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  1. louti

    Lets try this again. What do you think of my fish, video

    look at brooklynella in the disease section. I can't tell from the pics of the clowns, but maybe you can see if it looks like brook.
  2. louti

    Possibility of Maroon Clowns Pairing up?

    How big is mediumish?
  3. louti

    $$$$ live rock $$$$

    That is absurd. I've lived in Dallas, TX, OKC, OK, and Miami, Fl. I've seen any where from $6-9/lb. Also, you can order it for about $4.50/ lb delivered, and they give you a $20 credit toward your next purchase.
  4. louti


    Well, this is just ridiculous
  5. louti

    cracked tank help?

    I cracked the bottom glass of my 120 when I moved it. I had another piece cut to size and siliconed it in over the bottom piece. It's been running for over a year with no issues at all.
  6. louti

    Is this it?!?!?

    Chromis damsels are kinda bluish, more green though. They aren't nearly as aggressive as other damsels.
  7. louti

    Red Sea Tatoo Eel

    wow, that's a sweet looking eel, how big is he?
  8. louti

    Zebra Flounder INFO: NEED HELP!

    Originally Posted by BigTankBigFish never feed freshwater feeders to him, THey introduce disease and have 0 nutritional value to SW fish. My friend got a bad batch of rosy reds from ***** one day and fed to his cichlids, everyone dead 2 days later. def stick to frozen foods. Try...
  9. louti

    Red Sea Tatoo Eel

    can you post a pic of the eel?
  10. louti

    Mixing first batch of saltwater in aquarium

    Originally Posted by TruPerc Why? I do not see an upside to this I assume he's referring to "with sand in it." There would be no point to putting the sand in first, it would just make a mess. BTW, sorry about your team. I would be pissed if my gators suffered those kind of injuries.
  11. louti

    Why age saltwater?

    Thanks BangGuy, I value your input because I have read many of your posts and I know you know what you are talking about. I'm glad I know the reason behind it now.
  12. louti

    Why age saltwater?

    Thanks for the responses. Yeah, I have never had an issue either. I'm kinda just wondering if there's a real reason or if it just gets repeated over and over.
  13. louti


    I feel so smart! P.S. those things are evil. I swam with a school of them in Mexico and they kept biting us. They were intrigued by the underwater camera and kept biting whoever held it on the knuckles.
  14. louti

    Mixing first batch of saltwater in aquarium

    If there's nothing in the tank, it will be fine. However, I would mix the saltwater and then put in the sand and rocks. That way you'll be able to mix it without creating a sandstorm. Also, rinse the sand well before you put it in and it won't cloud your tank as badly.
  15. louti

    Why age saltwater?

    Well, I'm not a new hobbyist, but i figured this would be a good spot for this discussion. I have seen many people on this site talking about aging saltwater at least 24-48 hours. I would like to know why. I know that caustic agents are released and reactions occur when the salt is mixed. But...
  16. louti

    Talk about being insulted

    Not that I don't think you were treated wrong, you obviously were. It kinda seems like you didn't make any effort to contact the owner though. You should have let him know what his employee was doing before trying to destroy his business. The owner may have no idea about the circumstance...
  17. louti

    Questions about non-fish

    I will try. A reef tank is a tank that contains coral. Live rock is rock from the ocean that contains bacteria and other micro-organisms. Corals are live animals that generally feed through photosynthesis as well as filter feeding. A sump is a container, usually a small tank or acrylic box...
  18. louti

    Fish bellyflop in sand??

    It is not a good sign. When fish start "flicking" in the sand like that, something is irritating their skin. It could be ick as stated above.
  19. louti

    What is this fish?

    Yea, the adults definately don't have spots. The juveniles may from what I read. I also can't find juv. pic. But the body shape and lines down the side look like a chub.
  20. louti


    i posted in your other thread. Maybbe a juvenile bermuda chub?