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  1. xdave

    Product test site

    Heres a site that test aquaria products and posts the unbiased results. EDIT Some very in depth analysis of phytoplnkton products I found interesting.
  2. xdave

    Emperor Angelfish Coloration Change

    Was that research of wild or captive specimens?
  3. xdave

    purple Psudochromos

    They're reef safe, and kinda nippy.
  4. xdave


    Copy the address from that post, then in your post you click on the hyperlink icon (globe and chain). first box is a caption for the link, second, paste the link. Backspace the http thats already there before you paste.
  5. xdave

    Adding some newly cured live rock, should I remove this algae??

    That looks so cool! That stuff usually gets scraped off. You actually have a plant that will grow, not go out of control, and nobody is gonna eat it and wreck it. I'm jealous. :joy: Where did you get it? You cant post the link here but just give us a good hint, like the name!
  6. xdave

    Koran Angel

    2 different genus's can work, but Korans can be pretty mean. I wouldn't try it.
  7. xdave

    6 line in nano?

    Pushin it, but probably. Consider the 4 line instead, its from Hawaii and is net caught.
  8. xdave

    "coil denitrator" ???

    Thats just a sand filter.
  9. xdave

    Help with ID On sponge and slug thing!

    Looks like it has a fungus on it. Whats your nitrate reading? Also Tree sponges need 72-78 deg, and do best at the cooler end of that. Heres what I'm guessing it's problem is: They do best in low lighting, if you have strong enough lighting to keep corals, the sponge is getting sunburn, same...
  10. xdave

    Help with ID On sponge and slug thing!

    What do you mean by white "cap"?
  11. xdave


    If only you had posted a link...
  12. xdave

    Help - how to catch a fish

    They sell fish traps on this site.
  13. xdave

    accuracy on swf?

    My point was if an animal needs mostly shrimp, it doesn't matter if it's live, frozen, freeze dried, or whatever. If he's eating pellets, then cool, you can feed him pellets. They just have to be pellets of what hes supposed to have.
  14. xdave

    Emperor Angelfish Coloration Change

    they may start to change as soon as they get away from their parents.
  15. xdave

    Breeding pigmy's

    Crox, I wasn't refering to you best friends forever scenario, I was directing that at the author of the thread inquiring as to the reef safeness of the fish he said he wanted to breed.
  16. xdave

    I Got New Fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If you don't do your homework you'll flunk the test.
  17. xdave

    Breeding pigmy's

    Are you going to try to breed in a populated tank?
  18. xdave

    Damsel Fish Is Acting Strange

    He's "flashing", that's the first sign of ich.
  19. xdave

    How Much food is enough?

    Check these threads this one and this one Every book ever written on the subject of aquariums says almost exactly the same thing.
  20. xdave

    Frozen food came to life.

    In 10th grade biology I made my disected frogs heart beat with a 9v radio battery. Were you mad when your sea monkeys weren't wearing little crowns? I was mad when I saw what happened when my dad said "lets put them in the aquarium where they'll be happier!". Like he didnt know!