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  1. burnnspy

    Coraline Algae Die off

    You didn't mention the second most important factor in coraline algae survival, Alkalinity. BurnNSpy
  2. burnnspy

    reef tanks

    Check out my website in the Reef Basics page, it details what I recommend for a simple and cost effective reef setup. BurnNSpy
  3. burnnspy

    Nitrate problems Help!!

    jwtrojan44 has the most valid suggestions, IMHO. An unused UGF is not a problem and may help reduce nitrates. Air trapped in a plenum will not become toxic gas! CC needs to be vacuumed weekly to help prevent nitrate buildup, I recommend just doing the top 1". 2" of gravel is not enough to...
  4. burnnspy

    flat worms

    Have you tried turning the lights off for a few days? A freshwater dip is the only guarentee BTW. BurnNSpy
  5. burnnspy

    Rain Water

    Rain water may contain organic toxins. BurnNSpy
  6. burnnspy

    Building a tank base

    Yes, I am buildin a stand from scratch for my 125gal. 1. Top frame = 2pcs 2"x4" length of the tank 2. Use 4pcs 2"x4" 14 inches long as crossbeams 1. Bottom frame is identical to the top frame. 1. Use 8pcs 2"x4" 24-30" high as legs to connect the top and bottom frames 2. Make sure the top frame...
  7. burnnspy

    Should I buy an anchor coral?

    Go for it. I'll be moving to Newport tomorrow and starting my 125gal setup. BurnNSpy
  8. burnnspy

    Marine Bio-Booster?

    I never heard of nitrates reduction in a bottle. What is your gravel setup and what filtration do you have? I recommend a natural nitrate reduction process with a good gravel bed. Keep the wheel in the trash, as you have noticed the corals are healthier w/o it. If your canister has any...
  9. burnnspy


    There is nothing to agree with. The BB has rules and policies that are to be adhered to and it is my responsibility as a moderator to make that happen. BurnNSpy
  10. burnnspy

    BurnN Spy -sallyann not reef safe?

    Because they will prey on other inhabitants of a reef tank. BurnNSpy
  11. burnnspy

    future sps tank

    What Adrian stated is why my point is. Clams may be kept in suboptimal conditions; Human can survive on bread, candy and water, but is that the way to keep a captive reef? My suggestions are based on known optimal conditions not mediocre(sp) conditions. BurnNSpy
  12. burnnspy

    Diatom bloom?

    My scarlet hermits and brittle star took care of mine. BurnNSpy
  13. burnnspy

    future sps tank

    Everything I and clam farmers know about clams disagrees with your Crocea statement. I believe you mistake Deresa clams for Croceas. BurnNSpy
  14. burnnspy

    Reef Test Kit- need advice

    Calcium being the most important test and Salifert being the most recommended kit. Im flexible with my other kits. BurnNSpy
  15. burnnspy

    future sps tank

    I disagree, You would be better off with 250watt MH for both the clams and SPS corals. BTW Crocea clams are the most light demanding clams of all, hardest to maintain and the most expensive. BurnNSpy
  16. burnnspy

    cleanup crew ?

    The blue legged hermits will fight your snails and win. I do not recommend sallylightfoot crabs, they are not reef safe BTW. BurnNSpy
  17. burnnspy

    metal halide pendant

    I noticed that you do not adhere to warnings given to you by board moderators... "Hello, Yostrat. I see you are new so let me share with you that does not want its members exchanging info regarding where to buy products on its BB. You can however, discuss brands, but not where...
  18. burnnspy

    feeding reef tank

    I use Kent Turbo Calcium, Kalkwasser and Aragamilk for additives. I use Brine shrimp and Marine Snow for food. BurnNSpy
  19. burnnspy

    High Nitrates

    Your gravel sounds fine too me, how deep is it, how big is your tank and how often do you feed the fish? Aragonite is cushed coral, but when reef keepers refer to CC they usually mean the large diameter CC with shells and junk. BurnNSpy
  20. burnnspy

    bio wheels

    Simple biofiltration fact is that all aerobic filters have nitrates as an end product. The amount of nitrate generation is directly related to tank nutrient input(food) and nutrient output(denitrification into Nitrogen or water changes). BurnNSpy