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  1. radge69

    Springeri Dottyback

    No, LFS had it for about a month. Watched it for that time period before we bought it.
  2. radge69

    Springeri Dottyback

    This is my latest addition. I've read they are reef safe, eat pretty much anything offered, and are midly aggressive. Anyone have any other info or advice on this fish?
  3. radge69

    Good or bad?

    I have had a recent explosion of little snails in my tank. They seem to have a white shell with brown stripes. I see them during the day, but looking at night is when I see the most of them out and about. I have turbos, margaritas, astreas, and some nassarius (sp?) snails in the tank and...
  4. radge69

    Is this normal with Damsels?

    My two perc clowns swim sideways at the surface of the tank while sleeping at night. After I turn the lights on it takes them a few minutes to wake up. They have always done this. It's normal, don't worry about it.
  5. radge69

    Glass Cleaner?

    Snails. Turbo, astrea, and margarita just to name a few. You'll still have to clean the glass some, but not nearly as much if you have a decent amount of snails in there.
  6. radge69

    Does anyone else have problems with their snails falling?

    margarita snails fall off the glass a lot also. They can't flip themselves over either.
  7. radge69

    helping my DSB

    nassarius snails are a great addition for your tank and DSB. Excellent at clean up duties, and will help stir the sand a bit. Mine all bury themselves just under the top of the sand, and then when food hits the sand they are up and out roaming around. One of my favorite snails in the tank.
  8. radge69

    copper in B-Ionic?

    That's the answer I was looking for. I discovered this a few weeks ago and have been thinking about it since. I couldn't really come up with a reason as to why it would be in there. I know plenty of people that use it with no ill effects, so I haven't stopped using it. Just wanted to see if...
  9. radge69

    What's the BEST salt available?

    To reply to the reef crystal question. Reef crystal salt seems to work well, corals responded positive to it from the switch form Instant Ocean, but it takes over twice the time to mix compared to Instant Ocean. This is just the findings of myself and a friend. He now uses Reef Crystals, I've...
  10. radge69

    copper in B-Ionic?

    I was under the impression that any copper is very bad news for a reef tank, but if you look on a bottle of B-Ionic it contains copper. Is there a certain copper that doesn't hurt invertabrates and such?
  11. radge69

    Yellow tail blue damsels

    Anyone have an opinion on them? The wife likes the look of them and wants to have one in the tank. I've read that they are one of the least aggressive of the damsels, but still have some aggression to them. Would be in a tank with mostly passive fish except for a yellow tang that will be...
  12. radge69

    Fox Coral

    Jameserq, you have a point there. I didn't think of a situation like that and wanting to go in and make adjustments to what you posted before. My thinking was as someone else said if you leave the thread open eventually it'll get off topic. Eitherway there could be a problem. We'll let the...
  13. radge69

    Fox Coral

    I also think moving the thread into another section after a week is a good idea. I don't really think we should leave the thread open after it is moved. A week's worth of comments and pictures of a certain coral is plenty. It would also be quite a bit of info for those looking for answers on...
  14. radge69

    Emergency help

    I would suggest another smaller water change tomorrow, say about 10%. Plan on doing a few more 10% changes every 3 days or so.
  15. radge69

    Live rock

    travis - my lfs has some LR that is all white looking also. Bought some for the 55 I just setup. More life has come out of those rocks then the LR that I bought that looked great. I have all kinds of corals popping up out of nowhere on those rocks versus the ones I bought that had all kinds...
  16. radge69

    Coral of the Week?

    What ever happened to the coral of the week idea? I don't remember who came up with the idea, but I only remember seeing it that one time. I think we could all benifit from something like this. It would also be interesting to see the pics or hear others experience with different corals.
  17. radge69


    Had a CBS, after about 2 months he started going after fish. Could watch him at night try and sneek attach our fish. During the day he was always jumping at them trying to catch them. He also wiped out 6 peppermint shrimp. Needless to say he went back to the LFS.
  18. radge69

    NE 1 ever use those coral stimulants, and accelerators, such, like Black Powder???

    I was wondering the same thing. LFS just got some of the black powder stuff in. I had never seen it before.
  19. radge69

    Yellow tang last?

  20. radge69

    False perc clown & skunk clown?

    I know you aren't suppose to mix different types of clowns together, but would adding a pink skunk clown in with 2 existing false perc clowns work? The percs and the skunk clown don't look similar at all in my opinion. Any ever try this? The reason for asking is the LFS has a skunk clown that...