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  1. jp30338

    Sabiki catch ID needed.

    Originally Posted by vince-1961 JP, do you even know what a sabiki rig is? It's a line with small gold hooks used to catch bait. The fish caught on a sabiki go in the live well on the boat. Once it's on the sabiki, it's as good as dead, guaranteed...most likely as bait on my trolling line...
  2. jp30338

    Sabiki catch ID needed.

    Why would you even take a fish fom the wild stick it in your tank without knowing what the hell it is, or its rquirements, quite stupid imo...
  3. jp30338

    Still looking at angels,anyone have a.....

    Try gold flake, scribbled, or personifer angel not too many people have them
  4. jp30338

    Interracial relationships... your thoughts?

    I have dated black women ONLY for the past 13yrs. now, I am white. To me, its a lifestyle difference, and I find that black women are physically and mentally more attractive, than plain ole vanila!!
  5. jp30338

    Cash for clunkers over?

    Originally Posted by zman1 Cash for clunkers over? It's a sad testament. The money borrowed to run the program netted a big win for automakers. Unfortunately, the big winners were foreign again, as in every industry, where two thirds of the automaker's profits end up - Their motherland...
  6. jp30338

    How DO YOU feed your fish?

    I feed my butterfly, wrasse, and tang 2x per day-Pellets for the tang and wrasse, then a blend of stuff for everyone. The butterfly also picks at the rock all day. The puffer and eel, I feed every other day-skipping 1 day, usually silversides and shrimp.
  7. jp30338

    good price for tank?

    There are def. better deals out there... I got a custom 180g with custom stand, lights and return pump for $250.00... The metal halides will need to be replaced in a few months so your looking at another $150.00.
  8. jp30338

    Blackback Butterfly in a 65?

    Yes it is, imo.
  9. jp30338

    Freshwater to Saltwater

    Originally Posted by Flower Umm...isn't that what I just said??? Next time save yourself allot of typing and just add (+1) That way you express you agree with the post...I only mentioned the rock he once had in saltwater..he used in freshwater..that is something I would not have done. But any...
  10. jp30338

    Puffer species in 10 gallon?

    No puffer species should be in a 10g.
  11. jp30338

    It's your decision

    Originally Posted by Flower I am a religious person, so either way I would win. I would stay on the planet...I hate to travel...I don't even travel on vacation.. LOL
  12. jp30338

    Black sand, Powerheads and Magnet Cleaners....

    Originally Posted by Cranberry TY! Did you have powerheads in your tank? Yes, I have 2 Koralia 4's in a 180g. About to add a 3rd!
  13. jp30338

    Black sand, Powerheads and Magnet Cleaners....

    I use Tahitian black moon sand with a mag float. I only get a few grains attached to the mag float when I accidently go below the sand line.
  14. jp30338


    Bush started it, Obama has to mop it up.
  15. jp30338

    Michael Vick Reinstated by NFL

    Originally Posted by reefraff I think what helps Stallworth is he did every thing right after he hit the guy. Based on the facts in the case it wasn't any slam dunk that the family could have gotten 2 cents out of him because the victim did indeed screw up and cause the "wreck". That doesn't...
  16. jp30338

    Michael Vick Reinstated by NFL

    Originally Posted by oscardeuce You want to help mean explain that the next time I tell a family someone they love was killed by a drunk driver? "had an accident"? That "dude" was going home from WORK. Stallworthless was going home from a night of partying. If he was not intoxicated he may...
  17. jp30338

    Sohal Tang Troubles

    Originally Posted by littlej2455 Your probably right. Thanks for the advice! You're the best! What do expect with such a large bioload??? You ARE going to have many problems... Perhaps, you should reconsider your stocking choices.
  18. jp30338

    Sohal Tang Troubles

    It is prolly because you have a 17-18" shark, plus at least the 2 tangs in the pic and god knows what else in a 125g!
  19. jp30338

    Adult Bamboo Shark

    Originally Posted by littlej2455 I am just keeping it for a while for a buddy of mine. he is getting a larger tank soon and it is going into a 300g. Thanks though! Right....And last month you had your shark for over a year...
  20. jp30338

    Obama’s Science Czar Said a Born Baby ‘Will Ultimately Develop Into a Human Being

    Originally Posted by reefraff Think before you post. This isn't a worthy story. If you start clogging the Aquarium with dumb political stories they will end up banning political threads all together. This all that Veni does during the day. Looks up any/everything possible that is against his...