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  1. waterlogged

    How much to feed?

    I bought the freeze dried krill and frozen silversides for anenomes but now give some to shrimp. Probably only big fish would eat these foods.
  2. waterlogged

    How much to feed?

    I sometimes hand feed my shrimp krill or silversides or drop in pellets.
  3. waterlogged

    Saltwater Newbie

    Consider quarantining fish. Ich is an epedimic.
  4. waterlogged

    ich problem..

    Originally Posted by mtronearl sepulatian In my tank i have a snowflake eel, a scopas tang, a juvenille emporor or halfmoon angel, a coral beauty, and a jewell tang. i have some hemit vrabs and other inverts as well as an anenome. i have just recently setup a quarantine tank to treat all the...
  5. waterlogged

    Which hydrometer is best?

    I have a refractometer and a instant ocean hydrometer. My hydrometer works just fine when used correctly.
  6. waterlogged

    finaly got good pics of my 350

    Great tank.
  7. waterlogged

    Filtration questions

    What skimmer do you have now?
  8. waterlogged

    Are these Diatoms in my Sand

    Mine were light brown, not green. Do you use RO water. Tell us about your water changes, what's in the tank, how you feed, etc.
  9. waterlogged

    does anyone have a mimic tang?

    Originally Posted by new-guy my local lfs just got one in im thinking of picking one up just wondered if anyone has one? I have a mimic yellow tang. He is active and peaceful and pretty.
  10. waterlogged

    Impulse BUy:Powder Brown tang

    You put the tank in hypo but you said the fish was nipping at rocks. Is there live rock in the tank?
  11. waterlogged

    How many fish and inverts together?

    Are you going to quarantine any of them?
  12. waterlogged

    RO system

    You can get a RO/DI for $100.00.
  13. waterlogged

    Might this be Ich?

    I seen a copperband today at LFS that has lymphocytis and the white spots were a little larger and more obvious but not looking like cauliflower yet.
  14. waterlogged

    Might this be Ich?

    It seems to me that when ich starts it is so unnoticeable that I can only see it when fish turns at certain angles and thats when I see it on tail or side fins. Tiny like a spec of dust.
  15. waterlogged

    Might this be Ich?

    I always spotted ich first on the tail fin or side fins. Can you get a picture and then Sep or one of the mods will help you. They will ask you if the spots are flat and smooth.
  16. waterlogged

    will the emporer400 suffice?

    Very nice tank, Steve24.
  17. waterlogged

    What should be tested?

    Thanks Sep.
  18. waterlogged

    What should be tested?

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Phosphates and iodine, but that is about all in your tank. BTW, I have the same kind of tank and don't test for either. Phosphates show when they are an issue. You would get cayno or diatoms again. Lack of iodine would only be an issue if you don't do water...
  19. waterlogged

    What should be tested?

    I have a fish, invert, live rock tank.(no corals) I test for: ammonia nitrites nitrates alkalinity ph temp. salinity Am I missing anything?
  20. waterlogged

    Flame Angel - Yes or No ??

    Originally Posted by r2odie I have a 240 mixed reef with alot of zoos, soft corals, and some sps frags. I would like a flame angel but have heard many different opinions, pros & cons, and I know it actually depends on the individual fish, but.............should I or shouldn't I?? If you roll...