Search results

  1. joerdie

    Nuke em to glass

    are you saying that this is supposed to help bush? i dont see how?
  2. joerdie

    Computer virus.

    i have been having trouble shutting down my pc for a few weeks now. when i try to shut it down one program wont respond and i have to maunally close it. the problem is that i dont know what the program is for. really annoying.
  3. joerdie

    Price of Gas.

    i really didnt want to get back into this but lets try and have a real discussion. taho ocean: i stated that i bet their are les than 10 people on this boeard that "need" suv's. you may be one of the 10... idont know. besides i get the impression that you dont drive an escalade or hummer. tony...
  4. joerdie

    Guess who i Pow-wowed with yesterday?

    im confused how are you comparing brian warner to briney [hr] . it seems to me that they are about as opposite as it gets?
  5. joerdie

    Trip to Shedd Aquarium Lota Pics

    i have not seen the tanks at the casino. (not much of a gambler) but sounds interesting. any good?
  6. joerdie

    Nuke em to glass

    thats really interesting!! i never thought the video would be faulse. just never crossed my mind. but tony detroit's question makes a lot of sense. does it change anything if it is a hoax? i dont know if it does or not but its worth discussing.
  7. joerdie

    Deep thoughts by Jack Handy

    yes release the link or ill..... ill... uhhh. something.:)
  8. joerdie

    Has anyone seen the "Fast Food Video"

    i heard that ladey on all things considered. (an npr show) she did say that she had lost weight.
  9. joerdie

    Deep thoughts by Jack Handy

    schneidts: those are really funny. where are you getting those?
  10. joerdie

    pulsating xania

    for some reasion xenia has never done well in my tanks. all of my other corals do fine. any sugestions?
  11. joerdie

    Making a top speed run in my Corvette

    dude! that would get me off of a bike in two seconds flat! im not much of an adrenaline junkie but...
  12. joerdie

    Aquarium first aid kits

    good call i may do the same.... p.s. thanks for the link
  13. joerdie

    Price of Gas.

    envirnmentally safe compared to what? hummers use more gas than a lot of the gas hogs of that era. besides if we can make a car that IS better. why would we not use it. i have two more points then i done 1. hummers DO have their place in this world.... on the battle field. 2. the only reason...
  14. joerdie

    Aquarium first aid kits

    where is the post about melody? i keep seeing people refer to it but cannot find it.
  15. joerdie

    Price of Gas.

    soccer moms do belong in mini-vans. bang i agree that car pooling is great but said soccer moms only car pool.... NEVER. i see all of the time yuppie PUNKS! dropping two kids off at the field with their semi-trucks and zipping off to some yuppie cono. LOOK. you drive an suv (large) you deserve...
  16. joerdie

    Making a top speed run in my Corvette

    WHATS A TANK SLAPPER? sorry for the caps
  17. joerdie

    what is your back ground?

    i know. i often wonder about the validity of this story myself... but every year someone brings it up and its always the same.
  18. joerdie

    change name

    i have been here for a while to but i dont post all that often.
  19. joerdie

    attn: veedub

    i did not look. i also refuse to look in the future.:D
  20. joerdie

    Nuke em to glass

    i think the answer to that question is in the thread title.:nope: