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  1. dreeves

    "curse You Aquascum 2000!!!!"

    I think if anyone started this time intensive hobby because of a cartoon...your tank is gonna suffer...
  2. dreeves

    salt 2 different levels

    What are you using to test it with?
  3. dreeves

    Anemone Tank

    I suppose that could count...
  4. dreeves

    Watts up?

    Originally posted by Artista Okay, I hate to ask but how do I check my ballasts to see what series they are? I have the lights hanging inside the canopy and all the ballasts are up on top in a box. Thanks:confused: :confused: You will have to see if it is printed somewhere on the...
  5. dreeves

    Naso wont eat...looks bad

    How did you acclimate the fish?
  6. dreeves

    new MH's!!!! need help wiring

    balashark....the instructions hellolights sent you are very easy to understand...follow those to the letter, step by step...dont apply any thought into it, they have already done that...complete each step, then onto the next one...i just got (about 2 weeks ago) my own MH from them...
  7. dreeves

    Watts up?

    175's are fine for that tank...also, that sounds a little odd about just putting higher wattage bulbs should double check your ballast's, as to what type you series you have...
  8. dreeves

    I Am Back!!

    You were gone?
  9. dreeves

    Anemone Tank

    Anyone have or know of somewhere who has a species only, anemone tank? Thanks.
  10. dreeves

    Live Rock

    Cure the matter what it was sold as...
  11. dreeves

    pale Regal Tang at LFS, can he regain his color?

    What was in the tank with the fish? A lack of inverts usually indicates the usage of copper...copper can and usually does cause fish to fade in color...if this is the case, the fish will gain its color back once the copper is diluted or removed... If this isnt the case...offer a lower fee for...
  12. dreeves

    high nitrate on my tank

    If your skimmer produces is working...everyone with the big dollar items... What kind of substrate do you have? If you have crushed coral, you need to make sure it is vacumed thoroughly... Water changes 2x a month, depending on water volume changed, doesn't sound to adequate to me...
  13. dreeves

    high nitrates/ bio wheels

    The only thing which creates Nitrates are broken down/waste product of the bacteria which consumes Nitrite...nothing else... Nitrates need to be either consumed...or you remove them is a personal all means though...plants are not the best, nor only method as previously...
  14. dreeves

    OT: Troops in Iraq Christmas Q

    Yes he should have normal 120VAC available to him.
  15. dreeves

    Help sick hippo tang

    Amonia and nitrite in any levels can be lethal...also, how did you acclimate the fish to the tank? Osmotic or ph shock could be prevelant as can be just a poor health specimen.
  16. dreeves

    OT: Troops in Iraq Christmas Q

    Not so much as before he leaves...but care packages throughout his tour is what really makes it great.
  17. dreeves

    Sea Horses & Fuge

    Yes they will destroy your pod population...a natural food source.
  18. dreeves


    Also, if you didnt, which it sounds like you didnt, premix your saltwater out of the tank and then add it to the tank...
  19. dreeves

    Nitrate ?

    If your tank is real new, it could be the tailend of your cycle, and should come down on its own. Give it a few days and see what happens.
  20. dreeves

    tetra marine fish food

    Tetra has been making fish foods for about as long as most here have been diaperless...they make a fine freshwater fish food, so chances are, they probably make a good saltwater too... Personnally, I use the Formula 1 & 2, and various frozen...