Search results

  1. harlequin

    An Interesting Peice of Livestock

    You took the moral highroad Skiutah, I would have done the same thing. The genetics currently are too limited to have more than the few that are officially held in captivity not in the ocean. 500 gallons is way to small for any of the sea turtles. I guess most of you who are saying against have...
  2. harlequin

    update of my 100G, color intense pics!!!

    What kind of lighting is on that tank out of curiousity? It looks very blue or is it the camera used? Very nice tank though. People like you keep making me want to start a new reef tank heheh.
  3. harlequin

    Wholesale DAMSELS

    Its only a 60 gallon or so for the 80 damsels, but the difference being that its part of a 8 tank system with a huge skimmer. If you have any plans to continue with this, that should be the first thing you consider. Dont go cheap with a skimmer rated for your size tank, that will fail. Get one...
  4. harlequin

    Wholesale DAMSELS

    I doubt you will get a response. This is a commercial website and unlike the real world where competition is good, this site prefers you to think they are the only ones out there and does not allow the posting of competitive websites. On the subject of damsels, my LFS has a tank with about 80...
  5. harlequin

    Jeweled moray (meixcan dragon moray?)

    10 little damsels, 9 little damsels, 8 little damsels, 7 little damsels, 6 little damsels, 5 little damsels, 4 little damsels 4 little damsels. Oh cool, new shipment came in, 10 little damsels...... Jeweled morays are piscavores, keep that in mind before you buy it.
  6. harlequin

    I Challenge You!!!!

    get a bigger skimmer. That means not one rated for your size tank but bigger. They makes the specs higher than what they really are for some reason. Get a 150 rated skimmer for an algae filled 55(use appropriate sizes for your tank) and wait two months, you will see a massive difference in water...
  7. harlequin

    black or white tip reef shark.

    There is only going to be one or two people on here with tanks big enough for either of these guys. The one I can think of have a pool in his basement rather than a tank as well and he has pictures already on here, just look around, his pool is in the thousands range. These guys get way too big...
  8. harlequin

    anyone have a melon butterfly?

    Whats the scientific name for it? I have a really in depth book on butterflies and that name isnt listed as a common one. The more spactacular butterflies I have noticed are rarely able to survive long in an aquarium. The closest thing I found to it is a Chaetodon melannotus which is called the...
  9. harlequin

    Lionfish behavior???

    Might be the place you are ordering from. Lions typically are one of the toughest fish there is besides damsels(they used to be a recommended cycling fish). For two to be acting this way if they are from the same place says to me that either this place isnt doing things the way they should or...
  10. harlequin

    Port Jackson floating question

    but for future note, sharks do not have swim bladders.
  11. harlequin

    what else can you put in a tank with sharks and sting rays???

    An 18inch wide fish in a 2 foot still isnt going to be very happy not alot of space to turn around in, but its better than something thinner. Stay away from blue spotted rays, very difficult to keep successfully with a bad track record. Its not the length that matters as much, its the open sand...
  12. harlequin

    ordering a monster

    with both lists. Dont mix the trigger and puffer with the shark, the shark has a good chance of getting its butt kicked. Not advisable to mix those two with a lion either. If you absolutely have to have a trigger go with one of the more peaceful kinds, niger, sargassum or pinktail. Putting one...
  13. harlequin

    Anyone have a SeaDragon?

    Yes they can live in schools i suppose. The Aquarium in Tennessee has a bunch of them in one big tank. They payed bundles for their outstanding seahorse exhibit which takes up an entire floor, I didnt want to leave. Now to see if Atlanta's new aquarium will live up to the hype, and having a...
  14. harlequin

    Anyone have a SeaDragon?

    $30,000 is a little extreme but it is a seller's market. Legal ones are in the neighborhood of $3000 - $5000 and thats not counting shipping fees and permits and all the red tape you must go through. Oh and you have to be a public or research aquarium capable of maintaining them as well which...
  15. harlequin

    Dragon Face Pipefish

    Kind of a waste of a 120 to put pipefish in unless you plan on going all the way with it. Pipefish have very similar requirements to seahorses. They pretty much only eat live food, they are out competed by finned fish for the food. Now they can be trained to eat frozen food, although some...
  16. harlequin

    LFS Guy touched lion fish!

    I had lions for years and never had a problem with it. I even fed them by hand. Lions are very non-aggressive fish and do not go out of their way to sting people.
  17. harlequin


    All sea turtles and the only brackish water turtle are critically endangered. Its a real shame too because DiamondBack Terrapins are the most people friendly turtle I have ever seen. We have a project at school that rescues the eggs from mother turtles which are hit by cars, we literally extract...
  18. harlequin

    ok guys after a little research I know what i want

    Those sound like excellent dimensions for a ray although I too am unsure of the glass thickness. I would ask a glass shop that does custom glass work what they think, oh and ask someone there who knows what they are doing and not just some peon who works there.
  19. harlequin

    hikari frozen rotifers

    Are you raising fish fry? Thats about the only reason I could see to even use them except maybe to feed some corals even though there are other foods for this purpose. I have never heard of them before this though.
  20. harlequin

    Darn this burns me!

    The eel was chasing it around? Thats kind of odd behavior. It could have just been a pale yellow tang, I have seen them on occassion where the yellow is much paler than a normal one, kind of like an albino. Just a guess though. The tang should be able to run circles around and laugh at the eel...