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  1. cam78

    Hair Algea?

    OK thanks. Just ordered a reeflife or reeflife whatever it is. I'm a little nervous about the size of it, thats all. And the skimmer I have the prism too but I have the deluxe with that bigger piece on it and I wanted to know how it works without the "deluxe" portion because I'm not sure if...
  2. cam78

    Will he stop!

    I wondering if I should laugh or feel bad. Final decision....
  3. cam78

    What coral is good for a Clown?

    Wow, OK then, I will see then as time goes on. Thanks for the quick replies.
  4. cam78

    What coral is good for a Clown?

    I have a 46 bow and have PC's. I don't have good lighting for anemones so I would like to get a coral good for PC's and that a clown will hang in. Any suggestions?
  5. cam78

    Is it a bad idea to move LR around?

    Thats kinda thing, I would like to stabilize my LR with pvc due to my engineer on crack cocaine and digging up the entire tank. I would be stirring up the LS a little pushing the sand back and leveling it out.
  6. cam78

    Hair Algea?

    JERTHUNTER: Sorry to intrude but...two questions. In the picture of your tank what kind of Overflow is that and the sucking thing on the left side is that for a skimmer or a filter?
  7. cam78

    Is it a bad idea to move LR around?

    Substrate is referring to the LS? Don't stir that up right?
  8. cam78


    If it means anything to you my tank was set up by a friend that I think grew up in the sea. Ha..He set my daytime lights on from 10:00 AM till 9:00 PM. The blue LED moonlights then come on from 9:00 PM till 10:00 AM. Correct me if I'm wrong someone, but you really don't need your lights on...
  9. cam78

    Is it a bad idea to move LR around?

    stir it up? When I use the turkey baster to blow the rock off and stuff is that bad? I try to do that right before I suck everything out for a water change.
  10. cam78

    Will he stop!

    While we are on the subject of these excavators: 1) Is it ok to push the sand back into the hole, or level it back out? I know its not too good to stir up the botom, thats why I'm asking. 2) Does anyone else seem to have a problem feeding them without overfeeding the tank? elaboration on...
  11. cam78

    Is it a bad idea to move LR around?

    I was wondering if I can move some LR around in my tank that has been set up for about a month. I have fishes in it, would this stress them out?
  12. cam78

    Now what?

    What if I do get LS, that has to cycle right? How does it come packaged? At LFS that is.
  13. cam78

    Now what?

    Thats the thing, how do I know if it is fully cured?
  14. cam78


    ot oh... You just set it up on Saturday? Don't buy anyting else. You need to let the tank cycle for sometime. Lets put it this way. My tank has been up for a month and I was recently told with my 4 fish in there that I am rushing things. You will get a lot of info from people pretty soon...
  15. cam78

    Now what?

    I wondering if it would be better to just use argonite or maybe grab some from my tank to seed it. How does LFS sell LS? Is it frozen, in a tank, or just bagged sand? I have to see. Also at the LFS how do I know if the LR is cured? I know they move a decent amount of it so I never know if...
  16. cam78

    Now what?

    It will be bought from the LFS so its pretty much cured I would think. As for the LS I never used that before, and will be bought from th LFS. Does LS need to cycle? Like I said I never used it before. How is this mud and crud I see for sale, do I use that? As for cycling everything within...
  17. cam78

    Now what?

    yes, sorry, thought everyone new that. Thank you for clearing that up.
  18. cam78

    Now what?

    I was going to buy a few pieces of LR and put LS in it. Won't that need to cycle?
  19. cam78

    dead cbs?

    remove the molt, crush it, if it is hollow, its a molt, if its meaty its your crab. Just make sure its dead before attempting this test
  20. cam78

    Now what?

    Come on a little help here.