Im going to call upon the infinite wisdom of Mattiej on this one. If you really want to keep sharks, decide through active research which one you want to keep, then build the system around the animal- not the other way around. Just a thought.
Sorry, all my stuff is down now and in storage. I didnt take any pics when it was running. I was too busy using memory for the inhabitants!!!:D
Tony is a good man, he will help you out.
Yeah, I was still interested in a 10x5 or 10x4 to replace the 980. A buddy just bought a 8x3, and all I have now is my 55! I feeling a little "ill equipped" so to speak.:D
What are you talking about? A 45 with a 72x24x24? Remember, Im on your side trying to talk him out of it also.
I understand that water volume and footprint are important. Youre preaching to the choir. Ive been involved with these animals for close to 8 years. Ive bred rays and sharks...
I would run a small wet/dry on there to keep up for rock die-off and when the fish grow. At least a couple of large canister filters. The list seems really good though.
Cincy- Youre alive!:D
I think you need to go to the LFS and measure a standard 150, 125 and 180. The difference between a 125 and 180 is only 6 inches of width, while the changes between a 150 and 180 are much different. Its not the volume of water with these animals, its the footprint of the tank. Height is...
She not in anything anymore!!! I had to get rid of her, her brother, the pair of rays and the lion when my tank sprung a leak. She was in a 125 with a roomy 980 waiting for her.