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  1. stacy

    180 to 200 gallon tank

    That sounds a bit steep to me. One of my LFS has a 180 tank, stand, filter, and heater for $1000. The stand is a nice oak. Also the tank is predrilled with wet/dry.
  2. stacy

    Skimmer Operation

    I think that it depends on the brand of skimmer. My prizms needed a few days to get adjusted properly. I throttled back the water flow as far back as I could, then within a couple of days the foam started entering the collection cup, and water started to discharge out properly. Most of the...
  3. stacy

    What do you think?

    I'm starting my planning for my next aggressive setup. Should have the room for a new tank in a couple of months. I already have a porc that will be moved to this tank. Here's the list: Porcupine Puffer, Corris Wrasse, Flounder, Cortez Dragon Eel, and a Niger Trigger. what do you think about...
  4. stacy

    Refugium for a 10 gallon tank

    ijji, This sounds like a good setup. I'll be trying to setup a system like this sometime this week. Question is in the diagram you have 2" pvc inside the tank, then another 2" pvc outside is this correct? Also why not just have 2" pvc, then just pvc going down to refugium?
  5. stacy

    giant mushroom

    How long have you had them in the tank? They may just need a little time to get adjusted. Also how did you acclimate them? Corals are a little more sensitive and should be acclimated slower.
  6. stacy

    Refugium for a 10 gallon tank

    ijji, What pump did you use for your return. I was going to put together something similar to what you have. I need a pump that will go 5'.
  7. stacy

    dwarf lion

    Depends on the size of the dwarf. He would probably leave the mandarin alone. The clown if it's about the same size should be O.K. Corals they don't normally bother, although my volitan does like to hang out in the mushrooms sometimes. Any inverts large enough for it to fit in its mouth will be...
  8. stacy

    fish 4 30 gallon tank

    Depends on the size of the fish. I would suggest 2-3 very small fish. Fish that in adult size reach no more than 2-3". A pair of clowns would be a good addition. You could also look at a royal gramma, or bengaii cardinal.
  9. stacy


    You can buy test kits to check for phosphates. How long has the tank been running? Algae blooms are normal in a recently setup tank. It should go away on its own with time. If not you may need to look at your water source. I use RO/DI water and there are no phosphates in this water. You should...
  10. stacy


    What size tank are you talking about. I have four maxijet 900's in my 80, 2 maxijet 600's in my 37. In my 80 I have 2 of the powerheads pointed towards the top, 1 blowing across the top of the reef, and 1 blowing across the bottom on the opposite side.
  11. stacy

    Lionfish in reef

    I agree that you need to determine the reason behind the death of your other fish before adding anything else. A lion can be kept in a reef. I have a volitan in my 80, and when he gets a little bigger I'll setup a new tank for him. He doesn't bother any of the other inhabitants, ie fish, snails...
  12. stacy


    I'm trying to setup a refugium under my tank for copepods, and calupera. I was going to buy an overflow, but then I priced a couple. There must be an easy way to make one. These things aren't that cheap. Also the return needs to be pumped about 5 ft. high. Any suggestions on a return pump.
  13. stacy


    Garlic is not used as a treatment rather as a prventative measure. The garlic helps boost the fish's immune system. To use garlic you can soak the fish food in a pure garlic ectract for about an hour before you feed the food to the fish. You may want to post this in the disease forum, or maybe...
  14. stacy


    Garlic is not used as a treatment rather as a prventative measure. The garlic helps boost the fish's immune system. To use garlic you can soak the fish food in a pure garlic ectract for about an hour before you feed the food to the fish. You may want to post this in the disease forum, or maybe...
  15. stacy

    Changing from cc to DSB

    You want to be carefull replacing your UGF. If this is your main source of filtration you need to have another filtration system in place and working before removing the UGF. Give it time to take the load off of your UGF. If not you will be starting you cycle process all over. Also Ed a very...
  16. stacy

    Help me stock my 125 reef

    I agree. 2 tangs in a 125 is all you should put. As far as schooling fish I like the chromis, or anthias. The chromis are inexpensive and stay farily small. The anthias look better, get bigger, and have a bit of a price tag on them. Also some other possible occupants would be royal gramma...
  17. stacy

    LR and/or LS?

    Also you want to make sure that you add cured LR since you already have sifh in the tank. If you use uncured LR it will start you cycle process over. While the berlin is a very nice skimmer it is pricey. For that size tank you would be fine to go with something along the lines of prizm, or CPR...
  18. stacy


    I made the mistake of adding a pair off clowns to my tank after cycling with damsels. The damsels tore them apart before I could remove them. No more damsels in my tanks unless it's an aggressive setup. They where removed and taken back to the LFS. Also the next time you cycle you should look...
  19. stacy

    Foxface Lo.....

    Foxfaces can be very hardy fish as well. If you do decide to get him you will need to upgrade to a larger tank. He may only get to 9", but they are like tangs, and prefer to have lots of room to swim around. I have tossed the idea around about getting one myself.
  20. stacy

    baby gold stripe maroon

    Does this apply to all maroons? I have a saml 1.5" with white stripes. Just curios if his colors will change.