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  1. dreeves

    in-sump skimmers

    The Seaclone 100 on a 45 gallon.
  2. dreeves

    Emperor 400 needeed for sump?

    The sump is for filtration. So to continue to use the Emp would be a duplication of effort. Keep the Emp running until you get whatever you decide on for bio filter in the sump established.
  3. dreeves

    Seaclone and bubbles

    Your overflow shouldn't be getting any direct water. It should only be getting water from the bubbles. If it gets water directly from the pump, then you have something wrong. What I meant was...if you open the air valve all the way open...then the pump will be sucking too much air. The pump will...
  4. dreeves

    How much weight can it hold..

    My 45 was sitting on a particle board stand which came with it...with the 5.5 gallong in the bottom for the live brine shrimp for the seahorses...the humidity caused it to start warping or whatever particle board I built a new one. Was planning on it anyways...just never liked the idea...
  5. dreeves

    Adjusting Seaclone

    Maybe your tank doesn;t contain any dissolved organics or anything else needing to be skimmed...
  6. dreeves

    does anyone know where to buy the U shaped tubes for the overflow?

    Any of the online marine supply stores that are big usually have them.
  7. dreeves

    Seaclone and bubbles

    Opened up all the way Entice would slow the water volume down due to the pump having to suck air as well as pump water. By no means should it fill up with water and no air. I do not know if it is unique to the Seaclone's (don't believe so), but they do take a few days to set in (cycle). I have...
  8. dreeves

    paranoia is setting in

    Oh and also...worry about something for pissed is the wife gonna be when she sees the $150.00 new fish equipment charge in the checkbook....
  9. dreeves

    paranoia is setting in

    This is supposed to be a hobby. As with hobby's, one is supposed to get enjoyment out of them...not worry themselves to death... One thing is for certain...if your tank's seals are not good...the tank will leak. If the tank leaks...drain it and start over.... If the tank doesn't're...
  10. dreeves

    what's the worst smell?

    The WTC disaster site after about 4 6 miles from it. God rest their souls.
  11. dreeves

    Mag Pump Hazard

    He did have a grounding probe...his finger....
  12. dreeves

    Where to get a Tank?

    Just if you go to that place on Ling Island...expect a few things...higher prices then on their website...and you can check this site out for additional information about the store/owner... makes for interesting reading. I did visit this store, and used to...
  13. dreeves

    Where to get a Tank?

    Ordering tanks online is expensive due to the common carrier shipping. Plus, working for a common carrier...shipping anything glass isn't a good idea. Both of my tanks I purchased from Exotic Super Pet in East Hartford. Both were on sale and drastically reduced, one is a Perfecto and the other...
  14. dreeves

    What's a good overflow.

    My SOS is in a 45 tall. I have the return pump going through a ball valve, then an anti-siphon valve to the spray bar. The SOS end, is dropping to a ball valve then to the sump. I put the ball valves on as precautions and to conduct maintenance. The siphon valve was a 21.00 waste of money...
  15. dreeves

    Mid-East Crisis

    Azeritis... There is no underline cause or "real issues" for terrorism of any flavor...nor by any nationality. Terrorism is an aggressive act against others with the intent to cause fear, death and damage. With that in mind...there is only one way to deal with terrorism and the USA is doing it...
  16. dreeves

    Peppermint Shrimps?

    If nothing else...peppermint shrimp are entertaining to watch. Well I enjoy them anyways.
  17. dreeves

    I've become desperate for answers...

    Lets keep this in perspective... No life was entrusted to chose a purchase animals like they are candy or a gallon of milk. Most of these animals formally lived in the wild as nature inteded. Then they were ruthlessly ripped from their environment and shot to a store and we...
  18. dreeves

    Mid-East Crisis

  19. dreeves

    I've become desperate for answers...

    Mean is giving a child a lollipop and then taking it away and laughing... Flushing a hermit crab is just that...flushing a hermit crab.
  20. dreeves

    Cloudy water

    Protein skimmers remove dissolved organics within your water. Carbon is an additive to a filter. Usually comes in crushed variety. Your aqua-clear 300 (if purchased new) should have had one bag of carbon in it. The carbon will remove most chemical contaminates from your water. I have both the...