Search results

  1. harlequin

    time for a dragonette?

    Pods will not mess with anything in your tank, no matter how many there are. There is no such thing as too many pods in a tank. Like has been said before, the mandy will wipe out the existing population rather quickly in that small of a tank, in I would think less than 2 weeks. Whoever told you...
  2. harlequin

    Help me set up my 55 with a 10 gal fudge???

    10 gallons of fudge......thats enough to last a few weeks and probably gain a few 10 pounds or so heheh.
  3. harlequin

    Moving Fish Cross-Country

    I just moved accross town just a few days ago, it was a b!^ch. Literally using a big dodge ram it took 2 trips. One to move the tanks and stands, and one to move the big rubbermaid bins with the water and livestock. I didnt lose any fish or corals, but it also took about 6 hours to move the...
  4. harlequin

    Skimmer air hose noise muting?

    I have a SeaBay skimmer(clone of a Euro-reef) which works like a banshee as far as skimming goes. Unfortunately the air hose supplying it makes just as much noise. Sounds like someone continously sucking a straw from an empty drink. Anyone know how to mute it since it is driving my roomates...
  5. harlequin


    The only thing I can say about keeping them is at least it gets them out of the ocean so please have fun. With the huge decline in sea turtles, specifically leatherbacks, jelly fish are going crazy reproducing. And yes, the loss of leatherbacks is that bad and thats just one of the repercussions...
  6. harlequin

    Open my own small store?????

    Check on (it is a noncommercial site, ie. not competition mods) They have an entire forum on there about this very topic and its moderators are some of the leading experts in the field such as R. Fenner (The Conscientious Marine Aquarist) many of your questions will be answered...
  7. harlequin

    Coral Beauty and Flameback angel

    Personally i have never had a problem with any dwarf angel munching on coral and I have had a good number of them. I think its pretty low odds that they do it. Maybe one in ten if that.
  8. harlequin

    New mandy tank

    Pods just kind of happen, they are not something you can grow. Damsels by the way are big munchers of them along with clowns as they are just the right size. I had a crapload in my 55 until I added a pair of Pink Skunk Clowns, now I cant find any as well. CBS usually stalk the tank at night. I...
  9. harlequin

    Is 450 gallons too big

    What kind of tank? Fish only or reef? Huge difference in cost in a tank that big. I only wish I could get a tank that sized although I would hate to see either of the tank's electric bills.
  10. harlequin

    BREEding breeding breeding.......

    This is a near and dear subject to me and has been the subject of much research over the last few months. Unfortunately I havent had the space to try it. With the exception of clowns, a couple gobies, and psuedo-chromis, very few marine fish have been successfully bred. I hear of a mandarin here...
  11. harlequin

    Auriga butterfly

    I am re-doing one of my tanks as a purely display tank for now due to space and time restraints on my breeding projects. Corals will be basically grow-over coral from my reef tank and I am not too concerned if it gets eaten, probably be good for the fish if they do eat it. So does anyone know...
  12. harlequin

    Anyone have any info on File Fish?

    Orangspotted Filefish should be left in the ocean. They eat the polyps of acropora corals only and they will die in an aquarium without a steady supply. Other filefish are much better but be warned they grow fast and some will easily outgrow a 55. Plus they tend to be curious and even...
  13. harlequin

    morrish idol or heniochus butterfly

    They are a tough little fish, I lucked out and found a tiny juvenile about an inch long at my LFS. He has put up with being picked on by a bi-color angel and occassionally by a pair of pink skunk clowns and looks great and survived it all. Definately my favorite spastic fish heheh. H...
  14. harlequin

    Angel fish question... Please answer

    Thats an expensive rumble waiting to happen. Most people cannot put two together unless they are a male/female pair and even then it takes a little effort. Multi species in a 55 is just crazy. Save the fish and dont try it.
  15. harlequin

    ~~catch your own

    During the summer months i usually set up a wildcaught only tank. I have no problems letting go native fish when they are either too big or too mean. Usually flake is not something they will eat and I end up feeding them live grass shrimp and pods so the the food issue is not an issue. They are...
  16. harlequin

    Black spots on shrimp???

    I see alot of similar spots on wildcaught shrimp here. I took a razor to one and pulled out some kind of parasitic pod. Keep an eye on it.
  17. harlequin

    just got a Orange Spot Sandsifter Goby

    Mine is my oldest fish, close to 3 years and it doesnt do squat except sit in a cave under some rock and make threatening gestures towards my bi-color angel. He is a cute fish and I will keep it for longevities sake but totally useless to me for any kind of utility. Glad yours actually works. heheh
  18. harlequin

    atlantic pygmy angel

    Anytime you involve multiple fish in this hobby it gets expensive heheh. Hell, single fish in this hobby are expensive.
  19. harlequin

    atlantic pygmy angel

    From what I have been able to gather, the male peduncle becomes pale during courtship and according to Scott Michael the difference is only temporary. Unfortunately the best way to get a male and female is also the longest. Pick up a few of the smallest you can find. The dominant one will be the...
  20. harlequin

    Bi-color blenny eating GSP!

    Yeah, I have had several and never had nor heard of that problem before. I thnk yours is just special. You have the same options as the guy above me said.