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  1. stanlalee

    Striped Fang Blenny feeding

    Originally Posted by Hunt do you think it would go for live brine, or maybe ghost shrimp? brine is worth a shot. dont know where to find ghost shrimp small enough. live pods sould be best though obviously most difficult if not impossible to do long term. For now I'd how yours (and mind) are...
  2. stanlalee

    Striped Fang Blenny feeding

    ora captive raised fang blennies (they rear a few different species) eat prepared readily but even they arent aggressive eaters and do alot of liverock hunting. they eat almost like trained maderins (look at it for a minute to decide if they want to try it but a little more quickly). I had a...
  3. stanlalee


    If it makes you feel better use the same amount and break it in half clipping half of it in the morning and half in the evening. I fed my tangs 3x3 algae sheets each daily and they finished them in about 10 minutes. I grew a hippo from an 1" to 3" and had another perfectly healthy 3.5" powder...
  4. stanlalee

    Everyone should consider this or not.

    Originally Posted by thai I been feeding my fish with galic guard on the back it recommened also use with metronidazole and seachem focus. What do you guys think. Is it safe in a reef tank to use 3 times a week? It read that it prevent bacterial diseases. terrible terrible ideas. The idea of...
  5. stanlalee

    Lighting a 30g reef

    Originally Posted by nikeSB for 16" deep, go with a tek elite 6x39w. it will be enough to get a good 200~ par on the sand bed, the current usa models will not get you that much on a 16" deep tank (i know, i have a one and we tested it in a buddies tank) there is really no point using 6 bulb T5...
  6. stanlalee

    New Phosban Reactor

    Originally Posted by meowzer more like 6 guys are pigs, and there is NEVER any left over...I also feed scallops directly to the crabs and anemones Stock..LOL...I have a sailfin, yellow and blue hippo tang, 2 ocellaris clowns, 2 pajama cardinals, blue yellow tail damsel...
  7. stanlalee

    Lighting a 30g reef

    Either a four bulb T5 HO set up with decent reflectors or dual 150w halides. make the right selection and you can keep anything with that (of course there are other options but these are fairly ideal IMO). I use a 150wx2 sunpod on mine. not the most advanced 150w x2 set up (and not available...
  8. stanlalee

    Lawnmower Blenny

    I've had several for at least 3-4yrs at a time. NONE did anything to control algae. get them because they're cool not to control algae. they dont eat the big visable ugly stuff. mine have always needed algae sheets to survive.
  9. stanlalee

    Anyone know much about anthias?

    I havent really ever had problems with anthias at all even though I havent tried the truly difficult ones to keep (nor should I or most anybody else). dont find them to be particularly succeptable to ich or disease what so ever (and cleaner shrimp will do most nothing for ich). My experience has...
  10. stanlalee

    Hamilton Cayman Sun Reflector DE HQI 14K System

    its gotten good reviews. simular to lumenmax 3's. the cayman, lumenmax 3 and 250DE elites are pretty much the only aquarium use advanced wide spread double ended reflectors out there. at least one guy claims to have PAR tested them against lumenmax 3's with favorable results.
  11. stanlalee

    Anyone not like a refugium?

    yes I've said to self I probably wont bother with one if I do another set up just a nice clean skimmer compartment. My intent would to keep sand, live rock crud, detritus and other fuge crap out my sump. A remote fuge would be feasable but I'd much rather replace that with a remote frag tank...
  12. stanlalee

    IMO, something i find very annoying...

    thats why my next set up will be dry rock and "pre" aquascaped. I dont really like my aquascape but its too late.
  13. stanlalee


    there's not a single sponsored advertisement on the link so they can do what they want with it as far as removing it but the detailed guidelines are here see the chart for specifics. I'll warn CYNO is a definately possible side effect that...
  14. stanlalee

    horrible fishtank tragedy :(

    Originally Posted by srfisher17 Sorry to hear it. This happens more often than we think. yes sorry to hear. your right, I think 9 out of 10 crashes from established tanks go down from this very reason.
  15. stanlalee

    Brag about your best fish!

    I added them for poop production/increased bioload not to add color to the tank but....
  16. stanlalee

    What do I do with this rock/coral??

    if you like it cure it and drop it in. I think your in-laws may have perpetrated a felony as live rock imported from hawaii is hard to export and hard to come by. Matter of fact I've only seen it for sale in limited quantities once.
  17. stanlalee

    Naso Tang tank mates

    Originally Posted by Jabari should i just substiute the yellow tang for a dwarf angel or maybe a powder blue tang? both of these can get nastier than a yellow tang IMO. Naso tang is one of the most compatible fish you'll find, you can put pretty much anything appropriately sized with it...
  18. stanlalee

    Pagoda rock placement Question

    have always kept mine low in the tank and I wish it would stop growing now. I think it can work where ever you put it though if acclimated to it.
  19. stanlalee

    More calcium = more coral growth

    taking a picture under 10k would look NOTHING like it does in my tank ( I know I have 10k and dont use them, growth wasn't so superior for me to live with them over 20k). there are 1000's of others who use almost exclusively 20k bulbs (or bulbs labelled 14/15k that are really 20k). I would even...
  20. stanlalee

    can a fish die from a freshwater dip?

    Originally Posted by rlablan For ick, 5 mins maximum is what you need to burst the little buggers. Anything more than that will just stress and suffocate your poor fishies. The ick will burst pretty darn quick when it comes to freshwater dipping. My opinion is that 20 minutes of being in...