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  1. dreeves

    What water level do you run your tank at?

    Wherever you drill it...ensure your sump has the capacity to hold the tank water drained to that point...on my systems I drilled them right below the water line...on my 90, it is so close that it sometimes sucks a little air with the spray from it...
  2. dreeves

    More questions...

    Hair algea...and a light starved yellow polyp colony...but I could be wrong...
  3. dreeves

    What could this be???

    Most likely as mentioned pods... Highly doubtfull on your frozen food theory...most are sterilized which would kill any living creatures, and I would think eggs would be in there as well...
  4. dreeves

    when do i add the salt?

    Your filtered water probably will not remove the ions from the water which, some are not good for the marine environment... I see in your ID you have FW tanks as well...the marine environemnt with the extensive lighting and nutrients is a breeding ground for nuisance algaes...unlike your FW, one...
  5. dreeves

    Why is my tank still foggy?

    What color is the cloudiness? White or Green?
  6. dreeves

    live sand on the shelf?

    This is only sand colonized with has an expiration date...and as long as it is within the expiration date, and wet, it should be for the instant such thing... One thing to consider with this type of was it stored prior to your purchase...especially...
  7. dreeves

    is bioload affected by number of inverts?

    Virtually every living creature in your system will consume O2 which will create amonia as the waste...
  8. dreeves

    diy yourself MH lighting

    Yes you can...
  9. dreeves

    need help with the dead sea

    So we could put a 3 inch Koran in a 90 with a 3 inch Blue Anglefish? See how you cannot have a inch per whatever rule...there is no rule...
  10. dreeves

    diy yourself MH lighting

    The long numbers onthe ballast are the manufactures part number...the M, H, etc, are ANSI codes... Hellolights sells a dual, M58/H37 ballast. Also, the difference (from what I understand) in the ballast is the probe or pulse type the ballast supplies the needed starting mechanism...
  11. dreeves

    anybody use actuators on their canopy?

    Post a pic of it..would be interested in seeing what it looks like.
  12. dreeves

    Another noisy overflow HELP!!!

    I am not really sure i fully understand where the noise is coming from, but if it just the water inside the pipes may try getting some rubber pipe insulation from HD or Lowes...It just overlaps the pipe with like 1/2 foam tubing...may dampen the noise for you, and it isnt expensive.
  13. dreeves

    Stand Question

    Even with the 4, 2x6's as the span...I would be concerned not so much as them breaking, but the sag they could develope under the constant weight...that sag could affect the seams of your tank if it is glass.
  14. dreeves

    hair algea

    You will probably notice a decrease once your start using the RO/DI water...
  15. dreeves

    Wayyy OT: Ozzy Osbourne

    ..."on a crazy train"...
  16. dreeves

    need help with the dead sea

    Do you vacume you crushed coral? How deep is the CC? Do you rinse your bio-balls? Do you have a cleanup crew?
  17. dreeves

    Cloudy water affecting corals and fish

    Let your nitrites and amonia settle and level off for a few days...
  18. dreeves

    Sea Horse Aquarium

    When keeping seahorses, you must be very dedicated to their care, and tank...there are issues with other fish in a seahorse tank...mainly, the seahorse is a slow and deliberate wont just lunge after food like a fish.. This is where the compatability issues come in. I have kept...
  19. dreeves

    My fish list.To many?

    I would think the tang and possibly the two clowns would put some stress on a butterfly.
  20. dreeves

    Good Deal or Not?

    I just paid over 300.00 for a non-drilled 90...sounds like a good deal to me.