Search results

  1. stacy

    Fish-Only with LR and LS

    You should be fine with around 1.5 watts per gallon. Thats what I run on my FO tanks with LR and the LR is doing fine.
  2. stacy

    Salty, broomer and other Junkyard Warriors

    You should be able to determine what you need by looking at what your going to run. Each appliance should have a label with wattage, amperage, and voltage. If you go through the house and write down everything that you want to run on a list. Take that to a generator sales shop and they should be...
  3. stacy

    clean up crew to big???

    If you have these in your 29 I'd say your o.k. I've seen people with more than that in a 29. I have a 37 with 12 snails, 3 hermits, 3 cleaner shrimp, and I still have to clean the glass ounce a week. Also your bound to loose some of them overtime. The only thing I see that may become a problem...
  4. stacy

    Live rock question

    I live in Ca. and I can get it from my LFS for about $3 a lb. I've also ordered some online for a little better quality for $6-$8 a lb.
  5. stacy

    New tank suggestions and comments please

    This is going to be mostly coral/reef tank. The lighting will be a DIY canopy with 2X175 MH and 2X55 PC. I already have the MH, but not sure yet about PC's. I'm also looking at VHO.
  6. stacy

    New tank suggestions and comments please

    I will be adding another tank to my collection this weekend. The setup will be 55 gallon, 4-6 in DSB, 50-80 lbs. LR, emporer 400 filter, 2 175 watt MH, heater, powerheads. I plan on also adding a couple of power compacts 2X55 watt. I don't know anything about skimmers, but would like opinions...
  7. stacy

    Salty, broomer and other Junkyard Warriors

    I don't thinl though that it will stay cloudy forever. The batteries in solar can last a couple of days without charging depending on how much load you have. That should be more than enough time for the coulds to clear. I've lived through a few hurricanes myself, and the clouds are usually gone...
  8. stacy

    Royal Gramma or a Six Line Wrasse??What to buy

    My vote is for the gramma. It's one of my favorites. I've never seen it get aggresive at all. It's constantly active, good colors, and great personality.
  9. stacy


    The ***** in my area does a great job in maintaing their saltwater tanks. I was impressed. As with any big chain store they vary considerably from store to store. I have a couple of tronic heaters that I've been running for a long time, and have had no problems with them.
  10. stacy

    Salty, broomer and other Junkyard Warriors

    One option you could always look at is some type of solar powered backup device. During the day the solar power charges the batteries, and run appliances. At night they run off the batteries. I don't run everything on solar power just my critical systems.
  11. stacy

    I have a LR ?

    What are the other levels in your tank? Ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, calcium, ph, temp, and salinity. Also how long have you had the LR? Was it cured when you got it? As far as the q-tank I picked up a 10 gallon complete setup from my LFS for $40. That included the stand, tank, filter, and hood.
  12. stacy

    Brooklynella Question?

    I have ordered the copper as well as the test kit that goes along with it. I will also order the the Marycn 2. All the sites that I've found will not ship formalin to CA. I don't really know why. I appreciate all of your help. Maybe next time I'll be better prepared next time.
  13. stacy

    indoor saltwater pond ?

    I have an outdoor KOI pond that I built a year ago out of the liner material. There are several books out there with information on liners, filtration, and structure design. I bought several books from home depot. The only thing that I would be concerned about would be the effects of the salt on...
  14. stacy

    Brooklynella Question?

    The main ingredients in the formalite are formaldehyde and malachite green. The instructions on the label don't say anything about using this as a dip, but the LFS told me to that they do it all the time. The fish that have survived seem alot better today. Last night however I lost my tang. I...
  15. stacy

    Now what should I do?

    What do you think about the q-tank? How long should I wait before adding anything else to that tank?
  16. stacy

    Now what should I do?

    I have 2 q-tanks. I was treating fish for ich. The fish in one tank have passed on. Don't think that it was ich, but possibly brooklynella. They had rather large patches of white skin shedding, heavy breathing, and not eating. Before I do anything else what should I do about the q-tank? I want...
  17. stacy

    Do most tanks have copepods??

    I think that it depends on the quality of the LR/LS that you put into the tank. I have one tank that I used LR from LFS and never had copepods in the tank. The LR wasn't really that good. I ordered some LR online for another tank and its full of copepods. The LR I ordered online was a lot better...
  18. stacy

    Newbie with 65 gal, need help/advice

    You should replace the emperor. Go with the emperor 400. I run 2 on a 55 gallon. It never hurts to have to much filtertration.
  19. stacy

    camel shrimp eating yellow polyps

    I had the same problem. They ate my ricorda polyps. That was the only thing in my tank, and since I don't plan on getting anything else for that tank I left them in. Also their a pin to catch.
  20. stacy

    Cleaning Filters

    The filters in the emperor "with the cotton looking stuff", is used for mechanical filtration. I usually clean mine once a week, and replace them ounce a month. The same goes for the filters on your powerheads. I had these on for a while, but removed them. They didn't seem to help that much. The...