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  1. d0 thy d3w

    What to put in my 125g aquarium next!

    most or all fish stores should be able to special order fish for u as long as u can pick them up the day they arrive or however that works out...ask an emloyee at the lfs to special order sum for u
  2. d0 thy d3w

    good fish for a 3 gallon?

    hello the near future i might be helping my girlfriend hop into this hobby. im thinkin of seting her up with a 3 gallon..shes living at my house at the moment so of course id be there to help her out...but im curious as to what fish do well in such a small thinkin a couple blue...
  3. d0 thy d3w

    corals and anenome?

    clowns dont need anenomies..they will host other things as well, such as heaters,powerheads,pieces of rock, zoos, and sum other softie then u dont gotta worry about an anenome plowing over u :happyfish r goods!
  4. d0 thy d3w

    My fish died today but i dont know why?

    how long were the fish left dead in the tank? because if they were fine when u left..dead when u got home and u instantly removed tyhem...ur ammonia would not have spiked to .5 that may be that the ammonia was the culprit...what do u feed and how often?? are u running a skimmer...
  5. d0 thy d3w

    Saltwater newb

    in my opinion long tanks are gives the fish more horizontal swimming space..and also if u did decide to switch to a reef it would be alot easier to keep more difficult corals that need more light..with a deeper tank ud need alot more powerful tank is only like 10inches...
  6. d0 thy d3w

    Tank crashed

    or u could just hang the halides higher above the water line....also increasing the water turnover rate might help a little bit
  7. d0 thy d3w

    Explain where your user name originated

    i really really really like mountain dew!!! in fact i have a cup of it sitting by my keyboard at this very moment! naturally..after seeing one of thoe "Do The Dew" commercials i took a liking to my name (d0 thy d3w)i use this name on a few other sites as well
  8. d0 thy d3w

    Saltwater newb

    it really depends on what your planing on setting u think u will go for a reef tank? or a FOWLR <fish only with live rock)....Fowlrs are cheaper than reefs but in my opinion arent that great unless u have a really big tank that can host nice looking, big, expensive fish....for pc <power...
  9. d0 thy d3w

    Putting Faces To Tanks....

    guess not..u live in ohio...just curious..why did ya want to know where i live??? :thinking:
  10. d0 thy d3w

    Putting Faces To Tanks....

    Originally Posted by Torno hey "do thy do", you say you live in kent? as in kentucky or the city? the washington....u local?
  11. d0 thy d3w

    Fish on top of water

    is that a hippo tang??? in a 20gal??
  12. d0 thy d3w

    fish or coral first?

    got any pics?? ***)
  13. d0 thy d3w

    fish or coral first?

    hello all...heres my situation...its pretty simple i guess...but what did yall put in ur tanks first? the fish? or the corals? i only have 1 fish atm..and 3 i was thinkin id buy most of my corals first, then the fishes later reasoning for this is simply that i dont want to...
  14. d0 thy d3w

    Sad about the $75 rule here at SWF

    im still waitin on their Black and white clowns to be in stock!! cuz i just know if i special ordered one from the lfs it would be 60+ dollars...and of course for the filler to get 75 or w/e i could add sum corals!! woot
  15. d0 thy d3w

    Is It Coral?

    maybe it could be bleached out coraline?? one of my snails recently sat at the top on the tank and bleached his coralin to a pure it just looks ugly...
  16. d0 thy d3w


    thx dood ill let ya know if i need any help
  17. d0 thy d3w

    DIY Refugium help

    i drew out my plans for it on paint, but i cant post it for sum probly use a 4 gallon...and hook it to my 20L much?? around 45-60gallons of water total...oooh
  18. d0 thy d3w

    can i add a dwarf angel?

    i would think the hawk would be fine...but personally id go with a black and white clown
  19. d0 thy d3w

    Algea on glass

    dont forget matches and gasoline!
  20. d0 thy d3w

    DIY Refugium help

    sighn guy..if i was to use a design sumwhat like that..i could reduce the size of the sand/chaeto compartment adn have a seprerate compartment to house my skimmer...true?