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  1. shista

    Radiant wrasse??

    I didnt know that, thanks... AHHHH! Now i have another problem... My oc Clown is picking at him!!!! how is this possible?? the clown is half its size and its a clown for gods sake!!!
  2. shista

    Radiant wrasse??

    i have put a tupperware container full of sand in the QT... he does not use it.. he seems healthy swimming around,, but when its time to sleep he just lays on the ground like a dead fish...
  3. shista

    Radiant wrasse??

    Hi everyone,, i just bout a radiant wrasse today and put him in my 10 gallon qt tank,, the problem is that i dont have any sand in that tank.. I dont know if the radiant is dying or not because he is laying on his side, but breathing normally... i know these fish need sand but will he be fine...
  4. shista

    Ick under actinics???

    okay,, thanks everyone.. i will leave the clown in the qt just to be safe
  5. shista

    Ick under actinics???

    nope, there were no other fish in the display... The 'Ick' looked so light that it doesent even show up in pictures. I immediately put the clown back in the qt, and it looks fine... I think i just might be overreacting because i had ick so many times before... If the clown looks fine do you...
  6. shista

    Ick under actinics???

    Hi everyone... about 2 weeks ago i bought 2 perculla clownfish and put them in qt. well the pairing didn't work out so good and the bigger one fought the smaller one to death (the dead clown looked like either the fins were really bad, or the fins were bad along with small spots of ick... I...
  7. shista

    How to kill ick????

    Hi everyone,, I just had a couple fish die on me during qt from a huge ick outbreak... I was wondering if there was some way to quickly kill ick in my qt since there is nothing in there?? i was thinking of something like a 90% water change of just freshwater for a couple days or something along...
  8. shista

    ICK outbreak!!

    ahhh, i hate ick... I was asking about the mandarin because i heard they have an extram slime coat that prevents them from getting ick
  9. shista

    ICK outbreak!!

    hi everyone,so i added a few pieces of live rock to my reef tank the other day and today i realized a small ick outbreak on my midas blenny and clownfish,, i took all my fish out and put them in the qt, exept for a mandarin i have... should i run hypo on the mandarin too? or should i leave him...
  10. shista

    mucous on mandarin?

    i looked hard for an ora red mandarin and couldnt find one... could anyone help me? pm me... i dont have issues with my caulerpa.. one every couple weeks i see a translucent part and just take it out...
  11. shista

    mucous on mandarin?

    okay thank youu... do you think that a 10 gallon refugium with caulerpa and chaeto and LR rubble would be enough to sustain a red mandarin?
  12. shista

    mucous on mandarin?

    sorry i meant 10 gallon refugium... thanks for all the information.. i might buy a red mandarin.. do you guys know of any difference other than appearance between blue red and spotted mandarins?
  13. shista

    mucous on mandarin?

    hii, yes i have a 10 gallon sump running.. and i have been ready to get a mandarin for a wile,, are these ORA guaranteed to eat frozen foods? i am considering getting one, any other benefits of them? thanks everyone
  14. shista

    mucous on mandarin?

    NOOOO.... he was dead this morning ... i fed him half a bottle of tigger pods every day... I think it might of been the hypo because it all happened to quick for him... I want another one so bad, but am thinking about not putting him in the qt... Any input on what i should do or why he died?
  15. shista

    mucous on mandarin?

    he still has slime on him almost every day... he doesnt move alot but i feel like that is the personality of a mandarin... i am about to start making water changer towards a higher salinity, maybe its the hypo that is stressing him...
  16. shista

    mucous on mandarin?

    okay, thanks everybody
  17. shista

    mucous on mandarin?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Gemmy When do you see the mucous on the mandarin? mostly every other time i check on him. sometimes he looks good, sometimes hes covered in sand and mucous. in the morning he looks the worst, but still has it throughout most days
  18. shista

    mucous on mandarin?

    my parameters are all good... my ph was around 8.0. i added a little more buffer, but would 8.0 even be bad?
  19. shista

    mucous on mandarin?

    hi everyone. i have been getting prepared for a mandarin for over a year and recently bought one. i am over careful with everything because my lfs seems pretty dirty so I put this new guy in qt and am doing a hypo treatment while feeding tigger pods. he eats well looks awesome sometimes, but...
  20. shista

    Too much light?

    yup, i bought a new eheim jager heater and was having problems calibrating the right temperature. its been on 80 for the past 2 days. haha professor. i wonder if the 84 has to do with the melting