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  1. bdhough

    can i have any corals

    The trick is just to get the corals you want right up to the light. If you have low light then the closer the better. Hope you have alot of high stacked live rock yetex..... BTW start off with green or yellow polyps, see how they do, and go from there...
  2. bdhough

    Aptasia and The Fish Store

    Well i concur with the fish guy. Just remember that from what i know aptasia is like a stinging weed. Almost like anemones. They can sting your fish from what i understand. They are kinda cool though.
  3. bdhough

    building lights

    Go visit your friendly Lowes or Home Depot or any harware store and ask about their lighting. You've got to buy a lighting balast to hold the bulbs and then depending on the balast, figure out a housing structure to hold the balast. I attempted this with my 12 gallon but everything was just to...
  4. bdhough

    How many fish do you have?

    2 Green Chromis <p> in a 12 gallon masterpiece in the works....
  5. bdhough

    green star polyps & button polyps

    Good idea with the turkey baster NM. I never would have thought of that. I was wondering how to directly feed them.... BTW zodiac those are the easiest corals to keep.
  6. bdhough

    Aptasia and The Fish Store

    So i've heard. Mine just recently died mysteriously. Have no idea why. Waters about a good as it gets.... Oh well. I have no aptasia yet thankfully but i was just wondering about that....
  7. bdhough

    Hermit Crabs eat Green Polyps???

    Do hermit crabs eat green polyps??? Or corals for that matter? Or will they just eat the dead ones? Several of my hermit crabs have been weeding through my green polyps cluster and i just caught a blue leg eating a dead (i hope) polyp.... Will they attack the live ones? Thanks for any...
  8. bdhough

    Live Rock

    Its possible there won't be any spikes. Since setting up my tank i haven't had one. My water has been almost perfect since the beginning. Then again my live rock was pretty well cured, i did the smell test on it. You could get some cleaners in there, ie snails, hermits, and shrimp and they...
  9. bdhough

    Aptasia and The Fish Store

    Upon recently visiting my favorite LFS i noticed for the first time alot of their tanks have aptasia growing all over. Even in some of their coral tanks. My question is it a good idea to buy anything that has aptasia growing in it? I imagine for buying fish it isn't a problem, but buying...
  10. bdhough

    Disappearing hermits

    Anyone heard of Tuxedo Hermit Crabs? Big black with white tipped forclaws, red and blue eye stalks and dark redish brownish legs with white bands on them? Very cool. Much more so than the blue legs. Maybe they go by a different name? BTW i have 2.
  11. bdhough

    Stupidest Thing Your Fish Has Done?

    Whats the dumbest, funniest thing you've ever seen in your tank? My two green chromises kept trying to eat their own "mess" over and over and over and over untill they got the hint that it wasn't food. My hermit crabs keep trying to take over this shell thats covered in yellow button polyps...
  12. bdhough

    Spotty Green Chromis

    Yeah he is the one that gets picked on by the other. I only have 2 cause its a 12 gallon tank. It seems that it is just stress then. If yours are doing the same. I figured it can't be a disease. My water has been nearly perfect since i had the tank. And i hadn't added anything (recent...
  13. bdhough

    Spotty Green Chromis

    One of my green chroises has lighter spots of color on him. He is eating ok and swimming around as normal. The spots seem to come and go. In a couple of hours they may go away. It also depends on which way the light is shining on him as well. At one angle you can't see the lighter spots and...
  14. bdhough

    Coral Stay Put Please

    would a piece of string work? I unfortunately don't have a car.... to go back to the store.
  15. bdhough

    Coral Stay Put Please

    Upon buying my first coral, a fish guy had some green button polyps he was giving to someone else who never came into the store. Thus he gave them to me. SCORE!!!! The problem is these corals are attatched to old astrea and hermit crab shells and are not very stable when set in the tank. The...
  16. bdhough

    OT: Finish this... I knew I had found the worst LFS ever when...

    It's not necessarily a bad store but they had an XL Achilles in a 80 gallon tank..... Doesn't he need 150? :) He was pacing the whole time I was there. Back and forth back and forth. The fish guy even said he didn't know what his manager was thinking. "That fish is pissed.... "
  17. bdhough

    Is All-Glass All-Good???

    Ok you've scared me SurfnTurf..... Well not really but you just made me remeber something from 8th grade. The whole windows are thicker at the base because of the fluidness of glass. But question.... Is that whole bowing thing the reason glass tanks leak? The bow and then the seal fails...
  18. bdhough

    tank finally cycled

    Sure..... I would refine your questions though to specifics.... Like protien skimmer question, then lighting question ect.... You'll get more looks and answers. Did you get any inverts? They will help cure/clean your rock a little quicker. Especially the hermit crabs. One note on the...
  19. bdhough

    Live Rock???

    Ahh... A shame. I live in Raleigh. There are two stores here. If you are North of Raleigh and ever over on Capital BLVD... There's a store over there called Fish World. Their live rock is over priced $8 a lb but they have decent deals on fish and corals. You can get just about anything...
  20. bdhough

    Live Rock???

    1.5 lbs. per gallon. If you can get rock with purple on it. Purple = good. Some kind of algae... Er was algae. Not sure. I was just told it's a good thing. I wouldn't add it all at once too. Adding live rock spikes nitrates as far as i know. Besides, it's always safer to go slow.