Search results

  1. dreeves

    nitrate & nitrite ?

    Changing from CC to sand will generally cause a cycle...the degree of the cycle is dependent upon how much everything in the entire system was disturbed...most however, are very slight, which sounds like waht you have... I wouldn't do a water change, and let it sit for a couple of days...let...
  2. dreeves

    LFS in NY or CT - any good recommendations?

    Right here is one of the best sources for your information on how to set a reef tank up...we are here to help, we have experiences, and most importantly...we are not here to make a buck like the LFS is... Research here and abroad from impartial sources as to what you need, want and so on...most...
  3. dreeves

    fallen live rock

    Originally posted by maxpain A pice of live rock broke off from the big part. What could this be do to? It is 1.5 inch by 1.5 inch in size. Most live rock, due to what it generally is, is very brittle...most nations have outlawed the actual destruction of reefs in order to collect rock...
  4. dreeves

    Stabalizing the tank

    Originally posted by Fish_Boi has your tank cycled yet? this sounds like a cycle to me........but many members have called me "uneducated, inexperienced, and i have no idea what im doing" LOL so thats just MO :thinking: :rolleyes:
  5. dreeves

    wet/dry filter

    Yes, thats sounds like a wet/dry should keep it clean. Anything in there can and usually does affect your main tank. RO is Reverse Osmosis...a highly purifying water filer. Do you need one? Most will say yes. Some will say most domestic water supplies, there is bacteria...
  6. dreeves

    Bang, Kipass or ?? 250watt MH/MV

    Thanks all.
  7. dreeves

    MH lighting question

    Mine is going to be mounted to the wall by the ceiling in the basement right below the tank...
  8. dreeves

    merry xmass ya all

    Back at ya my unorthodox pal.
  9. dreeves

    Death Of Fishes

    It sounds as though your tank hasnt cycled completely...and also, what type of water are you using (the brown stuff), and how were the fish acclimated? Symptoms? What? To able everyone to better address your questions and/or problems, we really need alot more information. Update some info and...
  10. dreeves

    Bang, Kipass or ?? 250watt MH/MV

    I posted awhile back about getting the 250watt MV, Iwasaki 65K light for my little reef...anyways. I finally got the canopy pretty much completed and took it for a test run question is...with the tank being 24 inches deep and the bulb being about 14 inches above the surface, is...
  11. dreeves

    blue koran angel ?

    What is in the tank with him? Fish tend to dull due to a variety of reasons...of these, nutritional lacking, stress, disease, and so on. If your fish had cloudy eye issues, this is probably the cause for the dullness. You may go into the disease thread and present it to those folks.
  12. dreeves

    Snails taking over...

    Try selling them to your LFS or getting a store credit for them.
  13. dreeves

    diy yourself MH lighting

    Yes you should be able to run any K rating with that...the M58 is ANSI for 250 watt MH, and the H37 is ANSI for Mercury Vapor 250 watt... Now the part I am not sure on, as I went with the Iwaski 250, which is actually a mercury vapor bulb, is the pulse start or probe start. Which ever the...
  14. dreeves

    What Is The Best Ro Unit To Buy? away from any of them made by fish equipment companies...they are usually nearly twice the price of airwaterice for the same features. Do not know about other companies customer care, so I will not comment...but I do know about airwaterice support I have...
  15. dreeves

    Little Gaint oil????

    3 in 1 makes an oil specifically for electrical not know what the difference is...but after almost 300 bucks for the pumps..figured the 3 bucks or so wasnt too bad a price...
  16. dreeves

    Snails taking over...

    Too many snails are not a good thing...they will quickly eat themselves out of food, then die. The ones that will die will decompose...some you wont find and you will have amonia, and so on.
  17. dreeves

    diy yourself MH lighting

    go to, that is where the majority of the parts for DIY lights were ordered.
  18. dreeves

    Picasso & Undulate triggers Vs. Choco Chip *

    You would need a larger tank for the triggers as well..
  19. dreeves

    Picasso & Undulate triggers Vs. Choco Chip *

    Dont know about the Picasso...but I am pretty sure the Undelute would...starfish cruisine...
  20. dreeves

    Returing water to your tank

    Nice setup Calvindo.