Search results

  1. hammerhed7

    who will eat my crabs/shrimp

    lunar wrasses get large 10"+, and are extremely fast and aggressive fish capable of tormenting nearly any fish. Certainly not a fish to have a copperband with, or a cleanup crew, or anything else smaller than it. Lunar's and other thalossoma (spelling) wrasses are some of the most colorful and...
  2. hammerhed7

    what lights are good for a FOWLR

    an old pic of my 220, stock list has changed some.
  3. hammerhed7

    Lionfish huge underside "bump"

    salmon is a bit too oily, you could feed a small amount once in a while, it is great for your fish, but hard on your water quality.
  4. hammerhed7

    Invert Safe Trigger??

    Good choice, I have had a 7" male blue jaw in my fish only tank for about 3 years now, I also like having a trigger, but with my lions this was the safest choice, I have never seen any aggression from it, and it does not bother the hermits and snails. Agreed with the above that they are shy at...
  5. hammerhed7

    Spare 110, What would you do?

    El Guapo??? Been a while since I have seen that name, I thought there was a bounty on your head Hows the training going? I have been waiting to see you on the ultimate fighter, as soon as Dana has the season for the old decrepid guys I'll throw my hat in the ring. Ok, so another vote for the...
  6. hammerhed7

    Eels out looking for food

    great looking tank
  7. hammerhed7

    Spare 110, What would you do?

    Thanks for the responses guys, a hawaiian dragon is the first thing that crossed my mind with this tank, however the nearly $1,000 price tag may very well leave me sleeping in a vehicle despite my wife being very understanding. A brazilian is also a good idea, since I am thinking more of a...
  8. hammerhed7


    with lions the two main concerns are fish that are too small will be eaten (also ornamental shrimps) and fish that will nip at the lion such as triggers, and puffers. With a dwarf lion I would add a basslet (Black cap is my favorite) a dwarf angel, shrimp goby, etc. There are many choices, the...
  9. hammerhed7

    Finally 180 Gallon Upgrade

    I would strongly suggest against a clown trigger and a lion together, if you like your lion. It may be fine for a long time but clowns get nasty as they grow beyond 6". If your looking for a grouper that won't get too huge you could consider a v-tail they are great looking as adults, and top out...
  10. hammerhed7

    what lights are good for a FOWLR

    if you have a canopy I would retrofit 2 48" T12 VHO's in actinic white this would be more than enough light and much cheaper as well if your the do it yourself type. Alot of people knock the old school VHO's but they put off outstanding light, and last much longer than other bulbs. I have 2 72"...
  11. hammerhed7

    lion capatability

    Hey frank, is that your new book in your avatar? If so pm me so that I know where to obtain my copy. I would also agree that it would be risky to add a dwarf with an adult volitan, when I first added my 4" tusk about 3 years ago both of my lions hawked him like he was food, but fortunately never...
  12. hammerhed7

    Spare 110, What would you do?

    It's been a while since I have posted, been busy. Any way in the fall I picked up an oceanic 110 tall reef ready tank 48X18X30 even though the last thing I need is another tank. I intended to transfer my 46 gal reef into this tank, but after pricing lighting, skimmer etc, and then battling a 4...
  13. hammerhed7

    scorpion fish wont eat???

    I wouldn't worry quite yet these guys can go weeks at a time without food, they are very similar to lions as far as care and feeding go, try to get ahold of some live ghost shrimp, if he doesn't go for those there is a problem. If he can't see you can still stick feed him. I had one that lost an...
  14. hammerhed7

    Volitain lion tank mates

    In my 220 I have 2- 12" volitans 1- 7" Aussie Harlequin Tusk 1- 5" Tomato Clown 1- 7" Toadfish 1- 5" Yellow Tang 1- 3' Zebra Moray 1- 6" blue jaw trigger I have no aggression issues, The clown is the meanest fish in the tank, but keeps to his area. in a 120 any of these tank...
  15. hammerhed7

    Please Identify - Toadfish/Lionfish/Stonefish?

    without a doubt, a toadfish. Looks like a gulf but hard to say from the pic google Opsanus pardus, or opsanus betta.
  16. hammerhed7

    STOP the delivery of nitrates

    I agree with the above, I do not run any bioballs in my reef, as the large amount of sand and rock do the job well. In my aggressive tank I would need mountains of rock and sand to do the same job with the big eaters. I do run bioballs in in my aggressive tank, and I have more room for the big...
  17. hammerhed7

    V-tail Grouper

    a good rule of thumb for groupers is go big, big fish, big filter big skimmer etc. Also I would add any tankmates prior to the grouper, once they become established they can be nasty. The v tail should be less aggressive then most groupers, a great looking fish in my opinion. They also tend to...
  18. hammerhed7

    60g Scorpion/Waspfish/Anthias Tank

    cranberry, you could expect the brasilensis to grow to nearly a foot, I had two a while back, lost one to an infection (got him with a bad eye wound from a guy who thought it would be cool to add 2 of them to his trigger tank), and have since re homed the other to a friend. The larger one I had...
  19. hammerhed7


    Hey Barry, I would think an 8 bulb would be more than enough depending on the reflectors. I am in the process of setting up a tank of the same dimensions, how is the 150 X 2 look on the tank? I was going to get one for my 110. I was thinking of going with the 2 x 250 but I dont know if that...
  20. hammerhed7

    92 Gallon Stocking ?

    The puffer and trigger would be fine for quite a while, and neither of these fish would be considered a good tankmate for a lion as they tend to nip at lions fins and spines. As for a volitan lion they are very fast growers a 4" lion would easily hit 10"-12" in 18 months time with proper conditions.