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  1. indy1

    Shark feeding

    My shark was born 2 weeks ago. When and what should I start feeding him to get him to eat???
  2. indy1

    bannded catshark

    I had my shark egg for a good 3-4 months prior to it hatching.. Like I said, I could barely see the little guy when I bought him.. I actually had him in my 55g reef while my 150g cycled.. Placement of the egg didn't seem to matter.. He hatched during the day and yes the yolk was attached when he...
  3. indy1

    how to clean bioballls?>

    From what I've read BIOBALLS are "nitrate factories".. I do not use any on my tanks... Natural filtarion with a little mechanical filtration to help remove the big stuff... Works for me!
  4. indy1

    Checking with board about what lfs said.............

    About the lighting... I have 192w PC's over my 55g. Everything on the following list is growing. Frogspawn(at bottom of tank), Monitipora (approx. 6" below waterline), Pagoda Cup Coral, Xenia, Star Polyps, Yellow Polyps, Capnella Tree Coral, Sacrophyton(fragged several times and still growing)...
  5. indy1

    bannded catshark

    My bamboo baby just hatched about 2 weeks ago. You could barley see him in the egg when I bought him. I also saw at a LFS an egg for $19...
  6. indy1

    Shark hatched

    My shark has finally hatched <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> He still has some of his egg attached will he be alright??????
  7. indy1

    Refugium hang on the back

    I have a 24" cpr refugium w a 13w jalli light. Total cost about $175. Say goodbuy to the hair algae. The cpr has been up and running for about a month and the calurpa groes like crazy. Thumbs up to the cpr guys!!!
  8. indy1

    260 watts over a 55 what to get...

    You should even be able to keep some SPS corals with that lighting. I have a monitipora that's not doing too bad under 192w in a 55g.
  9. indy1

    Ribbon Eel

    If I see the ribbon eel eating at the LFS, will it be compatible with the tankmates I listed???
  10. indy1

    Ribbon Eel

    I am thinking about getting a ribbon eel. I saw one at the LFS tonight and it was beautiful....What's everyone's thoughts on putting it in my 150 with my soon to be baby bamboo shark, and a small snowflake?
  11. indy1

    best fish ever

    If you live in or near Chicago,why not goto Shedd Aquarium? See all The fish you want.
  12. indy1

    ell ?

    Hawaiin Dragon eels are $1000+. I would think a 75 would be too small. Snowflakes are very hardy!
  13. indy1

    lfs horror 4 ray in tank

    Let him know what he is doing wrong. He's only human
  14. indy1

    SHARK EGG...hey RISC you out there???

    I have a shark egg also... Somedays less movement than others.... If the shark dies in the egg, you will notice the egg getting really cloudy. I wouldn't reccomend cutting open the egg. I've never seen mother nature with sissors... P.S. When I got my egg the embryo was so small you couldn't even...
  15. indy1

    Aptasia , can they hurt anything?

    I have 4 peppermint shrimps in my 55. The have completely eliminated my aptasia problem. I guess I got lucky, 'cause I have heard of them not doing their job!!!
  16. indy1

    Adding corals question....

    I NEVER acclimate corals. ALL of my corals are doing just fine. P.S. My wife gets me corals for gifts also :p
  17. indy1

    New Pump on Remora Pro

    The pro is rated for over 75g. How much over 75g will it be good for??
  18. indy1

    Lighting for the poor

    I have a 2x96w custom sealife retro kit on my 55g. Everything in tank is doing well. Kit costs around $260. Check out <a href="http://www.***************.com" target="_blank">Premium Aquatics</a> great people with great customer service...You'll probably want to go with the 4x96w retro kit for a 75g
  19. indy1

    Killer in my tank...

    Look on the bright side!! Atleast you didn't have to try to get those DAMSELS out.