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  1. indy1


    I just got a beatiful large frogspawn the other day. I was wonderig do I have to feed it directly?
  2. indy1

    Strawberry Hermit Crabs

    Well I went out and bought a huge crab ( hairy hermit?) He's about 3" in diameter. We'll see what happens when my shark hatches.....
  3. indy1

    anyone else feed their eel uncooked shrimp??

    My lion and eel loves shrimp...
  4. indy1

    mexican and hawaiian dragon moray

    I think the cost of the hawaiin eels is so high, because of regulations on exporting fish from Hawaiin waters.. Not sure?
  5. indy1

    Which live sand is better?

    Dry sand and live rock will make live sand in time! Don't waste your money on bagged "live sand."
  6. indy1

    Taking cuttings from my colt?

    Make the cuts. i hvae made several cuts on my sacrophytons and kenya tree coral. No problems and all cuttings have lived. Use sharp scissors or a new razor blade.
  7. indy1


    There are several over-flow boxes on the market. I believe that the one you are talking about is the over-flow only. I'm in the process of making my own.. S aves $$$$$
  8. indy1

    Webmaster: Please consider modem users

    I don't see the flashing banner at the top anymore. And now the BB is bnack to normal :-}
  9. indy1

    Webmaster: Please consider modem users

    Please make the board the way it was!!! IF IT AIN'T BROKE DON'T FIX IT!!!
  10. indy1

    Cucumber, myth or reality?

    I have had a black knobby sand siffting cuke in my tank for around a year or so. Absolutely NO problems... IT has even shed once {just like a snake}. I was very happy to know that my system was good enough for an animal to act as if in the wild. I have read somewhere that they reproduce by...
  11. indy1

    Curious about the seaclone...

    The older models' inner tube goes almost to the top.
  12. indy1

    Strawberry Hermit Crabs

    Can strawberry hermits be kept with a bamboo shark? These crabs get big. But I'm not sure if the sharks appetite will be bigger!
  13. indy1

    SeaClone Modification

    Yes I've made the mods. Yes it was a pain in my ...... And yes it does work better.
  14. indy1

    How Much Did It Cost?

    LOTS AND LOTS OF $$$$$$$$$$$$$. Can't give anywhere near the real cost. All I can say is READ ALOT & make good decisions to spend the least amount of money!!!!
  15. indy1


    Good luck on the blue spot. I've heard they are difficult to keep
  16. indy1


    Yes you need a bigger tank. Do some searching on info about the california "round" stingray they stay rather small.
  17. indy1

    Cycling 150g

    About 5 days after I set up my 150, I put some black mollies in to cycle the tank. The fish are doing fine. The other morning (after 1 week up and running) I came out and the tank was very cloudy. Is this normal during a cycle. My ammonia has not spiked yet. Can anyone offer any assistance...
  18. indy1

    150 up and running

    I finally have my 150 switched over to salt. I have 2 mag 350's and 4 powerheads. I am planning on adding some live rock. I am wanting to keep a couple of lions, a couple of porc. puffers, orbic batfish, snowflake eel and a california stingray. Will the fish be okay. And, is there any...
  19. indy1

    PureAragonite Sand vs Southdown

    I purchased some "purearagonite" from a website. It is the exact same as southdown. It ships from N.J., so costs to PA. would be cheaper than to me in Indiana. I bought 5 bags (200#) and it cost like $90. E-mail me and I will give you the URL. P.S. if you lived here in Indiana...
  20. indy1

    RO Unit

    I'm looking for a good Ro Unit. One that will produce about 40g per day. Any suggestions and where can I buy them?