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  1. fishamajig

    dream tanks. . . what is yours?

    i WANTED TO START A THREAD WITH DREAM TANKS. when you see a incredable tank it is inspiring, and you find yourself getting ideas for your own tank. in my opinion steve weast has one of the most killer tanks out there. check it out lets see some of your dream tanks
  2. fishamajig

    hair algae

    if you can even detect phosphates its already bad. plus you have to raise your alk.
  3. fishamajig

    anyone from long island suffolk

    sorry i got shrimp that would be too tasty for the eel
  4. fishamajig

    are larger tanks easier to keep

    all im saying is more tank more time
  5. fishamajig

    $5.50 , was I robbed?

    dude to get anything for the saltwater hobby for around 5 bucks is great. especially a coral frag.
  6. fishamajig

    are larger tanks easier to keep

    bigger water changes and more salt, but more stable in the long run. I would say maintenance is harder but stability drastically improves.
  7. fishamajig

    Getting Ready to Start Up a new tank

    you would need a 72 inch if you are going to do the traditional 200g but you could go with mh pendants instead. you are going to drill the overflows i guess, I would go with a sequence pump or an iwaki as a return you want a big skimmer so go with a bullet 2, or a deltec if you got the $$$...
  8. fishamajig

    anyone from long island suffolk

    ok thanks
  9. fishamajig

    Power Head ?

    hey wax, do you tink i can do that with a tunze 6060? I hate the mounting crap they give you, the magnet would be a much better idea. the only thing is the tunze is kinda heavy? thoughts?
  10. fishamajig

    What do you put in your sump?

    the only thing in my sump besides the equip is water
  11. fishamajig

    HELP! I've got thousands of bristle worms in my reef tank!

    an arrow crab is not necessarily reef safe. they have been known to go after shrimps and [hr] small fish, imo not a good idea. i think your best bet would be a 6 line wrasse. I had one in my 125 when i had bristleworms and it cleared right up. plus a fun fish to watch.
  12. fishamajig

    I want a trigger BAD for my Reef...I need views please

    do you have a sand bed in the tank? with that many fish the waste produced by the fish will overcome the amount of beneficial bacteria in the sand and lr. there is a reason people have tank crashes. it would be ashame for all of your stuff to die due to it bieng overstocked. too many fish =...
  13. fishamajig

    unhappy carpet

    I had a green carpet for a year. i fed it once a week to week and a half, (1 goldfish) i had it under pc lights. the carpet thrived and grew so big i had to give it to someone with a bigger tank. if it is white maybe it feels it dont need the zooanth whatever cut down on the feeding and do...
  14. fishamajig

    I want a trigger BAD for my Reef...I need views please

    i think a 125 is ok for a naso, or a sailfin. but not both you have to plan carefully for a reef tank, and want to make sure you provide a good place for your fish to live. i dont think you should consider adding the triggers at all. if you like your shrimp and less aggressive fish like a...
  15. fishamajig

    Hopefully I can get some info by morning

    did you say it was red or greenish red and attached to the rock? i tmight be a type of macroalgie (halomedia) i think i spelled that right. if nutrients are high and it came on on a piece of rock it could grow pretty rapidly. do the tangs go near it?
  16. fishamajig

    Is this an insane idea?

    i think it would be less expensive to run the uv, cal reactor whatever then spend all that $$$ on salt and water. plus how are you going to calculate evap ect with ambient temps changing from day to day. you would have to have a temp controled room with maybe a chiller incase the room...
  17. fishamajig


    imo a must to keep a truly healthy tank.
  18. fishamajig

    anyone from long island suffolk

    yea sure, I am interested in the hippo but not the yellow. I have a 125 gal with a 55 sump. what type of lights are you considering? i have the standard flourescent fixture for the 55 or metal hallides but i am looking for $$$ for them. as far as the 55 and the stand ( and the striplight if you...
  19. fishamajig

    please help with my sps

    Originally Posted by Caillou how are you testing your phosphates? I'd suspect that because it's not unusual to get those 0 readings off of the home test kits exactly. . . . sps are really sensitive to p04 do a nice water change. when i got a bout of stn it was p04 for sure.
  20. fishamajig

    anyone from long island suffolk

    sure if you pick it up this weekend.