refugiums are good because they house macroalgae that absorb nutrients. it's an excellent way to export nutrients. i'd say it's a good idea.
if i was you, i'd remove those bio balls and put your skimmer in there, and/or a refugium.
where were you planning to put your skimmer anyway?
go with the koralia 1 atleast. i would suggest a 2 actually. those nanos are about worthless. i have a 4' 30 gallon tank that has a koralia 3, an aquaclear 70(400gph) and a mj1200 in it and it still has dead spots.
i don't know what killed them. the star might have eaten the dead carcasses, but that's the extent of it.
a peppermint shrimp is just way too fast for this star, even if it was going after it.
i don't see 5000 dollars in corals and fish in that tank. 500 tops.
meanwhile, i think you should sue yourself for putting your huge investment in the hands of someone else. 90% of the employess of local fish stores are high school kids that don't know anything about the hobby. sorry i'm alittle...
Originally Posted by florida joe
I am thinking it’s a Serpent Sea Star, Fancy Tiger-striped. It should not have eaten any of the things you mentioned I would look else wear
it didn't eat any of those things, while they were alive and healthy.
try to mimic the natural day/night light cycle as best as you can. i have it like this-8 hours of daylight and the actinics are ran for 2 hours in the morning, and 2 hours in the evening, overlapping the daylights, for a total of 12 hours.
i had a terrible infestation of flatworms too. i added a mandarin and a fairy wrasse, and within a month or so, they all disappeared. my tank has been flatworm free for about a year now. as a matter of fact, 6 months ago i had a power outage that killed the mandarin and wrasse. still no...
some say you'll have problems, but i've kept 2 different wrasses in a large tank before without issue. they actually hung out together.
i like the whipfin fairy. nice looking and cheap.
your theory is impossible. unless you had a years worth of food in the tank, they would be dying off.
they cannot eat their own crap for long before they stop getting nutrition from it.
how do you explain this phenomenon? bristleworms "don't require an external food source"?
that top cannister will hold the R.O. cartridge. it unscrews and the blue cartridge inside will be replaced. atleast it does on my unit, and all the others i have seen.
buy the replacement and look at it. if it is a completely encased thing like what's on your unit, then you just replace it. i...
if it's truly 2 months old, i'd just rinse it in some saltwater and put it in my tank. just make sure the guy didn't whack the tank with copper meds before he gave up the hobby. if you see any living snails or other inverts in the tank, you should be ok.
i don't think you are going to find a fish that eats hair algae. a powder blue definitely won't.
manual removal and depriving the algae of nutrients is your best defense.
i apologize for my fellow reefers before me that decided to call that lighting diffuser material "eggcrate". who came up with that anyway?
it looks and functions nothing like a crate to hold eggs.
you don't want to put live rock in a quarantine tank. i suggest some pieces of pvc pipe, just for the fish to hide in and feel safe.
if you have to medicate the tank, you'll destroy the rock.
what size display do you have and what size fish will youi be purchasing? i always buy my fish as small...
no...flatworm exit will not help with the bristleworm population, unless of course the mass die-off of the flatworms nukes your tank, which certainly can happen.
if you have tons of bristleworms, it's because you feed heavy. there is plenty of food for them to thrive. cut back on the feeding and...