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  1. shrimpi

    Wanting to start a small reef tank

    A PC light like the one you posted will support 'softies'... which works out great because they are commonly referred to as beginner corals, but dont let this fool you, they can be very pretty! No anemone for now, once you learn a bit more, and your tank is 6 months old or so.. we will talk...
  2. shrimpi

    flakes and frozen food or just frozen?

    Originally Posted by canareef I feed frozen I thaw it out and discard the water they have it in and then feed it to my fish. The odd time I soak the food in garlic I also chop Krill up and soak it in garlic and feed that every once and while to change it up. +1 the more variety the better. Buy...
  3. shrimpi

    Michael...Flricordia, after seeing yours I got one for my tank, thanks!

    beautiful! was it from a local shop? how big is it? are you worried about melting? Ive heard alot of people having thier pink/red yumas disentegrate or melt away after a few weeks. Very nice! Jess
  4. shrimpi

    Am I Cycled?

    your tank is in better condition than the average new tank because you used materials from another tank. However! I have seen many times people with clean parameters go out and buy coral, fish, inverts and stock their tank, only to have a crash 1-2 weeks later. Your tank may be 'stable' right...
  5. shrimpi

    Saltwater books...

    I think the fenner book is great but I wouldnt pass up one of the more basic books that just give you a straight run down of some guidelines. The saltwater for dummies is an excellent guide. Good Luck Jessica
  6. shrimpi

    Brine Shrimp

    Brine is like rice cakes ... but it does stimulate the appetite if you have a picky fish. Start with brine then mix other foods in to trick them into eating better foods. I dont care if people disagree with me... but flake food sucks. no further explanation needed. Buy raw seafood from your...
  7. shrimpi

    Do I have enough light for an anemone???

    I think you will be fine then with a BTA. Just use your judgement (not your impatience like most of us lol) and buy the anemone when your tank is stable and ready. Also, dont settle for the first anemone you find. Half the battle is finding a healthy, or semi healthy anemone at your LFS. Most of...
  8. shrimpi

    My anemone is flaccid

  9. shrimpi


    if looking for a non-mover... you can always get a rock anemone or tube anemone. Otherwise, In my experience, LTAs dont move as much (sand dwellers) but they are also considered a little higher on the scale of difficulty so I wouldnt recommend one for a beginner. Good Luck Jess
  10. shrimpi

    pom pom crab?

    Originally Posted by SpiderWoman I've got a total of 5 of them. 2 in a nano, 2 in a 75g reef and 1 in a 150g reef. They are fun to watch and a while back I got some *action* shots of the pair in the nano I wanna see the action
  11. shrimpi

    My anemone is flaccid

    The first step to obtaining advice and information in an area such as anemones is for you to provide: Age and size of tank inhabitants filtration parameters lighting how long you have had the anemone what kind of anemone is the clown bigger than the anemone and a picture always helps Its really...
  12. shrimpi

    Do I have enough light for an anemone???

    you could get a smaller BTA, but just remember the BTA has to be big enough to withstand the beating from the clowns. If you buy one too small it will get irritated to death by your clowns. Also, how old is your tank? Jess
  13. shrimpi

    pom pom crab?

    I love mine. They are very shy though, so hopefully you will get to see yours because you only have a 12g. I would definitley recommend this invert (or even two of them) because they have great personality!! Heres mine Jess and some action shots
  14. shrimpi

    bought a starving mandarin yesterday

    I think he is going to be ok it seems like you are willing to do whatever necessary to help him, unlike a lot of people that treat them like ornaments. Also, the target species (the one you have) is known to do better with prepared foods as opposed to the psychedelic species. Keep us posted Jess
  15. shrimpi

    bought a starving mandarin yesterday

    buy some brine shrimp and feed them before offering them to the mandarin (kinda like gut loading). This isnt a permanent solution, but it will get the mandarin interested in food again. Keep feeding him and then start to mix in some frozen brine to his food. Eventually you can mix other things...
  16. shrimpi

    the start of a 12gal nano cube DX

    Originally Posted by Mr.clownfish i started a nano cube a couple days ago and i got live sand, live rock. i love the rocks i got, they are all purple and are infested with copepods and amphipods. I hope they dont die when my tank starts to cycle. i will have pics later, when? i dont know...
  17. shrimpi

    Everything I get is PINK!!!

    get some blue mushrooms , green candycane, maybe a nice green/pink frogspawn, throw a sun coral in there (yellow) and you will be good to go. All depending on your tank and lighting set up of course :) Jess
  18. shrimpi

    MH Watts for 215g?

    with a tank of that depth I would definitely get the 400w just to make sure you get good penetration for the corals on the sandbed. Good Luck Jess
  19. shrimpi

    hosting tricks

    also keep in mind that certain clowns will naturally host certain anemones. The percs for instance, are more likely to host an LTA than a BTA by nature, but thats not to say that they WONT host the BTA. Good Luck Jess
  20. shrimpi

    Would like to add Aneneme

    First. How old is your tank. Second. Have you done any research about anemones yet? Im assuming not. Not all anemones are sand dwellers... really most of the ones you will find in the trade will likely attach to your rockwork or glass. Anemones move when they are unhappy with thier...