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  1. dreeves


    Originally posted by SquishyFish I tried this w/ one of my rocks...all the coraline died on it. This was a piece of cured rock in my tank that I was trying to get a mantis out of. The salinity shock killed the coraline. Squishy Sorry to hear about your loss...dont know what to say..I have...
  2. dreeves

    Nautilus EX Skimmer

    A 45 with over 110 gallons water volume...The pump I needed to buy will also be a backup pump for the filtration system from the basement...I still need to get a skimmer for the one 90 gallon as well..I will have enough time between the two to determine the efficiency of the kent...
  3. dreeves

    Nautilus EX Skimmer

    Thanks guys...I ordered the EX30, and am waiting shipment. Kip, I looked at the Euro and a few others and decided on the Kent. But thanks again.
  4. dreeves

    Nautilus EX Skimmer

    Anyone have one, use one or have an opinion on one? Not interested in opinions of other skimmers...
  5. dreeves


    It is probably too late for you now...but in the future if you prepare a solution of about 1.035 to 1.04 salinity with proper submerse the new rock into it for a few minutes...most inverts will try to evacuate the rock giving you a chance to pick through, and place the ones you want to...
  6. dreeves

    Crushed Coral & Live Sand

    The sand sifting through to the problem and any nitrate buildup would be the key concerns...if neither happens...then you should be good to you stated, keeping the gravel vacumed is important.
  7. dreeves

    algae problem

    Shutting your lights off is not an answer to your problem... Controlling the nutrients, circulation, RO/DI and a cleanup crew is the answer... How you do each of these is your decision...Kip gave you excellent advice above...he is one to follow.
  8. dreeves

    J-tube vs. Contin. Siphon overflow

    LifeReef makes a fine can also look on ---- they have pretty decent ones there for bid..
  9. dreeves

    u-tube plumbling question

    If it is an overflow box as mentioned directly connecting the u tube to the drain would allow the tank to drain without much noise...ithe problem as noted above, if you had a power failure, the water would complete drain from the inner box, and the siphon would be broken...when the...
  10. dreeves

    What to test for and what to add?

    You may also test for silicates every now and then. Additions...trace and maybe some vitamins...the trace elements wont need to be added for awhile. You should consider just letting your tank be for now...keep testing, do regular water changes, keep it all may be ok with that...I...
  11. dreeves

    PC Lighting

    Gotta agree with cwalters...VHO...wich I had never spent the money on the CF's.
  12. dreeves

    water change question

    Allowing the mix to set for a litte time allows for the adequate gas exchange to occur. Warmer water is able to absorb more salt then colder water due to the my own mixing container, I have found that when mixing the salt prior to warming the water, I bring it to a specific...
  13. dreeves

    water change question

    Leave the tank at 3/ will be fine until you can get your salt mix right... Also, temp will directly effect your salinity.
  14. dreeves

    Tank Move Help!!!

    You should try and make sure the new tank isnt going to cycle.
  15. dreeves

    uv steralizers

    I cannot answer about whether it is good or not..many people argue this point...I use mine sometimes in my reef... Trying to use one to kill ich though isnt a good idea for treatment...the exposure time needed to destroy the parasite is usually higher then the dwell time of most available units.
  16. dreeves

    Boiling ro/di water.

    You know could always buy a cheap little 8watt UV and put at the end of the line right before the little faucet...she seems concerned about the bacteria...which you cannot blame her...the UV will destroy and and all bacteria...maybe that would help you folks out.
  17. dreeves

    Biospira cycles tank in 24 hours??

    That's pretty good Bang...certainly dead accurate...
  18. dreeves

    ammonia spike

    You should just let the tank finish doing its will build the foundation for a strong bio filter...
  19. dreeves

    Sorry Guys

    You know...I have over 220 gallons of saltwater tanks in my house...right now I have another 90, I got for Christmas, in the process of being set is going to be freshwater Discus...a breath of fresh air so to say from the salt...freshwater isn't so bad...
  20. dreeves

    Brine Shrimp Tank?

    It isnt a good idea..the brine shrimp will die, and make a mess of the tank...they are hard to feed, and the water quality continuously degrades because of their die off and the food...if you are keeping them as a specific feed, then it is different, but, you will be cycling them in and out.