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  1. lion_crazz

    My Daughter Loves A Rapper Named...

    Very popular rapper. He has some catchy songs. He intentionally made that his name because he is from the state of Florida.
  2. lion_crazz

    what happened to tangwhisperer?

    "Yeah, snarky. Its a word, google it." But no, don't know where tangwhisperer went.
  3. lion_crazz

    Book recommendations?

    Yep, the above three are my favorites as well, specifically the Conscientious Marine Aquarist by Fenner. All good selections though.
  4. lion_crazz

    Celebreties dropping like flies

    As unfortunate it is to say, people die all the time. Celebrities are people too. Karl Malden was 97 years old. He, hopefully and most likely, lived a great life. Rest in peace, Mr. Malden.
  5. lion_crazz

    LED's How long are you running them

    I run mine 24 hours of the day. Most LEDs have a lifespan of 100,000 hours, so I won't be replacing them anytime soon.
  6. lion_crazz

    Would you pay $1,500 for this?

    Beautiful fish but if I spending $1500 on an angel, I am getting a large angel that I will always see in the tank.
  7. lion_crazz

    water level in wet dry sump? Help?

    It makes no difference where you run the level of water in your wet/dry, as long as it is low enough so that it does not overflow when the power goes out. It's not a problem at all if some of the bio balls are submersed in water.
  8. lion_crazz

    Blue Hamlet Experience

    I kept a blue hamlet in my 75 years ago. It was a great fish but definitely can be a bit aggressive to smaller fish. The first six months or so it was a model citizen but it became a bit aggressive to my smaller stuff (dart gobies, lawn mower).
  9. lion_crazz

    Return Pump Suggestions..

    I would suggest a mag 9.5 as well.
  10. lion_crazz

    Hey there, newbie here and could use some help!

    I can't really help you with the bio cube issue because I have never persoanlly kept one. However, I can say that the cow in the 29 will not be a good idea, even in the short run. They grow much too fast and are not easy to keep.
  11. lion_crazz

    2 LMB in A 225G???

    I would not do it. LMB's are notorious for fighting with each other, even in larger tanks.
  12. lion_crazz


    Variety is the key to feeding saltwater fish. When you get to your LFS, look for a frozen mixture like formula 1 or marine cuisine. Also, the fish will be absolutely fine for the 2 days you are not there. No worries.
  13. lion_crazz

    another ? about switching tanks

    Everything can be moved same day as long as the new rock is fully cured. When I moved eveything from my 75 into my 210, I had 3 30 gallon trash cans with water mixing a week ahead of time so that the fish were not shocked by new, not fully dissolved water. Also, the longer you can cure the new...
  14. lion_crazz

    Pics, Of My 150 Have A Look!!!!!!!!

    That is actually one of the nicest fish only tanks I have seen in quite some time. Beautiful fish, not overstocked, nice rock work, very colorful, and you actually have a background! Great job!!
  15. lion_crazz

    ich:always there or introduced?

    I agree that ich could always be there if never properly eradicated. As stated, ich is a parasite. It can not show up unless it was introduced. It is not something that arrives from nothing.
  16. lion_crazz

    Leather splitting

    Great picture! I just recently got a toadstool as well and it is amazing how fast these guys grow.
  17. lion_crazz

    Quarantine Tank rental around Austin TX?

    The problem with renting a quarantine tank is that ideally, you should quarantine every new fish. So it would be unrealistic to have a rent-a-quarantine tank because there would not be enough to go around.
  18. lion_crazz

    any way to preserve molts?

    I have heard of nail polish working as well. That is what I would try in order to preserve them.
  19. lion_crazz

    ORA Borealis Acro

    Very cool coral. I really like a lot of SPS corals from ORA. My favorite are their monti's and chalices.
  20. lion_crazz

    Metal Halide Lighting Question

    Originally Posted by The_Bandit Do you think with my current lights and very good water perameters, I can keep SPS corals? Maybe Monti's or Birdnests? I would tend to say no, even with excellent water params.