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  1. joerdie

    what is your back ground?

    supposedly he was stealing liquor from the government offices. i dont know this for sure but aparently he was taking some powerful dudes liquor from his office and got caught. then a few months later he got caught again. he is still to this day an alcohalic.
  2. joerdie

    Price of Gas.

    bang: thats what im talking about. how many soccer moms do you know who need a semi to haul their kids around. some of these suv's can hold 9 adults comfortably. 9!!!!!!!!! people are not buying these vehicles because they need them but because they are a status symbol. ive started keying and...
  3. joerdie

    poetry contest

    roses are stupid so are blue violets poetry is dumb and i choose to prove it to you with this hycu
  4. joerdie

    what is your back ground?

    im 100% irish. my parents moved to america when i was 3. i havnt been back and i really dont remember much. (note: my parents moved here becuse my grandfather was "asked" to leave by the irish government)
  5. joerdie

    Calling Saltfisher

    i dont know about you but im bidding on the 72 datsun!!!
  6. joerdie

    Price of Gas.

    i just re-reread my post about the trick to lower gas prices. it sounded harsh and it wasnt meant to. emotion on the internet is hard. i dint think there are any smilies that convay a sense of depression mixed with sarcasm and rage are there?
  7. joerdie

    Price of Gas.

    none of theses ideas will work. dont even feel like typing out why. i wish they would work but they wont. dont waste your time. want cheaper oil. read my last post on the nuke them to sand thread. if the us did this we wouldnt have an issue.
  8. joerdie

    Price of Gas.

    here's a thought. dont buy an f-ing hummer. people in suvs make me sick. IMO if you own an suv you dont have the right to complain.
  9. joerdie

    Nuke em to glass

    quote from bencc: Osama Bin Laden and Saddam are 2 different people with the same agenda. They would have done anything in there power to harm Americans and there allies. endquote they are not allies. they accually hate each other and have been afetr each other for more than ten years. they...
  10. joerdie

    Thought you guys would enjoy this picture!

    thats not really funny.. its acually really stupid... j/k lol!!!
  11. joerdie

    Trip to Shedd Aquarium Lota Pics

    scribben: comparing the shedd with the newport aquarium is like comparing a 1976 datsun to a 2004 porsche (sp). the newport aquarium is in really bad shape. the reef tanks are full of aptaisa (sp) and they cant seem to keep any sharks alive (10 or 12 dead as of now). the shedd is a much better...
  12. joerdie

    shrinking sponge & algae...

    i have never had luck with sponges. but here are somthings i learned about them. they cant be exposed to air. (even from the tank at the lfs to the bag and back. the need high flow and low light. when they start to die they wither and get thin. its extremly hard to bring one back. there... is...
  13. joerdie

    Explain where your user name originated

    im a huge star trek nerd and my name is joe. star trek the next generation had a charictor named geordi la'forge. geordi........... joerdie...... get it? yea..... im cool.
  14. joerdie

    9.5 magdrive users, help?

    yea... ive never seen a little flapper in my 9.5
  15. joerdie

    Better or Worse

    good luck getting your tank to like like number 1 again i think they both look good.
  16. joerdie

    ro question's

    thanks bang
  17. joerdie

    finally get a chance to post pics of my new addition

    how will you take care of that. do gorgs just eat dt's? what kind of light do they need. ps. its beautiful
  18. joerdie

    ro question's

    does anyone know if o can use the first couple of days worth of water in my tank?
  19. joerdie

    cooling fans

    thanks one and all!!!
  20. joerdie

    cooling fans

    i already have lots of comp fans lying around. (been building computers for years) what do i do now? im sure there are posts dealing with this issue but i cant seem to find them.