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  1. steelchromis

    best cheap hydrometer

    Seatest Deep Six, I switched from the rectangle shaped ones b/c you need to get the water exactly on the line for an accurate reading.
  2. steelchromis

    New Images

    Nice pics.:)
  3. steelchromis

    What is mantis?

    They usually have them for species tanks.
  4. steelchromis

    Red Slime

    Search the site for a thread by JustinX it tells you how to get rid of red slime. Believe me it worked!
  5. steelchromis

    I hate stupid ignorant ASSININE people (Electric company)

    That's a good idea kipass, Michael, have the moderators close this thread ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. steelchromis

    How much fish is to much fish?

    Wow. I can not believe none of your fish have died yet. I put one extra fish in mine and the entire tank goes to crap.
  7. steelchromis

    Blue Devil Fish

    Even for a juvie, that is a stunning colorization. For 600 bucks I'd start a nano tank!
  8. steelchromis

    I hate stupid ignorant ASSININE people (Electric company)

    That is really bad, I hope my electric company doesn't pull that crap with me. Sorry for your losses.:(
  9. steelchromis

    firefish goby

    I added mine as a mated pair and they are a mated pair. Wait? That didn't make sense. What I meant to say was that I added two at the same time and they are a mated pair.
  10. steelchromis

    firefish goby

    I added mine as a mated pair and they are a mated pair.
  11. steelchromis

    Did I catch what I think I caught?

    I think only one of the mantis's is capable of an equivlant .22 cal bullet in damage capabilities. Which specie is it?
  12. steelchromis

    Do you know where your tanks are tonight? :)

    The Flower City, Rochester, New York.:D
  13. steelchromis

    Info on Cardinals

    I got some mysis shrimp for the cardinal, i am going to see if he will eat that.
  14. steelchromis

    Time for new fish, any suggestions???

    Firefish gobies and HiFin Cardinals are nice fish.
  15. steelchromis

    Did I catch what I think I caught?

    Yes you have found a mantis. But how can you keep them in a tank? I thought they can crack tanks?
  16. steelchromis

    best cycling method

    Never EVER use damsels, they are mean as hell and a pain to get out of your tank. I agree, LR does work the best. I wish I knew before I cycled with damsels.:mad:
  17. steelchromis

    best shrimp

    Oh yeah, Welcome to the Board. I guess I forgot to say that.:o
  18. steelchromis

    cleanup crew

    add the cleanup first then fish.
  19. steelchromis

    It's been 1 year...what do I do?

    A Flame Angel isn't the best fish to start with, the tank should have perfect water peramiters and then you can add the the angel. Start with clowns as your first fish. But only once you get your salinity up.
  20. steelchromis

    best shrimp

    Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp in my belief, are the easiest to care for and seem to brighten up tanks even ones that are already colorful. They are also active, I can watch mine for hours at a time.