tanks”?

    never mind the temperature i was always under the asumption that the average tank just can't provide their algael requirements. they need huge amounts of algae to subsist on. working at the fish store they always seemed half starved. i used to take hair algae from coral tanks and stick it in...
  20. bdhough

    Low pH!

    as kip said i agree... i would add that without corals its not such a big deal but it will add to the overall health of your tank to maintain stable levels of calcium 400 and alk 9-11. kip gave a level to shoot for if you are keeping corals. to high of and alk will inhibit calcerous...