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  1. markw


    Originally Posted by small triggers my tank stays at 75. Im not certain, but isnt 75 considered a little low? Would putting the heater in the inlet of the sump differ how much the heater turns on as it will be being hit by tank-temp water? Just a thought.. Mark
  2. markw

    Huge Corals!

    Im not sure if it should go here or in the Coral forum, but I posted it here because it involves shots of your entire tank, not just the coral. Anyway, I would love to see if anyone has some massive corals! If you could, post a photo of the coral itself, then a FTS so we have something to...
  3. markw

    My New 10 Gal Reef!

    PM sent. Mark
  4. markw

    yes... another lighting question

    I would say 2x Nova extreme pro 36" T5HO 6x39W fixtures, but your tank is 5' and these would be 6'... Mark
  5. markw

    I need to start stocking my tank...wanna help?

    Bubble coral! Melys seems to never stop growing! Plating Montipora, birdsnest, zoas, mushrooms, ricordias, and gsps. Depending on your light of course. Mark
  6. markw

    My New 10 Gal Reef!

    I cant find anything on their final size. Only horror stories about them eating their purple tangs, clowns, and sailfin tangs (im sure not fully grown). Mark
  7. markw

    My New 10 Gal Reef!

    How big will this monster get?? Mark
  8. markw

    Coral Keepers 180 gallon reef diary.

    Love those mushrooms! Mark
  9. markw

    it was dumped on me. please help

    Trade the sweetlips and such for a good clean up crew! Looks like you could use it. Mark
  10. markw

    What is Good Algae to put in the DT?

    Any algae will work as long as it can withstand the lighting, inhabitants, and our personal choice. Find some you like and ask about those. Mark
  11. markw

    My Long Term Reef Build Diary!

    I think that I just may get it. If so, it wouldnt be until this weekend or early in the week next week as my entire family, including myself, is currently ill. After getting this tank brought home, I will be selling my 55 set up and maybe my cichlid tank so that money will go towards...
  12. markw

    My Long Term Reef Build Diary!

    Okay, so the guy emailed me and said he would include the return pump. So it would be the tank, stand, all plumbing, sump with baffles, and return pump for $150. Not too shabby I think. Mark
  13. markw

    New Lagoon Build 775 gallon

    Originally Posted by melypr1985 you got my hopes up! I saw this thread moved up on the list and thought " oh! updates!" and now I'm dissapointed. Oh well, maybe something embarrasing happened and he doesn't wanna tell us for fear of being made fun of. We should make sure he knows that we...
  14. markw

    My Long Term Reef Build Diary!

    The things listed without the prices are included in the deal. The ones with the prices is what I would have to pay extra for. Mark
  15. markw

    My Reef.. Enjoy

    What size is the tank? It looks amazing!
  16. markw

    it was dumped on me. please help

    Try using IMG images, instead of thumbnails. Id take it off your hands! Very nice setup!! Mark
  17. markw

    My Long Term Reef Build Diary!

    He said he'd fill it up so I can see it filled when I got there. Sounds about as gauranteed as you could get. Mark
  18. markw

    My Long Term Reef Build Diary!

    Man with the 75g never wrote back. As expected. The man with the 50g re-emailed me and told me he would drop his price. Its $150. This is what he said in the new post: "I am selling the following - All for $150 50 Breeder (36inx18inx18in) - 6 inches wider/deeper than the standard aquarium...
  19. markw

    baking soda Q Mark
  20. markw

    New tank. Need help.

    Why not just go out and pick up a 5g for $10? Mark